
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

he loves me not

[ suicide]

cupid always made others fall in love

but they could never love him

even when he fell in love- they could not love him back because he was cursed

he hated it alot but he wasn't going to suffer because of it - he could still have fun

he looked everywhere for a perfect target

he had found him- he knew he couldn't love him so would try his best not to get attached

but that was harder than he thought

it felt amazing- he never expected it to

and he wanted more- but he knew he shouldn't

but he did - and he had many nights of passion without love- but he started to fall in love- and it only ended up hurting him

no could love him he knew that- but he couldn't control how he felt- when he accidentally let it slip- everything went south

his partner slapped him and beat him up

of course it turn out this way what did he expect?

there wasn't anyone who could love him

he was left alone and he cried the whole night

but he didn't know that there was someone

he had seen everything- and he knew how it was going to turn out- because he could see the future and the flow of Time and space

but just because he could see how things would turn out it didn't always go as predicted

he never expected their paths to cross

cupid could feel that there was someone watching him but when he turned around there was no one there and he looked around

even out the window but there was still no one

- it felt strange-

"who ever you are you can come out-" he replied

but there was no response

"why were you watching me?- was it fun to see me suffer?- the pain of rejection - you knew it turn out this way didn't you?- why didn't you stop me?" he asked

he simply couldn't interfere- he wanted to

interact with him but he couldn't- but he still wanted to make his presence known

he simply wrote a note

"we will meet in Time but I can not let you know now-"

cupid saw the note appear beside him

he picked up- man this guy was ominous-

but he sort of liked it- he was curious

just who was he?- and why was he watching him?- what was so interesting?-

did he really like watching him suffer?

was he someone amusing?-

he wanted to say that this person was possibly in love with him but he knew that was impossible- no one could-

but why was he so obsessed with him?

maybe he was over thinking things

it was just this one occurrence

this hadn't happened before had it?

why did he care?- he couldn't possibly love him they hadn't truly meant yet-

but why was he thinking of it as a possibility?

but it didn't make any sense-

but he was still curious about him

and what did he mean they'll meet in Time?

how would he meet him?-

it was very vague he didn't know what to do

he wasn't happy with his current life

he wasn't a God at least not yet

but how would taking his life make that possible? and if it did would he still be cursed? and if that was the case then what was the point? he still go through the same pain- and torture- it wasn't fair-

but maybe there was hope for him

so he picked up the knife and ended it

when he woke up he was in a white void

this couldn't be heaven- right?

because if it was that would be disappointing

- and no he did not want to end up in hell

he already went through enough torture

but it wasn't like he was pure - there was no way he end up in heaven- this had to be some sort of limbo- he walked forward- but there was no end or anyone around-

he didn't like this at all-

"don't joke like this- show yourself!" He shouted

and that's when he appeared

he was tall and he was hot

his dark purple hair they way it sparkled

his ear piercings- his eyes he could see galaxies in them- he could stare in them forever- and when he looked down

he saw his bare chest- and nipples

he turned bright red-

he let out a laugh-

"your quite adorable- pink suits you" he replied

cupid looked up at him confused

pink? what was pink?

"Your hair it's that color because of the love and Lust you experienced-" he replied

cupid was still a blushing mess

he reached down and pulled his face towards his putting his lips to his quickly pecked his lips

"You- why- did you?- do that?!" cupid shouted

"because you are cute-and those lips are begging to be kissed-" he replied

"Hey! that's not fair- don't play with me-" cupid replied

"why not? I thought you liked being played with?- you seemed like you were having fun until that human beat you-" he replied

"Hey!- you pervert!-" cupid shouted

"aren't you one too?- you're the one who enjoyed it-" he replied

"Hey! at least I'm not harassing a stranger!" cupid shouted

"I barely touched you- and I know you want it don't you?" he replied

"Hey-just because I enjoyed it doesn't mean I want to be used again!" cupid shouted

"hmm-what if I told you your curse doesn't effect me?" he replied

"what- but - how? you're lieing!" cupid shouted

"I'm not lieing- I can fall for you-and your curse doesn't work because mine is similar-

if someone falls for me they die-" he replied

"that's- terrible-but at least they love you-" cupid replied

"does that you loved me?" he replied

"I-what- I barely know you- I still don't even know your name-" cupid replied

"It's cosmo what's your name darling?" he replied

"It's cupid-" cupid replied

"that's a fitting for a angel like you" he replied

"Hey- stop it!-" cupid shouted

"but you are a angel aren't you? if you aren't why do you have those wings?" he replied

"wings?!" cupid shouted

Cosmo reached down and touched his back

and cupid felt the extended bone when he touched his wings- cupid let out a moan

cupid quickly put his hand to his mouth

"your so adorable like this cupue" he replied

cosmo began to stroke his wings

cupid was liking it alot - he didn't expect this kind of pleasure-

could he really love him? he had his doubts

he knew all about soulmates but him having one seemed impossible- but here he was

cosmo stopped and looked into his eyes

"Hey why did you stop?" he replied

"so you liked it?-good- I'm afraid I was going too far-" cosmo replied

"you didn't but I don't get why you care-and I can't believe you're my soulmate- I don't have one-" he replied

"why do think you don't have one?" cosmo asked

"because that's how my curse works I can't be happy-" he replied

"It's not how it works- I never thought I could be happy either- but this is the happiest I've ever been-you are strange but I like it-" cosmo replied

