
Chapter 10

Drew is changing into her sleepwear when a knocked was heard from her door.

"Who is it?" Drew answered. "Chase." He answered. "Wait a minute." Drew said wearing a creased forehead. She's wearing an oversized shirt because she's comfortable on it. She opened the door halfway.

"Why?" Drew asked. "I'll change the dressing of your wounds." Chase said. "I said I can do it myself." Drew said. Chase look below and saw Drew's legs. He gulped and looked away. "You sure?" Chase asked. "Yeah." Drew answered. Chase nodded.

Before Drew could close the door, Chase spoke. "I'm going out tomorrow. I can't join the morning routine. I'll be back later on the afternoon." Chase said continuously. "Where are you going?" Drew asked. "I'm getting my ride and my guns." Chase answered. "Ok." Drew said. "Treat your wounds properly so it will not leave a mark. You have a flawless skin so better take care of it." Chase said. Drew blushed and she nodded.

"What is happening to you? You're used to compliments from others without being affected. Why all of a sudden you became a red apple infront of him? Drew asked her stuffed bear. "Drew Bautista, get hold onto yourself!" Drew said still talking to her stuffed toy. She decide to lay down but couldn't sleep. She's tossing and turning on her bed. "Oh, I hate you!" Drew said not knowing who she hates. She stood up and went out to drink cold tea.

Chase was in the kitchen when Drew went out of her room. Both of them were surprised seeing each other late at night. Chase gulped again seeing Drew's lower body parts. He looked on Drew's face to divert his attention but the heat he's feeling become more intense.

"Is it the effect of the alcohol? But I'm used to drinking even for hard drinks and it affects me only a little . Maybe I should take a shower after this." Chase said inwardly.

"Can't sleep too?" Chase asked. Drew nodded. "You want coffee?" Chase asked. "No, I want cold tea. It's getting hot here. Maybe, summer is coming." Drew said innocently but to Chase, it has another meaning. "Yeah." Chase only response.

Drew prepared her iced cold tea. "You want some?" Drew said. "This cold water is enough for me." Chase answered. Both of them kept quiet. Sipping and swirling their drinks.

"Ahm..." both of them spoke at once and smiled together. "Ladies first." Chase said smiling. "I know you joined us not long enough but can I ask you a personal question?" Drew said. "It depends." Chase said. "Oh, ok. What happened to your team?" Drew asked. Chase kept quiet. "It's ok if you don't want to answer it." Drew said but, still, got no response from Chase. Drew lowered her head. "I'm done with my tea. I should go back to my room. Goodnight." Drew said but before she could stand up from her chair, Chase spoke.

"We had a mission, to catch a drug dealer. We considered it as an ordinary assignment because we have dealt with more serious cases than that. We went to his house armed. We gave him our warning and immediately he surrendered. My team came inside to arrest him. I was outside reporting to the main camp that we had a mission complete. As I'm entering the house, my best friend pushed me. They already saw that the house was filled with timed bombs." Chase said shaking. Drew saw it and she worriedly approached Chase and stroke his back.

"I wasn't able to do anything to save them. I'm usuless, I'm their leader and yet, I didn't save them." Chase said with teary eyes. Drew felt pity towards Chase so she embraced him.

"It's not your fault. It was an accident. No one knows what will happen. In our kind of work, it's always expect the unexpected." Drew said while embracing Chase.

Chase felt comfort on Drew's embrace. He embraced her back, feeling the warmth of her body.

"You're best friend saved you for you to continue your life, serving and protecting others." Drew continued. Chase calmed down because of Drew's words and her warmth.

"Thank you." Chase said after quite a while but still embracing Drew. "No problem. If you want a helping hand and a listening ear, I'm always here, Epsilon is with you now." Drew said.

They stayed in that position for quite sometime. When Drew felt that Chase is in his calmness, she begun to move away from Chase's embrace but the latter only tighen it.

"It's getting late, maybe, we should go back to sleep." Drew said in an awkward state. "Five minutes more, please." Chase said pleading. Drew sighed and later nodded.

"Mr. Chase Garcia, I think five minutes is already over." Drew said. Chase looked at her but didn't remove his hand on Drew's waist. Drew blushed.

A while ago, she felt that Chase needed a shoulder to cry on so she gave an embrace but seeing Chase looking at her intently, she wants to regret it.

"Thank you for listening. It's the first time I've shared it with someone and I felt a thorn in my chest was lifted." Chase said in a hoarse voice. Drew smiled awkwardly. "As I've said a while ago, you're always welcome, just like the others." Drew said diverting her attention by looking away from Chase.

All of a sudden, Chase cupped her face and gave her a kiss. Drew was dumbfounded. To other girls, they will slap the man who kissed them especially when it was their first kiss but for Drew, she felt she wanted more. She blushed on her thought. Chase so her emotions and smiled. He pulled Drew more closer to him and gave another kiss but this time, it's not just a peck but a long passionate kiss.

Because it was Drew's first kiss, she doesn't know how to respond. Chase was kissing her skillfully giving her tingling sensation all over her body. She closes her eyes and tried to imitate what Chase is doing. When Chase felt that Drew was responding, the fire within him wanted to explode.

Chase made Drew sit on his lap. He continued kissing her while his hands are roaming around. He caresses her legs, going up to her hips, stroking her back and finally landing on her chest. His other hand was on her back supporting her while the other was enjoying her peak.

Drew moaned feeling the hands of Chase on her breast. She felt she had a fever because of the heat she experiencing. Chase's touches made her body quivered and arched for more.

Chase felt that his weapon is already saluting. He wanted to take Drew right there, right now, but it's not the right place.

Unwillingly, Chase stopped and he saw Drew's bewilderment and he smiled. "I wanted to make love to you right here at this instant but there's a right place and right time for that." Chase said that made Drew blushed.

Chase pulled Drew going to her room. Infront of her door, they stopped. "Can you accompany me tomorrow?" Chase asked and Drew nodded. "Did I bit your tongue?" Chase said with a teasing tone. "No!" Drew said blushing. "How come you answer me with only a nod and now a no?" Chase said smiling. "It was...it was.." Drew can't complete her sentence. "It was your first and I know it." Chase said and Drew became more red in color then nodded. "And I'm glad I was your first." Chase said. "Sleep now, if we stay here much longer, I can't promise I can still hold back. Chase said with a serious face. Drew hurriedly went inside her room. Chase giggled.