
Love Rivals: Inbetween Lovers

Ryan Dixon and Jeff Gray don't like each other. Every time they meet, they are filled with hate. They both have feelings for the school idol, but they didn't expect the other party to actually be a cross-dressing man. In a moment his worldview was shaken. Ryan Dixon got attached and bound with a Supernatural System and it told him, “Hey Ryan, I am attached to you now and I will make sure you build up your friendship with Jeff and tasks will be given to you at random, and Penalties will be imposed if they are not completed on time” Ryan Dixon sneered coldly, "What a joke! I won't! and that will never happen" “Hehe… That’s so gonna happen as your host in-between, You will have to listen to me or get ready to see the WORST things.” The system exploded. Afterwards, the system made Ryan disappear from his present position and appeared in an Unknown Place…(FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY) . . . THIS IS WHEN IT ALL BEGAN….

MoniSky · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

  Chapter 9  

Unfortunately, the worst student in English in this group happened to be Chris Gordon who was fifth in line. At this moment he is very busy calculating which question would be his and quickly turning around to other classmates asking them what they wrote and why they chose it.

After finally obtaining the answer, the third student wasn't able to provide an adequate answer and the teacher said: "Next student, answer the same question."

Chris Gordon: "...….."

Once again he searched around frantically for the answer to the fourth question.

Once it was his turn, the teacher looked over and smiled: "Dear, after working so hard did you manage to get the correct answer?"

Chris Gordon stood up bitterly. He couldn't straighten his back and with eyes filled with sadness he looked up at the podium while internally cursing out the teacher – A devil. Such a devil.

"Teacher, I don't know…." He mixed his English with some other foreign accents aside from English.

The English teacher: "Please speak good English."

Chris Gordon: "….. Sorry, I don't know."

His face was bitter and his face had wrinkled up into a big meat bun. The other students couldn't help but snicker at his misfortune. Even his desk partner Ryan Dixon sprawled across the table secretly laughing at him. Chris Gordon glared at him but this only made him laugh harder.

Unfortunately, less than two seconds later he couldn't laugh anymore.

System: "Random task: Please become Jeff Gray's desk partner. The time limit is one day. If you fail there will be a punishment. Punishment: While the national flag is raised on Monday, before all the teachers and students of the school, shout out —- Jeff Gray, I want to be your friend."

Ryan Dixon: "…..Fuck!"

He couldn't help but swear out loud. He wanted to beat up the system; beat it up until even the original manufacturer would not be willing to accept it back.

This punishment is too extreme.

Ryan Dixon was too agitated by the news and didn't control the volume of his voice well. The teacher at the podium heard his words and slowly looked over at him: "Ryan Dixon, stand up."

With a dark expression, Ryan Dixon slowly stood up.

"As I have said before, I want you to use English as much as you can when you're in my class. So Ryan Dixon, can you express what you have just said in English?"

Ryan Dixon: "...…." His expression had gradually become one similar to those of Chris Gordon's.

Under the ardent encouragement from the English teacher, Ryan Dixon very reluctantly responded: "…..Shit."

"Almost, but to be more accurate it could be holy shit or bloody hell. I'm sure you all have watched plenty of British and American shows so you can pay attention to how they say it. I know most of the boys here are in the science stream and many don't like to learn English so I won't talk about how it will benefit you in the future when you start working but it is very fulfilling when you become able to watch the shows without the need for subtitles and travel overseas without needing a translator. I hope you all study hard. I can assure you that this won't do you any harm."

The English teacher said this slowly and only allowed Chris Gordon and Ryan Dixon to sit back down when she was done. She then proceeded on to the next classmate.

After a stimulating English lesson, Chris Gordon finally couldn't help but grab onto Ryan Dixon's thigh: "Good brothers always go together. Wow, I'm so moved—–"

Ryan Dixon slapped his face away, "Get lost. I want to go out."

Chris Gordon's eyes widened in curiosity: "Go where?"