"I- but your the strange one-saying we're soulmates-" he replied

"did I ever say that?- I never once said soulmates you're the one who brought it up-" cosmo replied

"but the way you say things it sounds like that's what you're implying-" he replied

"what lead to that conclusion?" cosmo asked

"because you being unaffected by my curse

is impossible unless you're my soul mate-" he replied

"and what makes you think I'm not?" cosmo asked

"because all the soulmate stuff is impossible for someone like me-" he replied

"what makes you unworthy? if anything you deserve it- do you want to be put through all that torture again?" cosmo replied

"I just think that's how things are for me even if I desevered it- it would be taken away from me- the one I love always is taken- why can't I be happy?- it's just unfair- what did I ever do wrong?" He replied

"ha-you sound just like me- that's what I've been asking for years- the world can be really cruel- that's why I tried to stay away from it-

but I was brought to you- you weren't like the others - even if you had a good time you still got hurt - I wish I could have protected you but

I can't infere with human lives- because it kills them- and I tried my best not to infere- but here you are- I never asked you to follow me" cosmo finished

"You did- we will meet in Time? doesn't that mean we were going to meet? I had to follow it-" he replied

"and you think that meant to kill yourself?

that wasn't what I meant- I was hoping we would meet again- but not like this- even though I prefer you like this- you're so adorable " cosmo replied

"this is just making me hate this forum-I want my sexy appearance back-" he replied

"You still have great sex appeal-" cosmo replied

"You pervert!" he shouted

"but you like the things I do- and you want more so who's the real pervert?" cosmo replied

"did you just read my mind?!" He shouted

"so what if I did?-what are you going to do about it?" cosmo replied

"I will kill you-" he replied

"ha- you can't kill me even if you could you don't have the heart to- you may not know it but you love me-" cosmo replied

"I still barely know you how can I love you?" he replied

"I barely know you and I'm already in love-and maybe I'm crazy to believe that you are meant for me-" cosmo replied

"how can you always know what- did you read my mind again?" he replied

"I was just saying what I felt- you feel it too-" cosmo replied

"I - can't love you- I don't even know you-" he replied

"but you still love me-and I'm happy with that-

we can both get to know eachother better just don't push me away-" Cosmo replied

"I just don't get it how can you love me?- you barely know me-" he replied

"You know what they say fate is not what it seems-" cosmo replied

"wrong series-this is-wait was I going on about?" he replied

"haven't a clue but what I meant is fate doesn't always play out the way it was supposed to

we shouldn't have ment at all-" cosmo replied

"I still feel like I'm getting deja vu -" he replied

"did you have that feeling earlier?" cosmo asked

"Yes actually- I'm not sure but- for some reason you feel familiar to me-" he replied

"we've met before?but I would have remembered-" cosmo replied

"how old are you exactly?" he replied

"19" cosmo replied

"You act like you're a billion-" he replied

"Well it's complicated-" cosmo replied

"are you a vampire or something?" He replied

"I'm Immortal- in a way - the loops make it that way" cosmo replied

"loops? so it's possible we've been through this before?- time travel is real?" he replied

"I-it's all very complicated- I can't tell you anything about the previous loops- because if I do you will die- this happened with my other lover-" cosmo replied

"that's- a really cruel fate- my situation that doesn't seem so bad- maybe it's better to not be loved at all-because you'll suffer less-" he replied

"You only suffer more not a single person showed you an once of love not even your mom-

and she's the goddess of love-" cosmo replied

"what?!- how- do you know that?" he asked

"I can't tell you-it's complicated-"cosmo replied

"You are suspicious- like seriously- the note you watching- and everything you told me-

I can't understand any of it" he replied

"maybe you will in time-" cosmo replied

"I don't get this whole time business-" he replied

"maybe this will help you understand better-

I am a God an obverser an overseer -

God of time and space-" Cosmo replied

"I- you- you're a god?!-" he replied

"You are one too- well now anyway-" Cosmo replied

"I- can't be a God- there's no way-" he replied

"where do you think you're powers came from?- your mother was the goddess of love

and now you are the God of love-" Cosmo replied

"how did I become a God?" he asked

"it was the only way to follow me you could not meet me in your moral life-" cosmo replied

"You speak like an old man-" he replied

"Well I have lived many life times-" cosmo replied

"I am child- compared to you-" he replied

"we're actually the same age-centires and all-"

cosmo replied

"what- I don't understand-" he replied

"like I said before it's complicated- you are missing memories but I can't fill them in for you-" cosmo replied

"then why did you act like you didn't know me?" he replied

"because I shouldn't- but I do know you-" cosmo replied

"how come I can't remember you then?" he replied

"that's not entirely true- your heart still remembers-" cosmo replied

"but aren't you the one who said we weren't supposed to meet?-" he replied

"I never said we didn't meet- just that it wasn't supposed to happen- but it did-and you and me fell in love-" cosmo replied

"I- can't believe any of that- it's just not possible-" he replied

"but it happened-" cosmo replied

"You're lieing You never loved me-" he replied

"why are you being like this?-I wish you could remember everything-" cosmo replied

"then make me- if you really love me- kiss me-" he replied

Cosmo reached down and pulled his face towards his putting his lips to his putting them over his slowly pushing his tongue in Moving back and forth

cupid rolled his eyes back- the pleasure he felt was unimaginable- everything cosmo did-

he loved it- he could only feel this way with him-

Cupid: No one loves me

Cosmo:"Are you sure about that?"

insert John Cena meme-

Malik_druinacecreators' thoughts