
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Ep - 12

The girl kept telling him that they don't even hear the name he say. So, the demon got annoying. Therefore, he closed his eyes and turned back to the gate. The girls grabbed their hands tight and watch his step. They tried to chase the demon away. But the demon came back and stand in front of them by saying "alright I will give you a hint over the story of me and her". Cordelia said, "why are you keep saying to us". The demon said, "you two are connecting with her so I need to tell you". Ophelia said, "is that your plan to get her back by kidnapping us". The demon said, "Yes, of course, and I have something to finish with her". Cordelia said, "what do you mean". Ophelia said, "why you tell us your story ahead of finding her by yourself". The demon grinned by showing his fangs and turned to a scary face. He said, "don't you get it yet she tries to escape from me". Cordelia said, "why". The demon pointed a hand at her by saying "you are the one who knows about her". Cordelia said, "I already tell you". The demon Guzarish prospectively told them about his story. One fine day near the crystal clear lake above Tatra mountain. Maera was playing with water. I accidentally went thereby falling from the sky. Maera found me and cure my wounds well. I was scared to show my true self to her. After that day, I try to say goodbye and go back to my world. But I realized my power was gone and try so hard to stand on my own feet. However, he wanted to get away from her before the strong ties happen. He couldn't get away from her. It was going on like this before the earth goddess know.

Ophelia was looking at him for a while he tell a story. But Cordelia noticed a person she know by listening to his story. So, she tried to divert his purpose upon telling them a story. He used the hypnosis spell over them. She was getting weaker than the first time she arrive. The blood gemstones around the place were absorbing her power little by little. She gripped her hand tight and then she say a word to break his cast. Ophelia went back to normal after she say that word. She said, "knock it off, It's nothing to do with us". The demon was annoying her for the first time. And then, he tries to continue his story. Therefore, Cordelia broke into his story by asking "is that your plan to let us feel sorry for you". The demon faced up to them and said, "No, it's not what I want". Ophelia held Cordelia's hand tight and said, "Yes, you can just tell us what you want first and then we can make discuss it". The demon shouted to them "just shut up and listen to my story". Cordelia turned her face to the other side and said, "your story wasn't good enough to hear". The demon used the brown shiny oval shape gem to raise Cordelia up to air. Cordelia shouted, "Hey, put me down". The demon said, "I will put you down when you stop your mouth". Suddenly, Cordelia heard the crack sound from demon's back. She wondered what happen. But she couldn't look at there completely.

They all heard the voice of the old lady so Ophelia asked: "Is that you Ms. Amoux". Cordelia asked Ophelia, "how do you know Ms. Amoux". Ophelia said, "she once help me out near the Kletno bear cave". Cordelia said, "if that's you please help me out". Cordelia couldn't breathe well because the demon gripped her throat and let her fly on air. The lady hit the ground with her mace and shouted "let the girl go". The demon said, "this girl was annoying me all the time". Then, he turned towards Ms. Amoux like he notice something. He said, "is that you Maera". The witch lady with long brown wavy hair and the black dress turned to golden blonde hair with a green dress. Ophelia said, "who are you". The demon couldn't move his eyes away and kept forwarding to her. The two girls watched the scene well. When the demon reached the closet point, the transforming lady takes his hand and then disappears. At that time, Cordelia was falling back down to the ground. She said, "ouch, it's hurt". Then, she noticed the gemstone under her back. So, she used her hand to grab the stone.

Ophelia came up to help her. She said, "I am fine but". Ophelia said, "but what". Cordelia said, "they don't let us free from here". Ophelia looked at the stone door and said, "it's open". Cordelia said, "really". And then, they lean over each other and get out from the place of nowhere. Ophelia found out they are connecting to each other. When Cordelia fainted on the ground, she used her blood to wake her up. They walked forwards slowly to see the light. When they saw the light, they felt happy so they move up there for looking around. At there, they found the unbelievable truth. Because they were staying up the cliff above the sea. Ophelia said, "what should we do". Cordelia said, "I don't know". Ophelia said, "can you call anyone for helping us". Cordelia said, "in this position how can you say that". Then, she took a long sigh because she don't take her things. She had a phobia when she see the big water. Not like her, Ophelia was being calmer than her. Cordelia said, "you don't seem afraid of this". Ophelia said, "I am getting in touch with those but I don't know why".

