
Chapter 3

Still a bit dazed... dumfounded from the astounding win-fall she had just come into Primrose had awoken to find sun beam dancing through her curtain-less bed-room windows!

However, she was still stunned about the money that David had bestowed upon her!

So she sat on the side of her bed that morning she could gathered her thoughts and kicked around - reflect on what she was going to do with all that money!

It was indeed a lot of money to possess at that time, but not enough to start out what she had been dreaming of doing or obtaining, where land was concern!

Even though, David had told her she could do just about anything she wanted with it; and that there was plenty more where that had come from!

Primrose however wasn't at all stupid or had lack the intelligence; to do something foolish with that lump-sum of money!

She was in fact, coming from too much of a humble place - a poverty stricken place to waste so much cash because, someone had suggested to her that she could!

Her mind, still working in wonderment

Primrose entered the bath-room to take care of some hygiene issues before making up her mind about what to do and how to orchestrate such plan before leaving her house that morning!

After returning to her bed-room that morning; she looked for one of her oldest jeans, she put them on and then she put on an old t-shirt with stains in it!

Too excited to eat anything, she took few sips of coffee and then went back to her bed-room and began counting out the money again!

This time however, Primrose wasn't at all counting the money to see if the amount was correct that David had given her!

But she was counting to see what amount she was going to spend; since she had some outstanding bills that needed to be rectified, and very soon too!

And then, what amount she was going to be depositing into her bank account!

With that decision worked-out in her mind; Primrose took the larger amount of cash... that which she had intended on placing into her bank account; she then tied the large sums into two plastic bags!

Later on, she then stuffed the money into a paper bag and carefully placed it at the bottom of her hand bag!

And all that which she had intended on using to pay off her debts, she placed in various sections of her purse before putting it into a bigger bag!

Soon after she was ready to leave her house; but fear had gotten a hold of her! Her mind was running around the clock brainstorming - imagining all that was negative and could happen to her on the road!

Primrose began envisioning pick-pockets holding her up and stealing from her the handsome fortune she now had in her possession!

She was visualizing the crooks winning and leaving her wounded on the side of the street!

And then the other minute, she depicted fighting them off with all her might and overcoming her attackers!

And then, terrifyingly running away from them with her substantial amount of loot!

Paralyze with fear about leaving her house that day; Primrose went straight back to bed and fold herself up in a fetal position!

Resting in that fetal position on her bed for a while a motivator would call... it was her dressmaker!

Primrose had owed her quite a hefty sum, and for a very good while now she had been calling her asking her for her payment... she was in the red with her and she was viciously furious!

And in no uncertain terms the dressmaker was demanding her money from Primrose!

But after the dress-maker had done expressing how she wanted her money right away to buy food put on her table, feed her hungry children, pay her rent and her light bill and also what she would do with the rest of goods Primrose had owed her for; which was done and lying around her house taking up space!

Primrose was instantly jolted to get up from off the bed and go through the doors... catch the bus and go take care of business... all that she had planned on doing and also needed to do!

Intuitively, Primrose reasoned that she should go and put away the large sum of money first and after words, she could going about and attend to the other tasks she needed to!

With the harsh tone of voice from the dresser-maker still pounding in her ear, demanding all that was owed to her Primrose added some pep to her steps; and she was briskly walking through the front door of her house to clear off all her debts!

While, still picturing in her mind that she will not lose to her attackers if anyone attempted to rob her of her fortune!

The will-power was on, the motivation was on, and very soon after Primrose was on a bus heading straight down-town to lodge away her sizable amount of cash into her bank account!

Purposefully, Primrose didn't attire as if she had much!

She was dressed in rags and looked like one from the streets who was down and out!

And for most part, no one paid her any attention assuming she was a vagrant!

Which, she couldn't be more happy for!

Except for one person... he was a frequent customer at the eatery where she was working; and pretty much, had a likeness for her!

He was not a threat to her!

But, with the sum of cash she was hauling in her bag, she wanted to stop for no one at all!

Not even the Pope, or those working for him... those constantly delivering the gospels evangelizing about the coming of Christ!

Fearing they too might say something to her that would make her dip into her hand-bag and allow her to unintentionally expose her pile of cash, for the sake of giving them an offering because they had spoken a word of God to her!

