
Love to Soon

Im really bad at doing Description but I'll try my best ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ a journey about a lady named Lilliane who seemed to be struggling to socialize to people because of the past trauma, the only thing that motivated her is to live a comfortable and happy life with her Father. One day, when Lilliane went to the city to buy stuff for her small online shop, 4 men in black stopped her and brought her to a big building and discovered that they had a debt to pay. Calyx the CEO of the company decided to give her 2 options either to work for free or to let her pay but with 5% interest. lilliane who seemed distressed went to a club with her friend. when waiting for her friend to buy her drink, she heard a familiar voice and saw a Man that looked exactly like the boy in a story that her father read to her when she was younger. what happens now? find out more! ~~~~

Minix · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 7 Rated 16+

Lilliane sat on her bed, looking haggard and looked like she haven't slept all day, she seemed to be in a daze knowing that she's now on a date with someone whom she just talked 2 times, 'what should I do...what should I wear what the hell am I supposed to do with this!' Lilliane said as her fingers fidget and just couldn't sit still anymore

She looked at her wardrobe knowing that her clothes is out off fashion, most of her clothes are all cute and pastel. 'ill just wear whatever it's just a one date when it's done I'm sure I won't see him again' she said as she grabbed a white frilly cute yet simple dress and some high socks that has pink ribbon ,

'this should do' Lilliane said,

She went to the bathroom and took a shower, while she was showering Her phone rang, Cedric was trying to call her.

Few minutes later she got out and dries herself, she grabbed her phone and saw 2 missed call from Cedric, She was confused why he was calling in 7:20am, she put down her phone and went to dress herself up, She wore mascara and some lip tint to her cheek and of course to her lips. She fixed her hair and ties it in a bun.

She's finally ready it was 7:45am, she reached to grab her phone and saw Cedric's messages and missed call 3 missed calls and 1 unread message.

Lilliane looked at the message 'Lilliane, why aren't you answering your phone?'

Lilliane blinked and called Cedric

*Ring ring*


Finally there's an answer 'hello?' His voice sounded a bit deeper than usual yet it was gentle

Lilliane became flustered of how much his voice sounded making her confused 'oh sorry uhm is Cedric there?'

There was a pause for a moment when the other line started to chuckle 'Lilliane, it's me Cedric'

Lilliane became even more flustered and her face seemed to be heating up 'oh sorry,..uhm..your voice sounded differently did something happen?'

'oh no nothing happened, this happens when I just woke up' Cedric said

Lilliane was confused, if Cedric just woke up then why did he made a miss call and messaged her 'oh..then..what about the missed calls?ah wait right sorry about for not answering your calls'

There was another pause for a moment and Lilliane can hear a faint grunt noise

'oh no worries, I only called because.i was worried you forgot the date, but like I realized it was to early so I went back to sleep' Cedric said

Lilliane sat down on the chair while she looked at the mirror 'oh, of course I won't forget...I was having a shower when you called me..I'm really sorry, I was going to call back earlier but I had to get ready'

Cedric gave a faint chuckle 'oh no it's fine I should've texted you instead of call'

Lilliane smiled 'maybe he isn't as bad..I shouldn't judge him' She thought 'oh it's okay'

'anyways I was also going to tell you that our meet up is gonna be at 8:30am if that's alright? I wanna be early and have more time with you with this date' Cedric said

Lilliane looked at the time it was already 8:00 Lilliane eyes widened 'Oh uhm it's fine but it's okay but I won't be there on time..I have to catch the bus' Lilliane said as she hurriedly grabbed her wallet, and her bag and went outside of her room

'oh I don't mind, I can wait for you, take your time as much as you want' Cedric said

'okay, I'll see you later then I gotta catch the bus' Lilliane said with a hurry

Cedric went quiet again and there seems to be a faint moan from him

Lilliane didn't notice since she was rushing and was talking to her dad

'alright I'll see you...then' Cedric said as he hangs up

Lilliane looked at her phone and saw that he hunged up, she kept her phone on her bag and went out to catch the bus.

Meanwhile at a motel

Cedric shuddered and panted 'fuck, that was a nice one'

A woman coughed and spits out 'seriously can't you take it easy? And you're literally on call with someone you're going to have a date!, what the fuck is wrong with you?!' The woman said with a pissed off look

Cedric puts on his pants and looked serious, he ignored the woman and looked at his phone, as he typed he smiled and walked out the room making the woman in complete lost in words 'BASTARD!' the woman said

As Cedric walks 'some people looked at him in awe, He was wearing a white tank top, a black.leather jacket, a ripped jeans and some boots that compliments the look, His hair was styled. He looked like a total bad boy that can be seen in an idol's theme in their songs.

