
Lovingly In Love

"Why do you always create stories that end happily? Are you blind, hypocritical, or a woman living in a high-walled palace who can't see the suffering around you? Don't you think you've exaggerated the meaning of the word 'love'?" - Aron Henderson ***** "Do you know what your problem is? You lack patience. Be patient! Let love come to you and bring you happiness." - Juliet

violetpayne · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 6

Breakfast passed like the day before, with no meaningful conversation. And as usual, Aron remained the only person silent at the dining table.

After eating, Aron was accompanied by Carter as they headed straight to his room to discuss some documents Carter would be taking to the office that day. Aleeza had intended to join Aron, but he chased her away. Finally, Aleeza chose to join Keiran, Ines, and Tyrell who were sitting leisurely in the garden beside the house.

"Aren't you going to the office today?" Aleeza asked Keiran and Tyrell as soon as she sat down.

"In three days, we have an important meeting. Right now, the office is busy preparing for that meeting," Tyrell explained.

Aleeza frowned at Tyrell's answer. "Does this meeting involve every department? Why does the preparation take so long?"

Keiran smiled significantly, "Of course, because it concerns the future of the Henderson Group."

Aleeza was genuinely curious, but she tried hard to hide it. "Oh, so Aron will also attend the meeting?" she quickly added, "I hope the meeting takes the whole day, so I don't have to see Aron's face for the day."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Aleeza," Tyrell said, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "But Aron won't be attending the meeting. And make sure the news about the big meeting at the Henderson Group doesn't reach Aron."

Aleeza was taken aback, but quickly regained her composure. She put on a sad face. "How annoying. I thought I would have a day off." She still had many questions, but it seemed enough for now.

"It seems you're really suffering with Aron," Tyrell looked at Aleeza with sympathy.

"Just ask them if you want to know what he did to me this morning," Aleeza nodded her chin in Keiran and Ines's direction.

"Let it go, don't dwell on it. I've prepared a floor mattress for you," Ines said.

Aleeza pouted. "After one problem is solved, he'll surely create another one for me."

"That's the risk," Keiran affirmed. "Aron will surely do his best to make you suffer, so you'll ask for a divorce."

"In just two days, he's already made my life feel like hell. That's why I won't give up until I achieve my goal."

"That's very good. Don't let Aron laugh loudly and look down on you even more," Tyrell clenched his fist to encourage Aleeza.

"I won't let him do that to me," Aleeza declared with determination.

Just a few second after Aleeza's words, Ines kicked Aleeza's leg under the table. Aleeza immediately turned to look at Ines with a questioning gaze. With her eyes, Ines signaled for Aleeza to look towards the entrance to the garden, which was only a few meters away from where they were sitting.

Aleeza turned and found Aron standing there. She glanced at Keiran and Tyrell, who pretended to be busy. Aleeza's gaze shifted back to Ines, who still looked at her with sympathy.

"How long has he been there?" Aleeza whispered.

"It seems like just now. But I think he heard you when you said, 'my life feels like hell'," Ines replied.

Aleeza bit her lip. "Oh dear, he'll probably make my life worse than hell after this. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't sure at first," Ines defended herself.

"Enough, stop it! Go find your husband, quickly!" Keiran glared at Aleeza.

"I don't want to," Aleeza replied stubbornly, like a mischievous child.

"If you don't go there, I'll drag you there myself," Keiran started to get annoyed.

Aleeza stared at Keiran with pouting lips, but then stood up. She approached Aron with a smile. "Are you done with Carter?"

Aron didn't turn towards Aleeza at all. His gaze was fixed on Keiran and Tyrell. "Aren't you going to the office?" Aron asked coldly.

"Oh, y-yes," Tyrell stammered.

"We have a meeting outside the office in an hour," Keiran quickly explained.

"Meeting with whom?" Aron inquired.

"With the project manager for the new Mall construction," Keiran answered truthfully. However, she didn't mention to Aron that the meeting had been postponed until after the meeting was over.

After making sure Keiran's words were not fabricated, Aron handed a piece of paper to Aleeza without looking. "Find me those books! I'll be waiting in the room."

After that, Aron left Aleeza, who was still reading the paper, feeling dejected.

Aleeza struggled with her tired arms as she had to carry ten thick encyclopedias requested by Aron. During the journey from the library to Aron's room, she kept complaining to herself.

Once in front of the room, Aleeza was already panting. She kicked the door and shouted to Aron.

Not long after, the bedroom door opened. Aron, who was sitting calmly in front of the door, tried to hold back a smile as he looked at Aleeza, who was flushed with sweat and irritation.

"Back off, or I'll drop these books on your head!" Aleeza didn't want to pretend to be sweet after Aron made her sweat and mess like this.

Aron squinted disapprovingly at Aleeza's stern tone. "Do you dare to order me?"

"How could I dare?" But Aleeza's tone sounded scornful.

Aron wanted to confront Aleeza a little longer, but seeing her struggling face, he felt sorry. Eventually, he stepped back and let Aleeza pass.

