

Chapter 41

viLelouch's POV

Three days passed—

Everything seemed to fall into place like being back to normal but not really as it was.

Andy could see the weariness of her family's eyes every time they look at her.

She just brushed it off since it can't be helped. They need more time to adjust and fully accept everything.

"So how are you feeling?" Kevin asked.

They were on the porch by the living room.

"I'm better than I've ever been."

Yeah, she's slowly getting back to her feet—

... the glow in her eyes,

... the smile in her mouth

... and the color of her face were also returning.

"I think it's time for me to report on my internship. I'd been absent for so long."

"Nah, I took care of it already," Kevin bragged.

He handed her an envelop.

"You stay here and recuperate until your internship ends."

Andy opened the envelop to check with raised brows.