A few moments later Cedric parked his car in the parking lot, some people kept taking photos of him thinking he was a celebrity, as he wait at the bench where Lilliane was yesterday.

20 minutes passed and Lilliane hasn't arrived yet it's already 8:50am. Cedric kept checking on his watch, 'where the hell is she' he thought

Meanwhile Where Lilliane is

The bus got delayed for 10 minutes she suddenly got even more nervous. She messaged Cedric 'Im on my way I'm sorry'. She looked outside and sighs...

'Right..without him before..I wouldn't have my wallet till this day'..she thought.

The bus went for a stop and Lilliane got up and went out.

Lilliane ran as fast as she could but she saw a shop for a moment and went in. Making her late for another 15 minutes.

Cedric on the other hand was tapping his foot while crossing his arms. Some people were talking to him to ask to join them or some are trying to recruit him to join in a fest but he refused but it was tempting for him to join to the beautiful girls.

'where the fuck is she!?' he said in a mumble.

As he grabs his phone and tries to call him Lilliane was already near where he was panting and running. Lilliane looked around to find him, there he saw him standing where the bench is and approached him. 'haa..ha...s-sorry Cedric'.. Lilliane said as she pant and wheeze

Cedric looked and was Abit furious 'youre late! I thought you...' Cedric said but he paused, he saw that she was panting and..the way she looked was cute making him flustered.

Cedric sighs and scratches the back of his head 'its fine..sit down for a moment'

Lilliane sat down without hesitation and tries to catch her breath 'Im really sorry Cedric the bus got delayed and' Lilliane grabbed a bag and gave it to Cedric 'i got this for you'

Cedric looked and was surprised as he grabbed the bag, He looked what's inside and it was a small box, he was confused on what it was, he grabbed the box and there it was a watch it doesn't look expensive at all

'i know it's not much but..this is actually a thank you for giving my wallet back to me' Lilliane said as she smiles and immediately faces down

Cedric couldn't believe on what Lilliane did, making him flustered and all of his bad mood turned into a good mood. He looked away for a moment and his body temperature heated but 'you didn't have to do that's Cedric said, He felt slightly guilty

'You didn't have to do that' Cedric said

Lilliane looked at Cedric 'oh no, its okay it's the least I could do' Lilliane said as she stood up 'I made you wait too' She added, she looked at her phone and checked the time it was already 9:11am

Cedric smiled and looked at Lilliane 'well thank you Lilliane then if you're rested up already shall we do that date of ours?' Cedric said

Making Lilliane freezes Abit and nodded 's-sure' Lilliane said as her eyes slowly averted away from him making Cedric chuckle

Cedric looked up and down 'you look really Beautiful Lilliane'

Lilliane doesn't seems to believe Cedric 'oh.uh..not really..but...thank you' Lilliane said with an awkward smile

Cedric smiled 'no really you're beautiful'

Lilliane just smiles awkwardly she still doesn't believe him because ever since childhood all she heard was 'youre a pig, you're ugly, you're not that beautiful'.

Cedric suddenly held her hand making her flinch 'hey come on, I don't like that, this is our date we should be having fun y'know' Cedric said with a smile

Lilliane went along with it she was uncomfortable but she didn't say anything.

Lilliane and Cedric went to go to the park, walk around the city and even converse each other

At a cafe when they were about to order Lilliane took money on her wallet making Cedric stop her 'hey what are you doing?'

Lilliane looked at Cedric 'im going to pay for the meal why?'

Cedric shook his head 'no, no I'll be paying'

Lilliane raises her eyebrow 'why?, you don't have to, why not we split the bill?'

Cedric shook his head once again and uses his card to pay making Lilliane frown 'what why did you do that?' Lilliane said 'we could've split the bill' she added

Cedric sighs 'its fine Lilliane, it's on me today'

Lilliane still seems to be feeling bad for Cedric paying for their meals as they went to their seats

Some People on the other seats kept on looking at Cedric making Lilliane notice it,she looked at Cedric looking at her

'lilliane really it's fine for you not paying with our meals today, maybe next time you'll pay them, are we even?' Cedric said as he drinks his coffee

Lilliane nodded and smiled 'alright..and' Lilliane paused looking at him up and down

Cedric puts down his cup and was listening to her 'and?'

