
loved a narcissist

RavenxRavenx · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

good morning Emi vs good morning wife :

Emilia woke up from the ray of sunlight that peeped from a gap from the curtain

she stretches her lazy bones and walked over to bathroom. having the cold water fall on her it calmed her nerves

' A good night kiss from your older brother'

his words kept replaying in her head, gosh.

she put on a beautiful floral pink dress, then she tied her hair into a pony tail . although it was all causal she still looked breath taking.

Emilia came down stairs to see Lucian and Lionel already seated on the dinner table

she came and greeted them

"good morning"

"good morning Emi" he said her nickname which he gave her back at her parents villa , which she turned with a smile .

she couldn't help but look at him again remembering his 'brotherly kiss'. he looked at her and winked as if reading her mind then she quickly looked away.

"good morning wife " Lionel said out of nowhere making her blush , 'is this how married couples greet?'

" morning husband " she answered meekly which made Lionel smile and Lucian frown .

after that they ate in peace . Lionel kept adding more food on her plate and she kept eating while Lucian looked like a third wheel who wasn't met to be in the picture.

Lucian excused him self and went to the beautiful garden at the back of the villa , he sat on a swinging chair that was adorned with vines and flowers

he sighs and stares at the beautiful scenario in front of him, just causally having a quite time .

"hi " he heard a beautiful maid say

"hi" he responded then she sat beside him .

"I normally come here when I'm free and wanna relax . I'm surprised to see another person here " she said

"I'm Barbara, short Barb" she added.

" Lucian " he said nonchalantly

" I see you came with the young mistress "

"hmm" he nodded

"you're her ?"she asked

" bodyguard "

"oh" she exclaims "you're to pretty to be a bodyguard" she added which made Lucian smiled

"I know" his narcissistic personal took over .

"so , what brings you come here "she was trying to start a conversation with him.

" fresh air"he said with a blank expression.

there was an uncomfortable silence after that.

" Lucian , I heard the young master is holding a ball this evening to celebrate his newly married life "


"will you attend?" she asked


"hmm, I'll be a bar waitress there so I'll see you around"

"hmm, see you around" he said and waved her good bye.


Lucian kept on sitting there as though he was fixing and clearing his thoughts, then Emilia came.

"Lucian, I need you help" she said practically freaking out .

"with what ?" he frown seeing her anxious

"Lionel bought me a lot of dresses for the ball, I don't know which one to chose "

"*sighs* chose the one you like "

"but I like them all" she said biting her lips.

"what do you want me to do?"

"help m---–---- e " she yelled before dragging him away.

Emilia dragged him to her room for him to see a mountain of clothes piled up .

"wow, that a lot "

"see what I mean " she said looking hopeless

" but I just as confused as you are , I have no idea what I should do"he said sincerely

"please!! I consider you to be my bestie so act like one"

"I thought it was older brother?"

"ah, get out , if you can't help me get out" she yelled.

"are you fucking serious?, you dragged me here and now you're sending back "

he said fed up with her profound attitude .

"I'm sorry " she said realising she was overreacting

" just tell your husband, he should pick for you . it none of my business " he said

'crack' she could imaginary hear her heart break

" I said I'm sorry "she said and pouted

" can I leave Mrs Walker " he asked and she nodded

Lucian left her room and went to his. few hours past with Lucian closing his eyes and leaning on the bed rest.

Then he stood up and carried a journal

and started scribbling on it .

'knock, knock'

"come in " he said putting the journal back in the drawer.

Emilia came in carrying a tray of food

" you didn't come down for lunch "she questioned him .

" don't you think Mr walker will be unhappy seeing you bring me food "he said with a brow raised

" then don't miss your meals "she backed her self up.

" I'm really sorry if you're still upset "she said bowing .

" I'm not Mrs Walker " he said collecting the tray from her and setting it aside .

"you're sure ?" she asked

"I'm sure" he assure her

"then we're good? "

"we're good"

then she sighed of relief

" I really do hate it when you're angry at me " she said and hugged him and he patted her back

"don't you think Mr walker will have an heart attack if he sees us like this " he whispered in her hear.

" fuck " she exclaimed and pulled a way from his embrace

" one of this days your gonna make sin" she said and patted her cheeks that were red.

Lucian smiled and looked at her , his gaze never leaving hers

"what?" she asked

"nothing" he answered

"eat, I'll take my leave now " she said and went out of his room.

The rest of the day Lionel planned everything for the ball, while Emilia finally found a dress


"A bottle of your strongest alcohol " Lucian said to the bar waitress.

"yes , sire " she nodded and gave him

Lucian sipped and sipped until he finally finished it .

" I'm not sure we can rely on you any more "a man said to Lucian

" send in another spy I'm going on my own mission " Lucian said

"but you Father-------"

"do what I tell you to do" Lucian cut in

and left the bar .


AUTHOR;a person who never made a made a mistake never tried any thing new.

Albert Einstein

I love all Albert Einstein quotes and I wish to share it to everyone❤❤❤❤