However, it wouldn't be so!

Because after the gentleman had walked passed her, he turned back around and called out repeatedly... "Primrose..."

For god sakes, the man was almost a hundred years old... how did he recognize that that was her, walking by him?

She pondered!

Feeling guilty, Primrose stopped and looked back and then answered...

"Hi, how are you... coming from the bank?"

"Yes, I'm coming from the bank! But why didn't you answer me the first time that I called your name? I knew you must have heard me!"

The gentleman expressed.

Ignoring the gentleman's statement;

Primrose asked...

"How did you recognize me, looking like this?

"What you mean by, how did I recognize you?

I can recognize you anywhere you are and in whatever attire you might be dressed up in... not because I'm not too young anymore, that doesn't make me blind... that doesn't mean I can't see that is you walking by me, Primrose!" The gentleman responded in awe.

With his eyes dancing all over her!

Not wanting to lie to the patron who had given her tips and taxi-fare quite a few times; Primrose uttered honestly...

"You know, I heard your first call Mr. Adams; but I'm in a serious hurry right now! I have something important to take care of right now and I didn't want to stop and talk, not even to god... it's that important!"

Primrose related.

With Mr. Adams years of wisdom, he fired back at Primrose...

"You have money... you going to the bank?

When I was young like you and coming down here to make my cash deposits is the same way I use to dress!

Anyway, run along!

Don't make because of me someone come knock you down and taking away your cash from you!

I wouldn't want that on my conscious!

Go ahead... run on in the bank!"

With his prophetic words uttered at her; Primrose giggling stated while running off from where she and the elderly was standing face to face...

"Okay Mr. Adams! Bye Mr. Adams! I'll see you later!"

Looking back at her running off from where they were standing and heading up the ramp of the bank.

Mr. Adams shouted back...

"No, not tonight, you won't see me tonight, Primrose!

I'm getting too old now to go out every night prancing about with you young girls!"

Before entering through the glass-doors of the bank and figuring out what line she should be standing in; those were the last words Primrose had heard from Mr. Adams!

This was not the usual... this was not a normal business day for her or the bank!

She was carrying a large sum of cash and she didn't want to be standing in a long line waiting to be attended to!

Skeptical, if some crooks should ever decide on robbing the bank while she was there, they would gallop out of the bank with her hefty bag of cash, leaving her bawling where money is no more!

So upon entering the bank, Primrose eyes danced around the waiting area of the bank, intensely and suspiciously!

She was desperately trying to detect if anyone was standing in the bank line looking suspicious... looked like crooks... looked like they would take down the bank... look like they would grab her loot and run off with it!

Comfortable now, she hadn't detected any suspicious characters in the bank; Primrose joined one of the bank-lines hoping to be served quickly!

And when the bank-line wasn't moving fast enough for her; Primrose got out of the line she was standing in, walked over to the customer service section which to her, didn't look like much activity was taken place there and enquired if someone could assist her right away!

But she was rejected twice before one of the staff decided, she could and would assist her!

Anxiously, Primrose expressed to the customer service representatives behind the counter; that she wanted someone to attend to her right now; because she was carrying a substantial amount of cash on her and how she feared the possibility of some scrupulous character bursting in the bank and robbing the paper fortune away from her!

The representative in the bank; ushered Primrose through the small swing gates at the end of the hallway; and then brought her behind the counter to where she was standing!

But she hadn't expressed such to her, until after Primrose had stated to her about the amount of money she had in her possession!

Kindly, the bank representative asked Primrose for her bank-book! She then counted out the funds quite a few times to make sure that it was correct amount what she had stated was in her bag!

After confirming the amount was indeed correct that Primrose had handed to her; lodgment, signature and stamps were done!

Soon after, she returned Primrose bank book to her and expressed to her that whenever she had large sums of money like this again, especially in the form of cash; she shouldn't hesitate in bringing it over to where the customer service department is and seek their assistance in depositing her funds!

Jolly now, Primrose had a weight lifted from her shoulders!

Right now she was more than glad to have all that money out of her hand-bag and in the bank's volt where she thought it belonged; and was much more, safer than her home or pocket book!