Lilliane sighs in annoyance 'Cedric why do you have to be so tall, and fashionable and y'know handsome too! It's unfair' Lilliane burst out whats on her mind making Cedric surprised and widened his eyes

'sorry?' Cedric said couldn't believe that Lilliane is talking this way to him

'havent you noticed it yet?' Lilliane said and leaned closer and whispers 'everyone kept looking at you

Cedric burst out laughing, he couldn't believe what he's hearing right now, is she complementing him or complaining either way he seemed to be enjoying this

'what do you want me to do?, I was born this way' Cedric whispers back

Lilliane doesn't look amused 'i mean, nothing really you can't do anything about it .but..can't you at least give me some of your height' she whispers back to Cedric

Cedric couldn't help but chuckle, he leans back to his chair and their food arrived

Cedric noticed that Lilliane does have a lot of appetite she's not afraid on showing how much she eats,and she became comfortable now compared from before 'itd a good thing she's not tense, maybe small talks gradually made her comfortable'

Lilliane stopped eating and looked at Cedric, he hasn't touched his food yet 'cedric'

Cedric snapped out of it and looked at Lilliane 'yeah?'

'arent you going to eat?..your food gonna get cold y'know' Lilliane said

Cedric smiles 'oh I'm gonna eat'

Lilliane squints her eyes and stabs one of the sausage with a fork and tries to feed Cedric 'here, try this, it's actually quite tasty!' she said making Cedric widened his eyes, he took a bite and smiles 'oh wow that's actually quite good'

Lilliane smiles 'i know right wonder if it's homemade'

Cedric and Lilliane seems to be enjoying their afternoon, the two laughs talked about their hobbies, what they do, when's their birthday, just trying to get to know each other.

After they finished they left the cafe and head out and started to walk around one more time, they went to the arcade to the shops and some museum, it was already 4'30pm.

, Lilliane stopped walking and tries to fix her shoes, Cedric wasn't paying attention and just kept walking while talking to Lilliane

Lilliane looked at where Cedric is he was a head, Lilliane quickly walks besides Cedric

'besides I like being with you' Cedric said

Lilliane doesn't know what he meant by that since she was far back earlier 'ahh' Lilliane said pretending to understand what he meant

They went where the park is and sat down there were a lot of flowers surrounding them there was a fountain near them too making this park the best dating spot for couples.

'uhm Cedric' Lilliane said

'yeah?' Cedric replied as he removes his leather jacket showing his toned upper body,and grabbed a pack of cigarettes

Lilliane looked at Cedric smiling 'thanks for today, because of you I had so much!'

'youre wel-' suddenly Lilliane hugged Cedric making him drop his pack of cigarettes

Cedric became flustered and blushes, what could this mean, does she like him?, his mind is all over the place

'lilliane releases but Cedric immediately hugged her making Lilliane flinch 'c-cedric?' Lilliane said

Cedric didn't say anything he seemed to be sweating, his heartbeat was pounding 'what should I do, I hugged her by impulse' he thought

Lilliane actually didn't mind it at all but she's slightly uncomfortable since he doesn't still let go of her

3 minutes passed and Cedric finally calmed down and releases her 'dont mention it, I had fun too' Cedric smiles

Lilliane smiles back and looked at the sky, it's getting Abit dark 'well it's time for me to go home, my dad's going to worry about me'

Cedric looked at Lilliane 'oh already?..damn..I didn't realize it's already 5, want me to drop you off?' Cedric asked

Lilliane shook her head 'no I'm alright, I can go home by myself' She said, she doesn't want him to go that far since he payed everything and now he's going to drop her off, she doesn't want to bother him and she felt bad for it

Cedric looked Abit disappointed but shrugged it off 'you sure?'

Lilliane nodded, She stood up as well as Cedric 'well I should go now...I'll message you when I get home Cedric'

Cedric's eyes lit up and smiles 'oh alright,can't wait for that' Cedric said with a little bit of a chuckle

Lilliane nodded, The two waved their goodbyes and part ways, when Lilliane can't be seen anymore Cedric sat down and places his hand on his face, he can't seems to stop smiling 'holy fuck, I can't believe this date is a success!, we may be friends now soon...well.be together ' Cedric grins.

Lilliane sneezes as she got on the bus

Few moments later Lilliane got.home, she texted Cedric and got a reply 'Good to know, today was great, hopefully we'll do this again'

Lilliane smiles and told it all about to her dad and even her best friend

Her dad seemed to be worried and wanted to meet the guy, while Naya seemed to be liking Lilliane's day..

Lilliane went to her bed and slept


Cedric got home and went to his bed he's still smiling with the thought of Lilliane on his mind.

But of course Cedric even with Lilliane on his mind he still calls one of his one night standees.

The next day

While Lilliane has time before she goes to work she went to Aliasisco's building