
Loving His Cruel Brother

"I do." The couple had accepted the fact that their marriage was a must and they faced it that even after the priest's question, they didn't hesitate to say 'I do' Momentarily, they said their vows to each other as they exchanged rings. The bride took to heart her groom's words as she looked at his face, uttering her vows while the groom avoided her gaze as this wasn't what he wanted from the start. "You may kiss the bride." The statement from the priest shook the groom's world, he had to kiss her? But what could he do about it? He was under a control and it had been that way ever since he existed. He didn't hesitate to draw her veil open only to see tears in his bride's eyes. And without him having feelings for her, he weirdly hated her tears. Applause multiplied when the groom leaned into his bride's level to kiss her. Unknown to everyone, especially the bride that the man standing before her wasn't her groom but a counterfeit! Book cover from canva

Lee_Grace · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs

A sheep between two wolves

Claire's ear was being fed with discomfort as she lie on the bed, she could hear pleas from Julie who had received calls from Claire's parents, telling her to beg their daughter to come for the engagement.

It would be so disgraceful to have the bride, not in the event. Panicking, her parents with Donald's parents stayed in the garden ringing Claire to beg her not to disgrace their family, or ruin their reputation.

Claire suddenly stood up and stared at her reflection in the mirror, then she recalled her words to Donald. Should she give up or marry him and show him who the boss was?

Perhaps marrying him and making him regret all that he did to her in college was a better idea and besides, she had a business she didn't want to ruin. It was her decision in the first place to marry Donald. Why didn't she think twice before getting herself into the mess?

Still staring at her reflection, she recalled how he expressed his feelings to her. But the correction she would make was not forcing him to love her. She'd make him fall in love with her and then she'd show him how he treated her and make him beg for hurting her so much.

But what if he doesn't fall in love with you? An inner voice asked her. Claire was staring at her reflection but was only seeing blurs. "Then, we'll get a divorce and I'll have to take part of his shares but I'm sure he'll fall in love with me. Jealousy would tame him to me," she concluded and forced a smile because a voice inside her was telling her it wasn't the right thing to do.

Claire suddenly opened the door with her white dress on. Claire appeared in a white sleeveless corset back gown with a body type; hourglass, inverted triangle figure. The fabric was lace and the white gown neckline was a sweetheart. And the dress suited her the most, having small boobs didn't affect the beautiful appearance of her gown.

The first expression on her maids' faces was that of surprise, it wasn't the first time Claire appeared to look like an angel but every time she glowed, they were always surprised.

"You look gorgeous, Claire," Julie complimented her and immediately her phone rang. She was glad to pick it up this time, she informed her parents that their daughter was already on her way to the venue.

This gave the parents peace of mind and they laughed their fear away before going back to sit with their business partners/friends. The couple's seat was located at the front of all the tables surrounded by chairs. Each dining table had up to sixteen chairs which were up to three on the right and three on the left. Then the entrance was the dancing floor.

Above were beautiful flowers clouding the roof and the bulbs made them sparkle more. Claire adored the fact that her engagement wasn't showing that it was for business because everywhere looked like a place made of nature, even the chair her soon-to-be husband was sitting on was wood but beautifully.

Her eyes settled on him because from the entrance she could see their chair. Instead of glaring she frowned as if to cry, she missed seeing his face but she composed herself and put on a smile.

The next moment, they were standing before each other and when it was her turn to put the ring on her husband's finger, she held the ring for more than necessary and looked into his eyes. He was handsome in the blue suit he had on and he wasn't staring at her. 'Yeah, I'm beautiful but you won't admit it, jerk!' she glared at him before putting the ring in and her action caused the noise of hands jamming together.

The engagement happened and now they were sitting and watching everyone enjoy themselves, they acted like their presence wasn't known to each other. Claire prayed he'd say something while Corey just felt uneasy with the whole situation, he felt like farming and eating roasted fish he hunted by himself. He missed doing those but now was the time to avenge his pain and make them realize who they lost.

Soon, Claire was called by her parents so she excused herself without informing the man next to her. He didn't love her so showing too much affection would only hurt her. Corey watched as she walked away but his attention soon left her the moment he felt someone's hand on his shoulder and as he turned to look at who it was, the lady stooped slowly to sit. She was beautiful and bursty.

"Hey, Donald," just as Claire rubbed his ear in the hospital that day, the lady was doing the same and it was kind of good, he liked it so he stared at the lady.

"Do we know each other?"

"I heard," was her reply. "You forgot about me, me..." She licked her lips. "I'm your baby," she played cute, "I..." She demonstrated with her tongue still rubbing his ear and Corey didn't want to push her off because he loved that feeling.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You said you like me," she stated.

Corey laughed absurdly in a discreet way. He now pushes her hand away. "I said that to you?" He asked in disbelief. His brother must have had more women in his life, so pathetic. Corey continued to laugh until he met her shocked look and then he frowned as if something hacked into his system.

"Don't ever reach out to me, and forget I ever said I like you...I can never like a product like you." He aimed to get away from the girl who wore a sexy exposed dress.

"You've told me that so many times but you always come back to me," she grabbed his hand and feeling irritated, he jerked his hand off and glared at her.

"I'm sure you came here for the engagement so I'm not mistaken that you are aware that I'm getting married. So back off."

"Why?" Still, in shock, she asked him. "Did you suddenly like Claire, you told me yourself that she was nothing to you but an annoying chick, did she do something or say something? Tell me, she cast a spell on you." Standing up, she threw her assumptions about Claire at him.

Why were they all saying so many bad things about Claire?

Why was he angry that they were? He didn't bother to answer the girl's question, he left to get something to drink when he saw Claire surrounded by those boys that called themselves his pals. Wonder why she was acting like a sheep between two wolves.