Ryan Dixon was still annoyed with the system's words and said irately, "Going to the school's office to report to them that you've been playing with your phone during class."

Chris Gordon responded even more enthusiastically. While fake crying and clinging onto him like a koala he wailed miserably: "Don't. We are brothers that have gone through nine nine eighty-one adversaries together. Together, we rise or die. You can't do this to me, it's too cruel. My phone is a part of me. Without it, I can't live anymore ~~~ !"

Ryan Dixon only coldly pushes his forehead away with his palm, "Nine nine eighty-one adversaries? Are you my second brother?"

Chris Gordon suddenly became serious: "What second brother? Of course, I am the mighty Jude Kelvin marshal! So——please don't report me!"

Ryan Dixon: "...…"

He surrendered to this idiot here.

He waved his hand weakly and casually said: "Get lost, the head teacher was looking for me. If he asks me why I'm late then I really will report you."

Chris Gordon quickly released his hold and made a help yourself gesture while smiling: "Elder please go safely~"

Ryan Dixon who finally made it out of the classroom went straight to the office to find the head teacher and ask him about the issue regarding desk partners. He had already thought of a good excuse. He and Jeff Gray both had subjects that they excelled more at while they also had subjects that they didn't perform too well in. Coincidentally, they were exact opposites in this matter and this was especially the case for physics and chemistry. Ryan Dixon planned to use this excuse to ask the teacher to put them together so that they could help each other with their studies.

The head teacher listened to his words and thought over them for a while. In his eyes, these two students were pretty smart. It was just that they were too partial to selected subjects. If this wasn't the case then they would be swimming in smooth waters. The subjects that they were good at, would be at the top of the grade while they would be on the other end of the scale for the subjects that they weren't good at.

He nodded and said, "I have no problems with that. You can go ahead with that if you have both agreed to it."

With Ryan Dixon coming to the office to discuss the matter, the head teacher naturally took for granted that they had already talked it over beforehand. But in reality, why would Ryan Dixon go and do something as embarrassing as going up to Jeff Gray and asking him to be his desk partner? Rather than this, he would much prefer howling out loud in the middle of the night while standing on the sports field.

Doing something so secretively, Ryan Dixon was very nervous and afraid of being found out by Jeff Gray.

He estimated the approximate time Sam Aden would submit the seating plan and pretended to walk up to him naturally. He patted Sam Aden on his shoulder and said: "That seating plan, I want to change it."

Sam Aden naturally didn't suspect anything and gave it to him. He even handed over a mechanical pencil. Ryan Dixon received it and calmly erased his name before writing it next to Jeff Gray. With this adjustment, Chris Gordon would sit next to John Taylor and the only problem was whether the teacher would let them sit together.

After quickly writing the changes down, Ryan Dixon carefully returned the seating plan back to its original position and even covered it with a textbook afraid that it would be seen by the others. He then straightened his back and walked away while trying his best to look calm. This was maintained even when he encountered Jeff Gray on his way to the bathroom and for once he didn't scowl at him

Jeff Gray felt that something was off but just passed him by.

However, Ryan Dixon didn't realise that the seating plan was seen by another person. On his way to the office, Sam Aden just happened to meet the biology class representative Amora Jackson who was also heading there to hand in her homework. She inadvertently saw the seating plan and saw Ryan Dixon's name next to Jeff Gray's name. For a moment, she thought she saw wrong.

Amora Jackson and Chris Gordon are childhood friends and naturally, her relationship with Ryan Dixon is pretty good. She obviously knew about the fire and water-like relationship between the two but after seeing the seating plan… Did the fire and water make up? Is the world going to come to an end?

She was shocked and conflicted but in the end, seeing Alicia's calmer than calm expression, she didn't probe any further. She couldn't help but feel like she was the one over-reacting to something insignificant so she chose to act as if she didn't see anything.

However, with her relationship with Chris Gordon and with Chris Gordon's blabbermouth personality, this matter will be exposed one day. Sooner or later, Jeff Gray would come to learn about this incident.


