
Fountain of Love

London's Knightsbridge.

An exclusive residential and retail district in West London, Knightsbridge is home to many expensive shops, including the department stores Harrods and Harvey Nichols, and flagship stores of many British and international fashion houses.

"Something bothering you, Mr. Adrian?"

A middle-aged man wearing a shiny black hat, white gloves and a chauffeur's suit asked his ginger-haired client sitting in the passenger seat.

Staring out the window, the hustle and bustle of London reminded him of how pointless everything seems right now.

After the ordeal in the two-starred Michelin restaurant 'Marcus', he called a private hire operator to request a chauffeured car to send him to Heathrow Airport.

On a whim, he spent close to £300.

After a while, Adrian asked the chauffeur.

"Have you ever had invested so much into someone, and they turned on you at the end?"

Working as a private hire chauffeur for more than twenty years, Bryan Collins immediately knew that his client just went through a failed relationship.

His palms, covered in a pristine white gloves gripped the cream-coloured leather steering wheel.

"I would be lying if I had said yes, sir."

Heh. How could he understand...Adrian snickered in his heart.

Reading the body language and how Adrian averted his eyes away from him, Bryan immediately knew what he was thinking.

"Twenty years ago, I lost my wife to cancer."

"Before I met her, I was still a bumbling young lad, hopping on-and-off in between jobs."

"I met her when I was delivering food for a local restaurant in Kensington. She was this noble Young Miss from a prominent family. It was love at first sight."

Bryan's story caught Adrian's attention.

"We had hit it off immediately. After several months of seeing each other, I picked up the courage to ask for her hand in marriage."

Bryan told him, that his wife's family was against them being together. Status and wealth meant everything for an elite family.

After a few unresolvable disagreements, his wife decided to disinherit herself from her family. She had left her life of comfort for the man she loved.

After giving birth to their only daughter, she fell ill and she left the world a few years later.

"As the person she invested in, I felt like my world has ended when she passed away."

"She was my everything. She has helped me land a job as a chauffeur and made me into what I am today."

"Whenever I felt like giving up on life, I always turn to the one thing that both of us has invested: our daughter."

Adrian apologised on his unresponsiveness earlier. Bryan told him that he totally understands, and part of his job is to make his client's journey to their destination a comfortable and memorable one.

The drive to Heathrow Airport took approximately about 30 minutes.

Both Bryan and Adrian has a deep, meaningful chat about their life experiences, stories and aspirations.


"Mr.Adrian, you still have a very bright future ahead. God works in a mysterious way...and I believe you'll meet your destined person along the way."

Bryan and Adrian shook hands, parting ways.

It was 8.06 PM.

Adrian found himself in from of Terminal 2, the Queen's terminal. The shiny black signboard sone in front of him, prompting his legs to enter the airport.

The cold air brushes along his pale face, and revealed a modern structured airport interior made up of shiny silver pillars and glass-covered roofs.

"Hi. Do you have any flights to Rome?"

Following his drastic actions, leaving everything he has back home in San Diego, California...his parents were concerned for their son.

They texted with each other, with Adrian assuring his parents that he's not going to do anything stupid.

As parents, they could only soothe his broken heart and watch over him overcoming his dilemma.

<Mom, dad, I'm going to travel the world for awhile.>

<I'm not sure when am I coming back, but I'll keep texting you guys wherever I am.>


{Bro...sh*t, I-I. I'm so sorry man. I never thought it really turned out that way...sigh, I feel guilty, man. Maybe I shouldn't hav- }

"Gerry, it's okay man. You were looking out for me. I mean, you were right. All this while whenever I had problems with Rachel, I go full-on hikkikomori-mode. I selfishly taught that nobody could help me out with my own relationship problems."

"Plus, I feel that I shouldn't push my problems onto you guys. My biggest mistake was not spending much time with you guys and have some good quality time with my bros!"

"Shit...Caleb, Ronny and Dan must be pissed off with me! I was a jerk to you guys ever since she went to London."

{Hey, hey. Chill, Addy. I mean, yeah...you were kinda like a d***head when that self-centered ***** went to work in the UK. But remember, you're our d***head, hehe.}

Adrian chatted away with his cousin while waiting for to board his plane in another few hours.

