
Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Can she melt the ice in Northendell... and his heart? Arielle is the forgotten princess of the Nieverdell, a country blessed with the warm sun all year round. She was sacrificed by her family to become the prisoner of the Northendell Kingdom because of the sins of her brother, the crown prince. In the kingdom covered by eternal ice, Arielle met King Ronan D. Blackthorn, a man full of mystery. King Ronan was cursed. On a full moon, he would lose his human side and turn into a werewolf. Weirdly enough, ever since Arielle stepped into his life, he could slowly control his animal instincts. But great power came with its own consequences. Arielle and Ronan were faced with a difficult choice: Lift his curse or lose Arielle forever.

Gigi_Saga · แฟนตาซี
801 Chs

Arielle's Experiment

Arielle's eyes met her rabbits who were watching her with interest. 

"If my hand burns, I'll tell them that I accidentally fell into the fireplace," said Arielle after convincing herself that it was the most reasonable reason if her hand hurt later.

Arielle slowly extended her hand. As her hand was in front of the fire, she pulled it back in horror. 

"What if I didn't actually touch the fire at that time?" asked Arielle, trying to convince herself that there was no way her body was immune to fire.

Arielle could still feel the warmth that the fireplace exuded. 

"I have to find something..."

Arielle went around her room looking for something to burn first. She opened her drawer and found a small candle in it. The girl then lit the wick. 

"Okay, now I'm going to touch the wick. if I don't feel the heat, I'll try to touch the fireplace."

Arielle took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Here we go."