

Melanie , burdened by life's uncertainties ,seeks to revamp herself back to the top after losing her job Determined not to love again .will this decision stand when she crosse's paths with ken hank ,a charming but cold person who takes a liking to her ........ "focus Melanie he is just a distraction to your goals " Melanie kept on repeating to herself. "who is a distraction Mel" ken asked from behind Melanie "......."

Faith_Mbewe · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs



Melanie stood at the airport entrance with a suit case that did not contain much,she only carried what she thought was necessary . She did all that was required before boarding the plane . A few minutes later there was an announcement that people should start boarding the plane, Melanie looked back at the whole surrounding and a tear escaped her eyes ,"I will be back " she said with absolute resolution . She was leaving behind all the memories she made both good and bad but she knew that it was the best decision at that moment. With that she got on to the plane.



After a very tiring flight ,the plane finally arrived at its destination. Melanie heaved a sigh of relief as she got down from the plane . She looked around the unfamiliar place ," this country is yor new aboard Melanie , be strong." She told herself . Melanie was deep in thought as she walked towards the exit of the airport. She knew that this was probably not going to be an easy road given that she was in a completely different country were she knew no one. She was brought back to her senses when she felt her head hit something hard and soft at the same time.Due to shock all her belongings dropped to the ground, "I am so sorry for not seeing where I was going and bumping into you sir." Melanie said as she looked up at the person . The person simply nodded and went on his way ,Melanie looked back at the retreating back of the stranger she bumped into before kneeling down to pick up her scattered things . Once she was done ,she continued walking until she got on a cab. " Where to ma'am?" The cab driver asked . "The nearest hotel from here." I told him and he nodded.

As Melanie entered the hotel ,she made sure to choose the cheapest room in the hotel because she was a little bit low on money. Melanie settled into her assigned room were she would spend the night. The room did not contain much but it looked comfortable enough for Melanie. She had to look for an apartment as soon as possible because living in a hotel might cost more than renting an apartment and a job to help her cope with the daily expenses. ' going house hunting today will save me alot of time and money 'she thought as she moved about in the room . 'With my qualifications, finding a job shouldn't be that hard.' she continued.

*A few hours later*

Melanie was leaving the hotel to look for an apartment, she had contacted some real estate agencies that she was familiar with in the country and was on her way to meet with one of the agencies. On her way there , Melanie encountered a group of men who were all dressed in black pulling a young lady towards the car . The young lady struggled in the hands of the men in black."let me go you idiots, let me go." She screamed " I will not marry him never !!,get away from me you fools ." If my brother learns of what you are doing to me you all will be dead meat ! I swear! Let me go!". The men simply ignored her complaints and continued with their mission. Melanie's mind was so conflicted on whether to help out the young lady or just ignore the scene in front of her. She decided that she should do something to at least give the girl some time to escape. Melanie decided to dial the police emergency line and fortunately for the girl there was a police station just around the corner and it didn't take too long for the police to arrive. As soon as the men in black heard the police siren ,they quickly let go of the young lady and rushed into the car and speed away from the scene, the police continued to chase after the speeding car. The young lady heaved a sigh of relief as she thought about what happened, she slipped down to the ground and started crying nonstop. Melanie quickly rushed to her side in a bid to console her, "Hey there it's okay , everything is fine now you are safe." Melanie said to the young lady. Immediately the young lady looked up at Melanie ,she asked "are you the one who called the police?" . "Yes I..it was me ,are you alright?" Melanie asked in a very concerned tone. "Yes I'm fine ,thanks for helping me out." The young lady said. "It's nothing " Melanie said and she smiled at the young lady ."what's your name ." The young lady asked Melanie. " Melanie."Melanie answered." My name is Emily." The young lady said and Melanie nodded . "Alright Emily it is good that you are out of trouble now , I should take my leave now ." Melanie said . "Wait"Emily called out. "Yes" Melanie replied. " Do you live around this area" Emily asked with a curious look . "Kind of" Melanie replied. " what do you mean kind of" Emily inquired. "well I'm kind of looking for an apartment to rent." Okay how about I help you find a suitable apartment in return for helping me out" Emily said . "No , it's really not necessary" Melanie said. " Please I insist" Emily said with a pleading look . In the end Melanie had to give in to Emily's plea to help her find an apartment. "You know I've lived in this city for a pretty long time so I think I will be of great help to you." Emily said ."I guess that will be helpful and faster." Melanie replied .Melanie pondered on whether to ask Emily what those men wanted from her ,she could see how shaken she was and that only increased her curiosity but she decided to hold on to her questions in for the meantime at least. With that Melanie and Emily started their journey to look for a suitable apartment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Faith_Mbewecreators' thoughts