Once she passed him, Aron closed the door again. Unlike Aleeza, who liked to lock the door, Aron never did, as it would make it easier if he needed Carter or a servant.

Aleeza roughly dumped the stack of thick encyclopedias onto Aron's spacious worktable, then threw herself onto the bed.

"I-" Aleeza paused for a moment, "-won't accept being treated like this. You have to make it up with a kiss." Aleeza pointed at Aron.

Aron sighed in annoyance, but he couldn't deny that his heart was pounding at the thought of kissing Aleeza. "Always coming back to lewd matters," Aron commented while sorting through the encyclopedias on his desk.

Aleeza suddenly sat up with a gleaming face. "Does that mean yes?"

"I didn't say yes," Aron replied flatly.

"But you didn't refuse either," Aleeza persisted.

"No, I'm refusing now."

Aleeza glared at Aron in annoyance. "You're a bad and annoying, Aron."

"You're a slut, hypocrite, and a liar," Aron retorted sharply.

"I'm not lying."

"By saying that, you're already lying."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Aron stopped his activity and turned to Aleeza. "You talk to them as if I'm torturing you here. Isn't that lying?"

"You ARE torturing me," Aleeza placed her hand on her chest. "Mentally torturing me. You always use harsh words and don't provide for me. That's a very cruel form of abuse towards a wife."

Aron fell silent for a while, then burst into laughter. Not a loud one, just a small laugh because he found Aleeza's words amusing.

Aleeza was mesmerized by Aron's laughter. His face lit up, becoming even more charming. Aleeza didn't even realize her open mouth and the soft gaze she directed at Aron. Her cheeks were pressed against the back of her hand, in the position of someone signaling to sleep.

"My husband is very handsome," Aleeza murmured. "I truly don't regret the fate that brought us together."

Aleeza's murmuring thought brought Aron back to reality. He coughed awkwardly and quickly shifted his gaze back to the encyclopedias in front of him.

"Um, remind me to get a credit card in your name once Carter is back," Aron said.

Aleeza was surprised. She hadn't been serious about financial support. Aleeza could still cover her own expenses. "Are you really going to provide for me?"

"No matter how bad our relationship is, you are still my wife. So, it's my duty to provide for you," Aron explained.

"Even though I was paid by your stepfamily to go against you?" Aleeza asked incredulously.

Aron paused his activities and turned to Aleeza. "You are my wife, legally and religiously. No matter how much I want to torment you, I will still try to fulfill my duty as a husband."

If Aleeza hadn't already loved Aron, she would have fallen for him after hearing his words. Fortunately for Aleeza, she had already falling for Aron when she read that simple letter from him.

Aleeza quickly got off the bed and approached Aron, then hugged him. "My husband sounds very sweet."

Aron was nervous but allowed Aleeza to continue hugging him. For some reason, Aron's heart asked him to trust the woman.

After satisfying her hug, Aleeza pulled back, but her arms were still around Aron's neck. "Where's my kiss?" Aleeza pouted playfully.

Aron had to look up because Aleeza was standing in front of him. "Hurry up before I change my mind."

"Really?" Aleeza didn't believe Aron would say that.

"I changed my mind."

Aleeza quickly lowered her head to connect their lips. She deliberately remained silent, waiting for Aron's reaction. Her waiting wasn't long as Aron's lips began to move. Soft and warm. Exploring the entire surface of Aleeza's lips without missing a spot. However, when Aleeza's lips parted, Aron released their kiss.

Slowly, Aron also released Aleeza's embrace around his neck, then focused his gazed on the books on his desk. He didn't want Aleeza to see his face, which was surely as red as a boiled shrimp, especially when his heart was pounding wildly like it was now.

"You've got what you wanted. Now, let me work," Aron said.

Aleeza wasn't disappointed at all that Aron didn't deepen their kiss. She was already happy that Aron had responded to her kiss this time. "I won't disturb you. I'll just lie down on the bed. Besides, there's nothing I can do outside," Aleeza said as she walked back to the bed and lay down.

"You can meet Ines and continue your gossip. I'm sure you have a new lie to tell her."

"But I haven't thought of another story yet." Suddenly, Aleeza giggled with amusement. "It seems I'm good at making things up. Maybe if I become a writer, my work will be popular in an instant."

Once again, Aron snorted but didn't comment. Now he was immersed in his reading.

Aleeza could only read two pages because suddenly her conversation with Tyrell and Keiran disturbed her thoughts. "Aron, don't you ever go to the company?"

"What's the matter?" Aron asked without looking at Aleeza.

"I always see you working from home while Carter, Keiran, and Tyrell go back and forth to the office."

"You've answered your own question."

Aleeza felt annoyed, but she controlled herself. "Okay, you never go to the company. So, do you leave all the work matters to Carter?"

"Hmm," Aron only cleared his throat in response.

"What if there's an important meeting that requires your presence?"

"Carter will inform me."

"And will you attend it, even in your current condition?"

"There's nothing unusual about my condition."