With this anxiety filled task completed, Primrose decided to go straight to her dress-maker house and pay her the sums, she owned to her!

Honestly thinking, Primrose knew she had an outstanding bill with her for pretty good while now!

However, she wasn't at all pleased with the tone she had used to tell her to bring her, her money!

But Primrose inwardly agreed that she was in arrears, and it was quite a long time since she had owed her for working on several dresses for her which she too, had admitted, that she had benefited from already!

With all her creditors paid in full and a burden off her head; Primrose went on a small shopping spree!

But not being privy to money, she only purchased what she knew she really needed at the time and had her eyes seton for a while!

Returning home with her bags from her shopping spree, Primrose went to her room and indulged her-self in the moment, in the admiration of all that she had bought!

She was trying on this and trying on that while twirling around observing herself in the mirror repeatedly!

And she hoped that the next time David took her out on a date as he had soulfully promised he would she would be looking like someone who had just stepped out of a magazine!

Or be befitting to the name that he had given her - looking like a princess!

And for the rest of that week, David brought Primrose to and from work each night like he was already married to her!

Thankfully, this was Primrose weekend off from work and she and the handsome stranger now in her life, had made plans beforehand to doing something special or just going someplace nice and quiet, just the two of them!

But nothing about their date had been set in stone - noting had been confirmed between them as yet.

She was happy and David seemed much happier than she was that she was off from work!

Because, he wanted to take her some place special... someplace out of the city!

Someplace quiet and romantic!

And he had been planning on it for a good while now without her knowing anything about it!

So after dropping her off at home that Friday night David told Primrose the good news that he was planning for them both... to go out of town!

And that he needed for her to wear something nice not formal but something that was well put together!

Primrose believed she had the perfect outfit for the occasion!

So she told David that she would be ready when he comes Saturday in the afternoon to pick her up!

And while Primrose got her-self all spruce-up and ready to go and waited in the living-room area of her house for David to come and pick her up, she only heard a continuation of bike noise coming from exactly outside her gate!

Vroom!!!!!! Vroom!!!! Vroom!!! Went the roar of the bikes!

Frighten, Primrose jump to her feet and peek through the windows of her livingroom!

She saw a man fully dress in black!

But she didn't recognize who he was at the time!

It was only after he had taken off his helmet, rested it on the top of the bike and proceeded to walk to the gate that she had recognized that it was Fredrick, David's friend, who he had introduce her to!

Immediately Primrose ran to the gate to meet him!

Her heart was pounding fast and she wondered if something terrible had happen to David!

Although laughable at the time; she remembered his statement when he had introduced her to Fredrick...

"He would be the one, he would send a message with, if he was ever unable to come and see her!"

So instantly, Primrose knew the date was postpone!

But if it was cancel, that she didn't know as yet! And if David was hurt, that she hadn't known either!

But she would sure find that out now!

With a worried look on her face Primrose said hello to Fredrick!

And he in turn returned the gesture and then stated to her!

"Primrose, David says to tell you, he is very sorry; but he has an emergency and has to catch a flight to Miami right away!

He'll be away for a week or so!

But he says... he'll make it up to you when he comes back and that he loves you!"

Not sure what to say Primrose asked...

"But he is alright, though?"

"Yes, he is alright! He just needs to take care of some business off sure!" Fredrick replied.

"Well, tell him it's okay and I'll see him when he gets back, alright!" Primrose expressed.

Hearing the disappointing news, Primrose thanked Fredrick for delivering the message to her, gave him a smile and then told him goodbye!

A bit cast down about the news, Primrose went to her room, changed out of her attire for something much more, homey; and with a bowl of ice-cream in hand, she spent the rest of the day on the livingroom couch resting until it was time for her to hit the sack!

Feeling at ease with their relationship, Primrose laid in her bed thinking about David and all he had done for her the short space of time they have met and have been going out with each other!

She thought about how different he was... he was not pressuring her into having sex with him and neither had he been grabbing any of her private parts just to prove his man-hood!

He had been a perfect gentleman in both words and actions, whenever he was in her presences!

And even though, David had given her that lump-sum of cash for her to do as she please with it, he wasn't displaying any mannerism of wanting to take advantage of her either!