However, they held the powerful earth stone. They didn't know how to use it well. On the other side, the lady Maera was diverting him away from putting attention upon Cordelia and Ophelia. She knew his future purpose for kidnapping them. He didn't want to see her only. He wanted to trap the white and red moon goddess by using the earth stone. Over those years, she tried to find him everywhere. Now, he showed up in front of her like this by causing trouble over the innocent children.

On both sides of red and white princess teams, they tried to find their princess back. The star general Patheon, Pollux, and Castor also fly above the sky and find them everywhere. The vampires, Dracula, witches, wizards, and others tried to find them in and out around the areas.

The fairy queen Rosalina found them after five hours later. Cordelia saw her under the moonlight. She greeted Rosalina. And then, the fairy queen blew the whistle to the fireflies to gather up. Afterward, the fairy queen came closer to the hole above the mountain high up from the sea. Cordelia leans over the shoulder of Ophelia and waves towards Rosalina. Rosalina changed herself to human form and ask them what happen. Ophelia said, "as you see she is turning out like this because of the blood-red stone inside the mountain. Then, the fairy queen Rosalina ordered the fireflies to go inside the mountain for checking the condition. An hour later, they came back to her and tell everything with their tiny voices. The fairy queen said, "oh, I see". The girls looked up to her with full hopes. Rosalina took out her wand and speak something in a whisper. Afterward, she waved up to her wand over Cordelia. Cordelia closed up her eyes and also Ophelia do the same as she did. They hung their hands tight. When she finished, Rosalina said, "open your eyes and stand up". Cordelia tried to get up from there with help of Ophelia. She could easily get up from the ground and turn around. She said, "I don't feel weak anymore what happen to me". The fairy queen said, "have you used your power inside there". Cordelia said, "Yes, of course". Rosalina said, "that's why". Ophelia said, "I used my power to let her free too why don't I feel the same". Rosalina told them "it's hard to explain you two right now because it's goddess secret". When she told them like this, Cordelia knew who make this mountain.

At the side of star soldiers, they followed the firefly way to reach them. They knew the fairy related to the two moon princesses. So, they followed the fireflies. As they thought, they can see the two princesses under the moonlight. The moon wasn't getting full enough over the sky. without the black cloud, the crescent moon can also show the scenes. The general Patheon reached and go near to them. When they saw the silver armor man with white hair, Ophelia hid at her back. Ophelia said, "don't let them take me back". Cordelia said, "we have the same face with the different missions of life how can I take you out from them". Ophelia said, "I don't want to live with them and do as they say". Cordelia knew it's her point to take them out from the side of Ophelia. She stood up in front of Ophelia well and stopped him. She put her hand to apart the distance between her and him. He stood in front of her and greet her politely. She said, "I won't let you take her back". He said, "who says I will take her back". She was feeling awkward upon his answer but she put the calm mask on her face. And then, she said, "this child tells me she doesn't want to live with you guys". He said, "I am here for taking you two out from this place as fast as I can". She said, "I can go anywhere else from now on". At that time, the armored general came near her and grab their dress from the neckline. After that, he took out his wings and fly up to the sky. They said, "No, let us go". He said, "go where". Cordelia was frightened to look down because of the sea waves under there. He saw the lady's face well. So, he cheated upon her "happy ride". The two said together "No". An hour later, they safely landed on earth. The two princesses didn't open their eyes still. So, he said, "open up now we are back". After they heard his voice and the smells of leaves and grasses, they slowly opened their eyes. The two mothers at moon palace watched over them. They were feeling strange about their princesses. They asked each other "why they hung on each other. However, they kept fighting each other. Their children weren't being the same as them. The star general Patheon smiled and look up to the moon. It's what he wants to let them know and end the endless fight.