Aleeza fell silent. If the meeting Tyrell and Keiran mentioned was indeed related to the future of the Henderson Group, there was no way Carter didn't know about it. After all, he was given full responsibility by Aron. Everything happening in the company had to wait for his approval. And he himself had to wait for Aron's approval. If so, why hadn't Carter said anything about the meeting to Aron?

Suddenly, a bad thought crossed Aleeza's mind. She clenched her fingers together as she thought about how to dig information from Aron.

"Aron, have you known Carter for a long time?"

"Since junior high school."

It made sense why Aron trusted Carter so much, thought Aleeza.

"Have you ever-" Aleeza was unsure how to phrase it. "Have you ever had an argument, maybe?"

Aron looked up and stared at Aleeza sharply. "Why are you asking that?"

"I'm just curious because you seem closer than siblings. I also have friends. But sometimes, we have disagreements. Not only that, even though I love my brothers and sisters, we often argue. So, I'm curious about you two."

Aron seemed to be lost in though, remembering his time with Carter. Unconsciously, he smiled. "We've never argued. Maybe because we understand each other."

Aron's smile this time made Aleeza's heart ache. She shook her head to stop her bad thoughts.

"Why are you shaking your head like that?" Aron asked in confusion.

"Oh, that. Your smile is mesmerizing," Aleeza said playfully to change the subject.

"When did I smile?" Aron's face began to feel hot with embarrassment.

"Just now."

"You should get your eyes checked soon. Maybe you're already nearsighted."

Aleeza giggled upon hearing Aron's words. "How could I be nearsighted? I can still clearly see your blushing face like a girl."

In his heart, Aron cursed his face for blushing so easily when he was embarrassed. "Whatever you say."

Aleeza wanted to laugh out loud, but she restrained herself so that her laughter wouldn't be heard from outside the room. While Aleeza was still laughing, her phone buzzed, indicating a message had arrived. She took her phone out of her pocket and read the message.

"Darling, can I go out today?" Aleeza asked after Aron took his medicine.

"No need to use such disgusting sweet talk. I've never forbidden you from leaving the house," Aron replied.

Aleeza pouted. "But I wanted you to forbid me."

Aron looked at Aleeza with a puzzled expression. "You're really strange."

"I like overprotective men. It shows that you care about me and love me deeply."

Aron snorted. "I don't care about you at all."

"What if I don't come back?"

"I'd be the happiest person in this house," Aron responded nonchalantly.

Perhaps Aron's words were true. Aleeza couldn't expect much from their short time together.

"You're such a bad husband," Aleeza commented in response to Aron's words.

Aleeza left the room with a tray. A few moments later, she returned to the room to get ready to go to the orphanage.

Aron, who appeared busy at his desk, occasionally stole glances at Aleeza as she applied light makeup. Aron hadn't been joking when he said he'd be the happiest if Aleeza didn't come back. But maybe that was only for a week or two. In reality, Aron felt that Aleeza's presence could liven up his otherwise quiet days.

Aron had Carter, the one person he considered closest to him. But after Aleeza's arrival, Aron felt that his relationship with Carter wasn't as close as before.

Even though he and Aleeza argued and teased each other more often, he felt freer and more relaxed around her. Unlike with Carter, where they had never disagreed, their relaitonship was always harmonious. But still, with Aleeza, Aron felt liberated and unburdened.

"What time will you be back?" Aron asked, pretending to be engrossed in his reading.

"I don't know," Aleeza replied with a wide smile. "Are you starting to worry about me?"

"I just don't want to be blamed if something bad happens to you."

"Ah, how sweet, my husband."

Aron looked at Aleeza in annoyance. "You always say I'm sweet. Do you think I'm a sugar?"

"You are sweeter than sugar and more delicious than chocolate," Aleeza said, tracing her tongue over her lips.

Aron chuckled softly, then cleared his throat when he realized his mistake. For some reason, he found himself smiling easily when he was in front of Aleeza.

"Don't hold back your smiles and laughter like that. I really like it," Aleeza grinned, watching Aron become increasingly embarrassed.

"By the way, how are you getting there?" Aron changed the subject.

"I'll take a taxi."

Aron took his car keys from the drawer on his desk. "Use my car, and for now, you can use my credit card."

Aleeza immediately stood up and approaced Aron's desk. "Do you trust me enough to use these things?" She asked, touched.

"Just use them. I rarely use them anyway."

"No wonder all your clothes are old. Next time, we should go shopping," Aleeza said cheerfully as she took Aron's credit card and car keys.

Then, suddenly, Aleeza gave Aron a quick peck on the lips. Before Aron could comment, she had already moved away with a wide smile. She grabbed her bag, which she had prepared on the bed, and walked to the door, swiping the credit card.

"Um, Aleeza."

Aleeza stopped her movement of opening the door upon Aron's call. She turned around and waited for what the man had to say.

"Be careful on the road, and... don't come back late," Aron said.

Aleeza's smile widened at Aron's words. "Of course, my husband," she replied with a radiant face.

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