
Loving Mr. Rivers

After being away from Longthrow for three years due to her ex-boyfriend's betrayal, Laurynn returns to the town for a new job at a prestigious company. Little does she know that the CEO of the company is someone who knows her from her past and has a keen interest in her. As Laurynn tries to navigate her professional life, her ex-boyfriend discovers her return and claims he wants her back. To add to the complexity, a male colleague at the company also becomes captivated by Laurynn. Caught in a web of past and present connections, Laurynn must confront her emotions and make choices that will shape her future. The plot takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that Damien has been keeping a secret from her all this time. Will she be able to find love and happiness amidst the swirling dynamics of her personal and professional life? Tune in to this intriguing story to find out!"

Misheekoh_writes · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


Laurynn's POV

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I decided to move back to the very place that

has scarred me for life, but I'm determined to try and let go of the past so I can attract the opportunities I deserve.

Now, as I sit in a pile of boxes in my new apartment, I feel like I'm suffocating and a voice at the back of my head advises me to run back.

Rose` got the apartment ready for me before I got here . She said it was her way of welcoming me back to Longthrow. She was my closest friend and before the incident and we were practically inseparable.

I lived in Longthrow all through college till the incident, after which I was forced to go home and try to heal.

Worst decision I made. My mother put me through everything except healing, so I was forced to find a small apartment to stay in. Now three years after, I'm here again.

 My phone rings pulling me out of my reverie. It's Rose`. She's at work like she said she would be, and I can practically hear the chaos going on in the background.

She works at Le` Exquisite`, a famous restaurant downtown.

 "How do you like it. I'm sorry I wasn't there to welcome you." She says and I smile.

"It's fine Rose`. What you did with the apartment, It's beautiful. I love it" I tell her but I doubt she hears me, as something makes a sound in the background. Probably a tray.

"I'll see you in a few hours. Love you" she says as she makes a kissing sound and the call ends. I sigh, dropping my phone. For a year before I returned, I kept sending out my resume` and applying for jobs, hoping I'd finally get called in for an interview. I'd applied to Darshae as a last resort and with zero hope. What were the odds that a multi-billion making company like Darshae would recruit me? Yes, my self-esteem was that low.

I'd been binge-watching my favorite show 'The Vampire Diaries' when the email came in. They wanted an interview with me.

Eventually, I got the job and of course Rose` was ecstatic when she heard and so was I, but it was really a bitter-sweet feeling. The thought of returning to Longthrow hadn't been something I'd planned.

Forcing myself up, I get to arranging things and keeping them where they should be. The kitchen is filled with cooking utensils to my surprise, and stuck to one of the cabinets is a note from Rose`.

'To hoping you learn to cook this year' it reads and I laugh. I can't cook to save my life, and she is fully aware. The last time I tried, I ended up with a partly burnt apron, and we had burnt lasagna for dinner. 

My diet consists of takeouts, and my mom constantly implies that I won't live long as a result of it.


I stretch as I stare at the result. I've been cleaning and setting up things for the past two hours. I didn't return with much because I barely had stuff in my previous apartment. It is mostly cleaning that took up most of my time as I like to have everywhere clean and shiny.

The doorbell rings, and when I peep through the hole on the door, I see a beaming rose`. I open the door, and she quickly pulls me into a hug. 

 "I'm drenched in sweat" I tell her as I try to pull out of her grasp but she ignores me and hugs me tighter. After a while, she releases me and I take her in all of her full glory.

Her black hair is stretched to perfection, and her brown eyes seem to sparkle. We only saw once in the three years I'd been away, and the rest was mainly through video calls. Now seeing her in person, I'm reminded of her jaw-dropping beauty.

 "You look amazing Laurynn!" she gushes before I can compliment her and I roll my eyes, to which she laughs.

"…I'm serious." she continues. There's something different about you, you're more beautiful and you have this feminine aura around you.

"Feminine aura, really Rose`?" I scoff planting my butt on the sofa.

"Your breasts got bigger" she points out and, on that note, I don't disagree with her.

I can remember the exact moment I'd felt my body changing. I was forced to buy new sets of underwear because I had woken up one morning and all of a sudden, I didn't own a single bra or panty that didn't feel like I was being wrapped in cellophane. Rose` congratulates me again on my new job at Darshae.

Apparently, she doesn't feel like I really know what a big deal it is to be an employee at Darshae.

 "I mean do you know how big a shot Darshae is over here, let's not even talk about their cosmetic line, it's so good and expensive and always gets sold out. I hear the CEO is mouthwatering" she goes on and on.

I'd almost forgotten how much Rose` talks when she's excited. Seeing her so excited for me, I can't help but feel loved. Rose` spends another hour at my place before she leaves.

Apparently Longthrow is way different from how I used to know it. That, I noticed once I entered the city. A lot of things have really changed.

 Once Rose` leaves, I head to my bedroom to take a shower. She had painted my room painted a light shade of purple with hopes it would help me embrace my true femininity. I shake my head at the thought, and pull off my clothes, before I step into the bathroom. The cold tiles welcome my bare feet, and as I twist the shower knob, I clear all thoughts from my head. 

I'm not sure exactly how long I spend under the cold shower, but by the time I step out I'm jolted back to reality and coughing my lungs out. I quickly wipe my body dry, and slip into my favorite … my only silk nightdress. Tomorrow morning, I'm expected to be at Darshae` and I can't find words to describe how I feel. One thing's for sure though, I'm nervous. I am nervous as hell.


I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I button my pants. I chose a grey two-piece suit and paired the top with a cream chiffon blouse inside. My dad always said I look good in grey, hopefully I look good enough to make a lasting first impression. I'd also tried my best to pull my curls into a bun. It always proves futile, but I always try nonetheless, and as I stare at myself, I try to convince myself that I look cute.

I pull my eyes away from the mirror before the intrusive thoughts succeed and I end up trying to change the whole outfit.

The last thing I need is to be late on my first day. Grabbing my small bag and the documents I'd been asked to come in with, I head to my car that's parked outside. It's a grey Picanto I named Laila which was my dad's gift to me on my nineteenth birthday five years ago and even though it's old I'm deeply attached.

 I'm also too broke to afford a car right now. The car starts on second try, and I pull out of the driveway. The drive to the company is about fifty minutes, practically an hour from my apartment. It was the closest available apartment she'd been able to find and I'm grateful. Hopefully, in time I'll be able to move to a closer one. 

The huge building comes into sight, and I recognize it immediately. I've googled images of the building since I wasn't able to come check it out in person. I park my car, and once I get to the glass doors, I'm greeted by security who step aside once I show them my Identification card. I had requested it be sent via mail to rose`. Every employee has one, and a surge of pride fills me as they step aside for me.

The receptionist who introduces herself as Leona directs me to the CHRO (chief human resources officer).

I knock twice, and listen till I hear a firm voice directing me to come in.

 "Good afternoon" I greet, as the lady behind the desk motions for me to sit down.

Huge thick-framed glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose, and her hair looks so tight I'd be surprised if she said she wasn't having a headache.

 "You're the newly recruited researcher. Laurynn Ratcher" she says as she goes through my file.

I nod and she gives me a death stare, to which I respond.

 "Yes ma. I am"

"Call me Miss Rita" she says and then motions to the door.

"Welcome to Darshae. Treat your job like you would your child and hopefully you'll last long here. Any fan-girl dreams you may have, I also advice that you squash them" she says. Leona will direct you to your office.

I'm confused as to what she means by 'fan-girl dreams' but I don't ask. Instead, I gently close the door behind me, and walk over to Leona who leads the way to my assigned office.

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