
Loving Madeline

Madeline ”Maddie” Brownwood is a nineteen-year-old college student. Her mother was dead, and her father was unknown to her until one day, a man approached her and told her to come with him to the Divenson Mansion to prepare for her wedding. Hunter Divenson is the handsome and hot engineer and CEO of the Divenson Mining Corporation. He got entangled with his driver’s last dying wish to marry his estranged daughter when his car was hit by a drunk driver. “I’m sorry, Maddie, Mr. Divenson already paid all of our debts, and you know my debts piled up when I accepted you and your mother in this house; you should come with them so that we will be all happy, and you will have a better life.” Her aunt said. Maddie was left with no choice, but to go to the Divenson mansion where she meets her future in-laws, Hunter’s parents were super strict and showed to her face she doesn’t belong to their family, while her future brother-in-law looks at her with lust that made her scared, and his other sister loathes her. Only a twelve-year-old girl, loves and adores her, and carried out her stay at the mansion bearable. The moment she meets Hunter, she falls in love with him. He is so sweet with her every time a member of his family is around, but he is so different when they are alone. “We are only married on the paper since I don’t have time for love, and I can’t love someone like you. Don’t expect if something happens to us in bed; I will love you. I only need an heir of my empire.” He said coldly that making her entire body shiver, and she hated herself for falling in love with him. One day Maddie asked Hunter for a divorce, and her words made him realize he couldn’t let her go because he loves his wife with all his heart. Can Hunter win back his wife’s affection? Is Maddie’s love for Hunter totally gone? Or it was still there and she is just trying to forget and move on? Can she give her husband another chance? -Gold Tier Winner of WFP#35 Female Lead- In-Laws.- (Warning: This novel has mature content in the later part of the story.) ——————————————————————————- Book 2-The Hot Chef and The Wicked Sister Jack Morigan was in love with Madeline, but too bad, she was engaged to Hunter Divenson. Jack made Maddie’s best friend his girlfriend, but deep in his heart, he was still hung up on Maddie. When Gina broke up with him, he knew it was all his fault. Charlotte Divenson was called the wicked sister of Hunter Divenson. She was always envious of her brother because Hunter was the apple of her dad’s eyes and the golden son of her parents. She was known as the wicked brat, but deep inside, she was only a lonely child who wanted recognition from her parents. Charlotte got angry with everyone and shut off the world when her father and younger brother died; she blamed herself and Madeline for their death, and she wanted to hide. Hunter offered Jack a job to make his wife safe, that is, to be the chef cook of his wicked sister Charlotte. Jack yearned to refuse since he hated her, but the money at stake was too high to resist. Her money was running out that she could no longer afford to pay her maids, and her supplies were getting low. She was shocked to find Jack on her doorstep, asking her to take him in since he needed a place to stay. She wanted to say no, but she desperately needed money. They lived together in the same house, bickering with each other, they don’t get along; until one day they could no longer resist the growing attraction between them. Can Jack tame the wicked sister, and leave her and get his money after the contract he signed expired even if he knew he was helplessly falling for Charlotte? What will happen to their love story the moment Charlotte found out the truth that she was only a job for Jack? Are they going to hold on and fight for their love, or they will drift apart with hatred in their hearts?

sirenbeauty · วัยรุ่น
357 Chs

Magnolia Village

Madeline's POV

I reread the note on my hands, and I smiled as I scanned Tony's handwriting. He gave me the letter after I met Gina, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I realized he had written down the name of his sister and her complete address, including the name of the diner. His nephew is Jack, while his niece is named Lianne.

I felt excited since I always wanted to work serving customers because the tip is always a bonus. I hope they will accept me and will allow me to work immediately.

What made me more shocked was when I saw on the last page of his note telling me his sister, Lydia Morigan, would pick me up at the train station.

I happily admired the beautiful scenery that the train passed by, and I have never traveled far away from the city since my mom couldn't afford to have a vacation. When I was in my aunt's house, it became more challenging for me to have leisure because it was when my mother got sick.

It was always my dream to have a beach resort vacation, enjoying the sun's heat and running barefoot on the sand. Gina always invites me to come with her every time they have summer vacation on the beach, but I always decline since I can't afford to waste one day without work.

Now that I am alone and enjoying my freedom, I may enjoy my stay in Magnolia; it feels like I have my first vacation. I don't want to think about Hunter anymore, but it is hard not to think about him because he is the only man I feel this way.

I never knew what love meant until the night I first laid my eyes on him. And I hate myself thinking about the kisses we shared. I wish we met in a different situation wherein he could be mine.

I know I am dreaming too much. Hunter is famous among the most successful people in the business industry in the entire country, while I am just a nobody. The worst part is that I am just simply a debt repayment.

The train passed the last town before my stop, and I felt nervous and thrilled. The moment the train stops at the station of Magnolia, I carry my backpack and disembark the train with new hope that everything will be alright.

Many tourists got off the train, and I felt like I was also a tourist, but I couldn't stop feeling sad thinking I was not a tourist. I am in this place because I run away from the man I love, and I need to start a new life.

"Excuse me, are you Madeline?" A beautiful woman asked before me, and she was undoubtedly Tony's sister because of her undeniable resemblance to his brother.

"Lydia?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Yes, and I am glad to meet you, Madeline." She said while she extended her hand to me.