{So you really decided to go to Italy, eh? I mean, it was just a myth that Trevi Fountain could grant people a happy love life. S***, even I don't really believe it.}

In the early days when he and his now ex-girlfriend Rachel started dating, he would still hung out together with his best buddies.

A few weeks before he stormed to London out of anger, the bunch hung out together after a great effort persuading Adrian to come out from his house.

One of the stories they told, besides catching up with each other, drinking beer and ogling chicks, were the story of the 'Fountain of Love'.

Adrian never believed in such a child-like fairy tale. He scoffed at the idea of how inserting coins into a basin of water could grant you romantic success.

The idea came up during the ride to Heathrow Airport. Bryan the chauffeur kept telling him about how beautiful Italy was, and how enjoyed his vacation there with his daughter.

That sparked a whimsical taught...'Why not? It's not that the stuff the guys said about the love fountain was true anyways. Besides, I don't really have any directions to go to right now.'


[Flight to Rome—Fiumicino International Airport BAW143 - You may now board your plane in Terminal 2]

Adrian then walked to the immigration gate. He passed his passport over to the immigration officer and showed them his flight ticket.

Going down the escalator, he followed the path to his airplane.

The flight to Rome would take 2 hours and 30 minutes. It would be long passed midnight when he reached there.

Adrian decided to get some shut-eye.


The next morning, the redhead man woke up from his comfortable sleep.

Until now, he still couldn't believe that his relationship with Rachel for six-whole years had just ended yesterday.

Upon arriving in Italy, he searched 'the most expensive hotel rome' in his phone.

A 5-star hotel called J.K Place Roma popped up. He hailed a car and asked to be sent to the hotel.

'Wow. I slept like a log last night! Man, these beds in a high class hotel sure are different...'

Waking up on silky soft bed linen and monogrammed pillows were just the icing on the cake. Adrian had been a generous spender, his room is the most expensive out of all the rooms in the hotel.

The JKMaster Balcony Room is located on the last floor of building, providing uninterrupted silence for the occupant.

The 540 square feet is designer's wet dream, as it was clad with soft mauve carpet and bold turquoise walls. The workstation and flat screen television stand are all polished mahogany, and there are thick cream curtains that can be drawn over your own private Juliet balcony.

Out of habit, Adrian got up from his bed and headed to the washroom. The bathroom's all marble, polished timber floors leading to a spacious, waterfall shower. Towels are crisp and the robes are so soft you won't want to get dressed. The whole bathroom is bathed in the sort of flattering light that makes you feel beautiful, no matter how jet-lagged you might be.

After done washing himself, he realised that he didn't have any spare clothing, aside from his white dress shirt, dark navy blue suit and trousers, his briefs and his brogue shoes.

He could still tolerate wearing the same shirt and pants for a second day, but he feels uncomfortable wearing the same underwear.

Wearing the same shirt, pants and shoes, he took the lift down the lobby. The lift arrived on Ground Floor, and as soon it opens up, white marble sculptures, bronze lamps, and chunky design bibles on the shelves were majestically invigorating the place.

'It looks so different in the morning than night time. This place looks like a freaking museum!'. Well, Adrian did pay € 2,500 per day for his stay using his credit card.

After having breakfast provided by the hotel, he strolled out into the streets of Rome. Walking along the streets of Rome, Adrian was able to appreciate the modern day version of Roman architecture, yet still maintaining a distinctive reflection on Italian Renaissance style.

About 400 meters from his hotel, Adrian arrived at a street called Via Condotti. Google said that this particular street housed numerous luxurious fashion labels.


Clad in new attires, he bought a few more items of clothing and had them sent to his room in J.K Place Roma Hotel.

Of course, that is what a € 60,000 purchase could get you. A full-on, all services included VIP treatment.

It was already 12.45 in the afternoon. Adrian stopped by a pizza restaurant called the 'Pizza Ciro Group' that stumbled on while aimlessly walking.

Ordering a sumptuous meal of red wine, a whole pie and a few more dishes for himself, the sight of Adrian eating caught the attention of a particular old lady.

"Giovanotto, cosa c'è che non va?"

