

she planned everything perfectly but something unexpected happened.. everything was going smoothly but suddenly her biggest dream became the worst nightmare..she is trying to overcome it but failed..again..then a calm voice ,"you can do it" And everything became normal again. With her past ,she still can do it.. and then a voice came.. "although past is very cruel, it will catch your heart tightly and you will suffocate but remember you are always free to begin again..and you are always free to believe..when you find your dream that your hearts belong ,you'll never leave " suddenly she smiled..a gentle, calm , peaceful smile like she knows everything.

Jemima_Yeasmin · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

The welcome party

In the classroom--

Rose is inviting everyone now for the party and I am currently talking to Sehun.."are you also going to the party ?",I asked. But Sehun looked like he don't know anything about the party. "no. which party ?",he asked . And I replied, "oh you must be surprised. Rose is actually arranging a party in her house next Friday at 7p.m...I thought she already invited you but ...she will ..soon."

Rose is coming towards us. " I hope Alisa told you about the party earlier ..but although let me invite you. please attend the party . Everyone is coming .", Rose told Sehun.

But instead of replying to her question he asked me if I am going or not. And I felt like a thousands of butterflies are dancing in my stomach. So I replied yes and Sehun also agreed to go there.

But then Rose told Sehun "Sorry dear .But I am not going to invite your girlfriend. I know you must be upset hearing this but I kind of don't like her....and her name is also strange(laughing loudly)..Dyna !!!"

"But she is..", Sehun tried to tell us something but his friend called him saying he had something to told Sehun.. urgent.

Although Rose told Sehun that she is not going to invite Dyna..but I finally convinced her to invite Dyna...as I don't want bad things to happen again.

And I started remembering about that Incident. The awful incident ---

we (Rose & I)were sitting in a bench with our friends and talking and laughing. Suddenly

we saw Kim mina was coming towards us holding her bag ,with the headmistress. She was crying badly . And when she came , we finally came to know what happened.

"I thought you were a good girl Alisa. How could you do such a stupid thing with one of your best friend? And Rose you too..how could you ?",mam asked.

and with a confused face I replied "what happened ma'am..what thing ? I don't know what are you talking about?We did what ?"

Suddenly Kim mina slapped me saying.."I thought you are my best friend...you knew that was my mother's gold pendent ..dad gifted her after their marriage. My mom will be so upset when she'll know that you both stole the pendent."

mina was trying to hurt me so Rose pushed her away from me but she went and hit the wall and then blood started pouring from her head.

Rose didn't want to hurt her but it was an accident .. .

Although headmistress expelled us from school.

Suddenly Dyna's hand on my back brought me to the present.

(Friday evening 5 p.m.)--

we are decorating the hall for the party..all the corners are decorated with balloons , candles etc.

"I saw Dyna was telling you something Alisa..what ?", Rose asked.

"she was just asking me to be her friend...she told me that I am not that much bad..", I replied with a savage smile.

"so what was your answer? "

"I told her yes okay"

"Tell me the truth Alisa . You told her yes because you wanted to know more about Sehun and why he made Dyna her girlfriend.

right ?", Rose asked.

I answered Rose "no"..but it is clear that she knows me very well.

(at 6p.m.)---

Everyone is coming but I am waiting for Sehun...and here he is.

(at 7p.m.)----

we(Sehun &I )are sitting in the corner and talking about our childhood memories but others are dancing and enjoying the party..some friends are busy with eating... ofcourse it's natural. The menu is so big and filled with costly items..

And then Dyna arrived.

"you are so late Dyna..party is already started."

I asked.

"it's because I was preparing a gift for you."she replied.

"gift ?"

"yes gift (savage smile)"

And then she jumped to the main stage and asked everyone for attention.

"attention please everyone ,I have a special gift for Alisa,my new friend...you all don't know something about Alisa. some special think.okay let me tell you..I think you already know what I am talking about right ?Alisa?"

my face turned pale..and the one thing that is coming to my mind is how she knew ?..am I thinking right ?Is she going to tell everyone our secret ?..my whole body is shaking..my throat is sweating...what the hell is happening today ?

And then

"I bought something with me to show everyone Alisa's truth...(silence for a moment)....you guys must be unknown that Alisa is an artists..her paintings are all like professionals..",Dyna is talking.

and then she pulled out my prize winning painting of a competition and everyone started clapping for me.

finally I felt relaxed.

After the party ended Dyna put her head near me and told me that she knows my secret and she will keep her mouth shut if I keep my distance with Sehun.

I am just thinking now what the fu**k she is !!!

but I had to answer her yes to keep my secret a secret.

everyone left the place but I am staying at Rose's house tonight. I told Rose everything what happened and she told me not to worry..she will do something soon to punish Dyna, the witch....

wait...if you want to know what happened next..??..more about Alisa's secret then just wait for the next part and if you have not read the previous parts yet then please go and read ..and don't forget to like, subscribe and comment your precious opinion below..

if you think your life is also relatable with Alisa's life then let us know in the comment section....