I was not mistaken; Tony's sister is like him and has a good heart; we only met today, but I can feel it in my core that I like her. It feels like I have known her for a long time, and I can tell she is only younger than Tony by two years.

"Nice to meet you too, Lydia," I replied.

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Madeline, and knowing that my brother personally asked me to hire you, I am excited to work with you. It was unexpected that I would lose some of my employees during this season, but you know, things like that could happen. I didn't expect Tony to find a replacement in an instant, knowing I just texted him last night." She said.

"Well, I need this job," I said.

"He told me you are Frank's daughter, but no offense, I couldn't believe Frank would have a daughter as beautiful as you." She said, and I remember Tony's same statement, and it made me curious why they both said they couldn't believe I was my father's daughter.

"Thank you," I uttered.

"I think we need to go now. You must be starving. I am just glad it is summer; my son and daughter are helping me in the diner, and they will be happy to meet you." Lydia declared, and I smiled as I walked behind her in going to the parking lot.

"Get in, Madeline." She motioned me to get inside her pickup truck, and I quickly opened the passenger's door and sat on the front seat.

Magnolia Village is beautiful, and I fell in love with the place. There are trees on the road's side, and I can see beautiful summer flowers planted on the flower beds at the center of the road.

I saw a beautiful park with beautiful landscaping, and I want to go there one of these days during my day off, and I will read my favorite book under the shade of the tree.

"I am glad you like our place. I don't need to ask you since I can tell by your facial expressions that you love Magnolia." She declared.

"Yes, your place is lovely, and I like it here. Magnolia Village has less traffic and lesser pollution, and it seemed the people are friendlier," I replied.

"Yes, that is why I never leave this place, even though my siblings are already enjoying their life in the city. For me, this is the place where I belong, and I want to stay here until the day I die." She responded as she glanced my way before she returned her attention to the road.

"Well, I know Archois City is lovely, Maddie. Still, it is very chaotic for me, and it seems like I can't keep up with its development. That is why I stayed here, and the diner is my father's legacy to us." Lydia said.

"None of my siblings are interested in running the place except me. So, the ancestral home was left for me by my parents, and by the time I got married, my father passed down the diner to me before he died." She added, and I am happy that Lydia told me about the diner's history where I will work from now on.

"We are here; welcome to "The Magnolia's Friendly Diner.", Madeline." She said as she pulled over in front of the establishment.

"Thank you, Lydia, for accepting me here in your diner," I said. I can't stop admiring the native style of the restaurant, and if I were one of the customers, I would love the place because of its beautiful ambiance.

Trees surrounded the diner, which gives the place fresh air. Flowers blossom in the garden in front of the restaurant.

"You are welcome, Maddie." She replies before she climbs out of the car. Lydia motioned me to follow her using the back door of the restaurant. The moment I get inside, I hear my stomach grumble, and she turns around and smiles at me.

"I know you are hungry, Maddie; sit over there, and I will ask Jack to serve you a meal. If you will excuse me, it seems tourists are coming in big groups, and I need to help them out." Lydia said.

"I hate to ask you to work after you eat your meal. You need to start working right away because we need a hand, but don't worry, and you will start working as one of my employees today." She added with an apologetic look on her face.

"Of course, that is why I am here, Lydia. I am excited to work for you," I replied, and she nodded with a smile before she turned her heels and got inside the kitchen.

After Lydia left, I sat on a chair facing the four-seater table. And I am sure the restaurant staff used this area to eat their meal.

I need to familiarize myself with the menu, but I can wash the plates or help in the kitchen for the time being.

Minutes passed, and when I was about to stand up, I was shocked to find a handsome young man carrying a plate striding toward me.

"Hey, I am the chef. Call me Jack, and welcome to the famous Magnolia's Diner, Madeline." He said with a gorgeous jaw-dropping smile, and if Gina is here with me, I am sure she will be drooling over this guy.

Jack looks so hot even if he is wearing a white chef coat with an apron, and I can tell behind those clothes is a toned body. And he smiles with his eyes, a kind of smile that made me feel warm.

"And this is your meal, Ms. Maddie, and it would be so lovely to work with you." He added, and I smiled at him.

I was not sure how to answer him since his presence made me nervous, maybe because of how his eyes were checking out my entire frame, but not in a scary way.

"Thank you, Jack," I replied, and he gave me another killer smile that made me blush, and I wondered why I felt this way. I know I never have time to meet friends because I am constantly busy finding time to work; maybe I feel this way because I am not so used to being friends with the opposite sex

"You are most welcome. Enjoy your meal, Madeline." He stated.

He turned his heels away from me, and my mouth watered as I looked at the steak on my plate. I groaned in delight after I took a bite; it tasted heavenly.

If I were not only in love with Hunter, I am sure I would be crushing Jack Morigan because he is not only handsome but an excellent cook. After I ate my sumptuous meal, Lydia got back to me, and she gave me a uniform.

"I think it fits you since I believe you are the same size and height as my daughter, Lianne." She declared.

"Change your clothes in the changing room and get back to me, okay?" She instructed.

I feel so happy that at least I have a job, and I will also gain a new family. After I receive my first paycheck, I will buy a phone to call Lily, Tony, and Gina to thank them and inform them I am now okay and on my way to start my new life in Magnolia Village.