Adrian was slightly startled when an elderly woman in her 70s came up to him and suddenly started a conversation.

"I'm sorry?"

"Ragazzo, sembra che tu abbia appena assistito al funerale di tua madre. Cosa c'è che non va?"

A few moments later, a waitress came to his table in a hurry.

"Nonna, non penso che sia italiano. Perché l'ha fatto?"

The waitress conversed with the old lady for some moments.

"Sir, I am so sorry if my grandmother bothered you. You see, she comes in the restaurant once in a while to check up on the scene. Most of our clients here are regulars, and seeing a new face has got her all excited."

Looking up on her face, Adrian was mildly stunned.

Deep brunette hair, azure-green eyes, symmetrical and shapely face with pink blush on her fair cheeks, Elisa is the flower of the humble establishment.

"No worries. But what was she saying to me? And why?"

Elisa explained that her grandmother saw him eating an amount that a normal person couldn't finish, with a disappointed expression. Throughout her career as a restaurant owner, she has seen that expression many a times.

"She said that young people tend to over-eat when they are stressed or sad, and she's worried that if you keep this up, you'll become fat and it'll be bad for your health..."

What a caring person, Adrian thought. He admitted that he literally did not think of the consequences of his actions ever since he broke up with Rachel. His money flows out like water! At this rate, he'll be broke before he could fly back to California.

"Elisabetta, se ha il cuore spezzato per amore, digli che la Fontana di Trevi potrebbe concedergli amore."

"O potresti chiedergli di uscire. Voglio nipoti, elisabetta. Sembra un bel ragazzo. Bello anche."

Nonna Anna spoke up and glanced at Elisa. Her hand gestures pointed to the south and hinted on something splashing water.

Elisa blushed and talked back to her grandmother, "Nonna! Che cosa stanno dicendo sciocchezze!"

After calming down themselves, the puzzled Adrian looked at both of them.

Elisa told him that if he was frustrated because of love, a few meters ahead lies the fabled 'Fountain of Love'.

Adrian suddenly remembered about the fountain. According to Elisa, it's a very famous spot for tourists and you just won't miss it.

Feeling grateful, Adrian grabbed Nonna Anna's wrinkled hand and kissed them.

"Gratzie, Nonna. And by the way, your granddaughter is very beautiful. May I take her out on a nice cup of coffee?"


With his newfound bravery as he has nothing else to lose, he boldly obtained Elisa's phone number.

Adrian stopped by a bank nearby to change his money into coins. € 3,000 worth of coins to be exact.

Walking up another 200 meters, he reached the 'Fontana di Trevi'.

Trevi Fountain is the most famous and arguably the most beautiful fountain in all of Rome. This impressive monument dominates the small Trevi Square located in the Quirinale district.

Crowds of a sizeable amount was present, from the young to old, from the dark-skinned to the fair -skinned, almost every shapes and sizes of humans were there.


The view was truly breathtaking. The design and architecture of the fountain was a marvel by itself.

'Three coins...or three hundred? I can't remember. You know what, maybe the more coins I threw in, the more luck in my love life!'

Adrian threw the first coin.

'If things go well with Elisa tomorrow, I don't mind coming back here again.

Second coin.

'She is so pretty. I wonder what she thinks of me...'

Third coin.

'I think I should search up where I should take her. Or should I ask her, since she's a local? But as a guy, I think I shou- whoa!'

To his surprise, the plastic bag holding all € 3,000 worth of coins burst open, and dropped into the fountain!

Being right on the edge of the fountain, Adrian could only watch as countless shiny metal monies flowed into the serene turquoise pool.

'Ah sh**...sigh. Oh well, no use crying over spilt coins. It was just € 3,000 anyways.'


After a long day, Adrian finally returned home after dinner.

He bounced right into his soft and fluffy bed, tucking himself into sleep.

'I can't wait to meet Elisa tomorrow. Man, it's my first time dating a foreign girl. plus, I've been out of the game for six-whole years!'

He slowly drifted into sleep, unaware of the miracle that was about to happen upon him waking up tomorrow.

I Google translated the part where Nonna spoke Italian. To my Italian readers, please forgive me if the dialogue turned out weird and cringy!

azachycreators' thoughts