
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Ep - 7

The earth fairy Maera was waiting around the cave of Lycans for seeing the girl again. At that time, the men and women from the Dracula clan came up there in a hurry. She and her elves waited behind the bushes. They tried to do something but it wasn't being normal to see them close like this. The hobbits said, "I can roll inside their cave-like stone". But the earth fairy said, "it wasn't being necessary". Otherwise, she wanted the private time to ask her well. During this time, the Lycans dragged someone out from the cave and hand him over to Dracula. The Dracula watched that man's face and said something. They couldn't hear from there because it's too far to hear. The fairies told her they can change themselves as a tiny firefly to listen to their conversation. Maera agreed upon their plan. So, the fairies shrunk themselves to the tiny fireflies. Then, they flew up there to get the information from their conversation. The earth fairy and her fellows waited to get some news from them. An hour later, Dracula put that man on their chariot and leave. The fairies flew up to the bushes naturally so the Lycans didn't realize them as spy. When the fairies got back, Maera asked the fairy queen Rosalina "have you heard the detail from their conversation". Rosalina said, "we heard from the half of their word which they tell about the war and princess's red star". Maera was shocked "princess red star so she was being alive still". Rosalina told her "the Dracula and Lycan tried to attack her at the night of the blue moon". Maera said "what". Rosalina said, "Yes, Lycans say about the girl they have and the princess red star will fight at the battle under the blue moon". Maera said, "I won't let them kill my child". Rosalina told her "don't keep in a rush because we haven't heard the whole thing yet". Maera said, "we can follow to stop their chariot and save that man".

Maera was getting fooled by herself. She was being the overprotective mother who lost her child. So, she moved up to stop the chariot and grab that man back from Dracula. First, she moved up there and put her wand on the ground. The ground was shaking like an earthquake and then the ground cracked apart. The Dracula shocked upon that condition so they changed themselves as bats and flew away. When they left, she hold her wand to stop cracking the ground and put them back to normal. She went towards the chariot and peek from the window. The person was shivering inside the chariot. She opened the door by using her wand and give her hand to help him out. When she helped him out from the chariot, she found out his real face. She said, "are you coming from a vampire clan". He said, "how do you know miss". She said, "I am the old witch who was having a good relationship with your masters". He said "thanks for saving me". She said, "don't thank me please answer my question first". He said, "Yes, you can ask me whatever you want because we are living as a team". She said, "a team what do you mean". He said, "don't you know that the moon goddess sent the assassin to kill the poor red star princess". She was getting shocked so she asked him with a shaky voice "I haven't heard about this from our leaders yet". He said, "probably you may go far from here". He continued "look there might have been a battle between the white and red star teams so each side prepared to raise their power". She asked him "how can you get here". He said, "I am here because my leader ordered me to do". She said, "who are you following to". He said, "the person who was being the precious daughter of a master ran away from home via the secret tunnel". She said, "could you tell me the story about it". Then, the guard told her everything behind the story of running away. Now, she realized that her daughter was staying at the vampire's mansion over those years and she learn to use her power well. After having a conversation with the guard, she sent him back to his mansion.

On their way to the vampire, the leader of that guard went up there for searching for him. Then, they met in the middle of the road. And then, the guards' leader invited her to get into their mansion. None of them noticed her as the old witch who they killed in the past. But she was scared if her daughter doesn't remember her. When she went into their private courtyard bypassing the big trees, she saw a little girl who wore the brown wool scarf around her neck. That little girl was picking up the flowers inside the garden. She knew that was her girl. When she starred at her, the guard leaders told her "it was her, she likes to plant the flowers and try to pick up the flowers every day". In her mind, she knew the gods will hear her wishes and now they let her meet with her girl again. She didn't have any other wish again. She decided to save her from her enemies. She didn't know why the white moon goddess want to kill her. The guard leaders told her about the war between the strong ones and the weak ones. The Dracula, Lycans and bad witches were being the weak ones so the white moon goddess who gave bless them always. Both the white and red goddess were holding a war at the moon palace. When they both had children on earth, then they tried to set a battle on the earth. Over years, the white moon goddess sent the star soldiers from the milky way to cease the red star. But she failed over and over again because of the guardian angels. Now, she sent the general Patheon of Gemini star to decease the red star and break the strong resource of her sister. Otherwise, she knew the red moon goddess won't leave her child alone like this too.

During they took their time over the conversation, the master Leonra came up to greet her. The guard leader introduced her to master Leonra and then she saw many other witches, werewolves, and vampires gathered there. They also practiced their skills by themselves. Most of them tried to combine techniques to defeat the enemy at the battle. The lady with spider lily was moving forward to them when she finished picking up the flowers. Ven was moving up to her for helping her carry the flower basket. Maera changed herself as a witch but the lady look at her once. But she haven't seen remember. So, Maera felt sad and head down to the ground. The tiny little fairy queen in her pocket was moving at that time. Maera put her hand on the pocket and told that lady "greeting to the princess, my name is Amoux". Maera continued "I was being late to join with you". Then, the girl was coming up to her and said "you don't have to say this to me because I don't want to tell everyone to protect me and join in the battle". Maera felt blessed because she heard those words from her. The fairy queen told her in a low tone "that's your girl". Then, the girl said, "please come in and take enough rest". The lady was taking her to get inside the mansion. Ven was holding the flower basket and fruit basket. The guard leader loved to see their master like this.

At moon palace, the red moon goddess Diana sent the other star generals named Castor and Pollux to help her daughter. As she ever gave bless to the creatures which she create over centuries ago. In other words, her children supported her much back to defeat Luna and Chandi. Both of them couldn't live peacefully not only because of the sister's fight but also the lack of moon dust. The moon dust were appearing when the god and goddess grant the wish. The wishes which came to Luna can't be fulfilled at all. Also, the people thought the moon god Chandi is getting lazy to do his job. So, they realized that they get bewitched by someone else. The only person they noticed in their mind was Diana. After that, the moon goddess Luna sent the spies to her palace. Diana lived on the black side of the moon far away from them in one place and roof. On the other hand, Diana knew her sister so well. That's the reason why she can escape from the little servants sent to her place by her sister. They weren't aligned well all the time. The moon god Chandi felt sad to see his wives being on bad terms. Most of the time, he went to his brothers for asking out for help. One of them tells him "you give a hard time to the blood-related sister since marriage so keeps in mind yourself you are the only person who deserves it". He said, "I have no choice to get the princess Luna from Titan king". The god Apollo told him "you need to treat them equally if you want them to feel the love from you". He said, "I can't able to love her as Luna". The god Hades said, "see it's your problem". So, he decided to go to his father's place.

Above the sky at night, the rare red moonlight up the sky over months in a year. The people were shocked to see this over and over again. It meant the god neglected their lives and souls. They needed to save themselves from bad effects. The elder told the children not to look up to the sky. So, the white moon goddess planned to rain the meteor shower over the earth from the galaxy to ease the negative effect of the blood moon. The blood moon caused people to feel down and depressed. Because of its stress gave action, the people simultaneously dying over hours. The Lycans were having a serious mission upon babysitting the stardust. The white stardust didn't know about the human world as a red star. So, they faced hard times upon teaching her about those. Dracula wanted to use the power of stardust as soon as possible. But the stardust Ophelia hated them all the time when they forced her to learn new skills. Most of the time, the three clans held the rituals ceremony under the cold moon, wolf moon, and blue moon to raise her power. One day, she told them to stop forcing her to do this. They said, "we all doing this for you and us". She said, "you are breaking me apart". Because she couldn't handle the power of the moon for a short time and she don't know how to transfer the power to them.