
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 11

 "A doctor Jodie? Aren't you one lucky girl?"My mom screams into the phone not concealing her joy. She and Zayne had bonded so well over dinner. I made her promise not to tell Sophie about Zayne and I yet. I want to be the one to tell her and Kayla myself.

 "Mama! You're screaming" I say unlocking my door and shrugging out of my coat.

 "Don't worry, they've all gone to bed" she says reducing her voice.

 "Did you check in on them mama?" I ask knowing my mom. She probably won't do anything until she has gotten the whole information out of me.

 "Sure I did" she says quickly "I really like him Jodie and I'm proud of you"

 "I do too mama" I sigh "I hope we don't mess things up. He has never really been in a relationship" I say settling into the couch and tucking my feet beneath me.

 "You'd both do just fine. He's obsessed with you. Can't you see?"

 "You think so?"

 "Think so? I know so sweetie" she assures me as I blush as I remember Zayne touching my thighs underneath the table all through the dinner.

 "Thanks mama. And please don't breathe a word of this to Sophie"

 "My lips are sealed"

 "See you tomorrow, love you mama"

I end the call and toss the phone across the couch, pick up one of the books I had selected from the books Kayla had sent. I run my hand over it, lie back on the couch and starts reading.


 * * *

I drive up to Sophie's eager to break the news to them, the next morning. I see Kayla's car in the paring space, this is much better. I'd tell them together. I park, pulling my phone out of my bag to go over Zayne's message again.

Zayne: hey babe, can you believe I'm calling you babe? Well I just want you to know that you're the best decision I think I've made after my career. I avoided relationships for fear of not meeting up to the responsibilities. After last night I feel like I've been thinking it all wrong all these years. What's happening with us doesn't feel like a responsibility. I wonder what I did to deserve you.

Zayne: are you telling Kayla and Sophie about us yet? I want everyone to know already.

I smile broadly, I feel my lips from the both ends of my face, reading his text again. We're gonna do this right. I had screenshot the message cause I want to keep it forever. 

 I had replied I was going to tell them about us this morning before my mom does. I pick up my bag and walk up to her house. I hear laughter from the kitchen as soon as I walk in. The door wasn't locked, so I let myself in.

 "Oh Jodie! I didn't give a spare key did I?" Sophie asks as soon as she sees me walk in.

 "The door wasn't locked and you did give me a spare key" I say walking to Kayla, she is bottle feeding baby Juliet who was in her rocker. My mom was nowhere to be found. I put my bag on the counter and scoops baby Juliet from the rocker. Kayla sets the bottle on the counter. Did she sleep here?

 "How's my little muchinto? I say kissing baby Juliet's face. She has grown bigger and has a lot of weight. She's begging to look more like Jason as blond hairs are growing on her once bald head.

 "It's unlike you to show up this early. What's up?" Sophie asks, she haven't moved from where she was standing. She looks really tired.

 "You look really exhausted Sophie" she shrugs holding the mug of coffee with both hands.

 "All thanks to Juliet" she nods to the baby in my arms. I have a sorry look.

 "I came to tell you guys about Zayne and I. We're dating" I say shyly trying hard not to flush. Kayla opens her eyes so wide I thought they'd fall off. Sophie on the other hand gave me a I told you smile.

 "OMG Jodie!" Kayla yaps "we're like sisters-in-law now."

 "Common Kay, we just started dating" I say gently putting baby Juliet back into her rocker.

 "I'm happy for you Jo" Sophie says warmly.

 "Tell us everything in deets. I just knew that this day would come" Kayla bounces into one of the chairs looking like a puppy. I roll my eyes at her.

 "We both had dinner with mama last night, speaking of mama, where is she? I ask.

 "She went out on a run" Sophie replies.

 "Hold on! Zayne met your mom? Kayla asks in disbelief.

 "He did and he wants me to meet your mom" I say. Sophie watches my face closely as Kayla broke into laugher startling baby Juliet.

 "Oh please! Zayne can't be serious" she says picking up the baby who was already crying.

 "Isn't that kinda too fast Jo? You both started dating like when? Last week?" Sophie says as she stretches to collect the wailing baby from Kayla.

Maybe I should have kept that part of the information from them because they seem not to like the idea of it. Who cares? I shrug picking up an apple from the table. Zayne loves me and is ready to show me off to the important people in his life. That's all that matters.

 "Mom went running? That's unusual" I ask changing the topic. I knew she did to avoid having a conversation with them.

 "Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you" Sophie's brows were still drawn together in a frown. I ignore her. I wonder why she isn't smiling she had been a strong supporter of Zayne and I.

 "I was hoping to see her, I have to get to the studio" I say biting into my apple. "Tell her I dropped by, she can pop by the studio" I kiss baby Juliet who was calmer now on the cheek. Her round eyes scanning my face.

 "Jo, take it slowly" Sophie says as only I can hear her. I smile at her.

 "Bye guys" I shout at the top of my voice.

 "Bye lover girl" Kayla shouts back.I pulled my phone out of my bag on my way out and text Zayne.

Me: guess what I just told the girls. They were really excited. Shocked I'm going to meet your mom. How are you by the way I miss you. Boyfriend" and hit the send button. His Message pops up almost immediately.

Zayne: that's cool, Jo. I'm ticking that off my list. I'm sure Kayla is gonna be breathing down my neck with phone calls soon and I miss you more. Girlfriend. It's been like what? 12hours.