Like she was his personal possession and he could make any claimed that he wanted on her!

For her, David behavior was a pleasant surprise and she loved every show of his affection towards her!

He was nothing like the other sex-greedy, character assassinators physical attackers she had met before and gone out with!

And at times, some of them were only money grubbers who wanted to know when she would be getting pay!

Eventually, Primrose fell asleep analyzing that a good man was in her life!

She thought, he was good for her and believed she should try her best to be the same for him!

Sunday morning now on the scene, Primrose was undecided if she should visit a church in the morning or one of those cool comedic clubs later on in the evening hours so she could laugh away her loneliness and displeasure!

At least, going to the comedy club, she could have something to share with her co-workers on how she had spent her days off!

And also a topic she could tell David about when he had returned home from abroad... on how she had spent her time in his absences!

If he should ever ask as she had perceived that he would!

Feeling a sense of gratitude now - thankfulness, good fortune and even of being lucky, Primrose decided to head off to church instead of the comedy club!

She wanted to give thanks for the many blessings; that she thought, The Almighty had bestowed upon her!

Especially, the large sum of finances that had come into her hands when she needed it the most and which had allowed her to pay off all her debts and still had some left over, she could lodge into the bank for a rainy day!

With this amount of money literally falling on her lap Primrose thought, going to church would be the best way to show her sense of gratefulness to whatever force which had seen her fit to be blessed with such a fortune!

Standing in the church pew; the hymn...

How great thou hath, echoed in the atmosphere!

And little after, a few words from the scriptures were red!

The youth choir started blasting on the top of their voices from the rostrum, the chorus...

"All that I've needed the Lord has provided; great is thy faithfulness, Lord

unto me!"

Hearing these spiritual melodies ringing out from where she stood Primrose couldn't help, but to reach into her purse, take out her handkerchief and dabbed away the tears creeping from her eyes to her cheeks!

The songs had definitely deeply touched a spot in her, moved her spirit, tickled her emotions and brought her to a teary face!

She was weeping like a hungry baby who was very need of its porridge while the parishioners stood by with a face of satisfaction happy that they had touch the heart of a newcomer today!

After returning from church; Primrose decided to do all her laundry, which was quite an amount!

But, she had gotten through them none the same!

Later on she would fix herself dinner and iron-out some clothing for work the following day!

She wanted her morning to be free and clear from any sort of work the next day... only want rest, getting herself ready for work and getting there on time and safely!

That should be her only assignment for the upcoming day and nothing else!

All tasked completed; Primrose headed straight to her bed-room just to stretch out her back; before deciding on retiring to bed for the night!

Just as she was about to sit on the side of the bed she heard a knocking on her bedroom door just like it was a few weeks ago!

It was one of the children of her roommate knocking on her door once more; wanting to convey a message to her quickly!

And when Primrose opened her bedroom door to investigate what they wanted!

She was told; someone was at the gate to see her right away... stating it was very urgent!

Primrose became perplexed!

She knew David was abroad so it couldn't be him at the gate wanting to see her!

And then again, who knows?

The only thing that came to mind; was that Fredrick had another message from David for her!

Hastily, Primrose shuffle her chubby feet into her slippers and hurried to the front gate!

But, she didn't see Fredrick or his bike at the gate! Neither, had she seen a vehicle or person that looked at all familiar to her!

There was a strange car parked across the street from where Primrose was living!

It was a maroon-red car; and she knew no one with such make or model car!

David's car was silver!

Still standing there at the gate, looking left, then right and very suspiciously; Primrose then heard the horns tooting repeatedly from the maroon-red car, parked across the street from her house!

Apprehensive to go up close to it, she stood at the gate, trying to see if she could recognize anyone in the vehicle!

But with the windows being tinted she was unable to see inside the vehicle clearly!

But, whoever was inside the vehicle refused from rolling down the windows so she could have a better view beyond the darkly tinted windows!

Primrose wouldn't budge from where she was standing unless the person inside the car rolled down the car windows or, came out of the vehicle; so she could see who it was!

Like a timid puppy she stood there waiting patiently... waiting to see if the person would exit the vehicle or rolled down the windows and converse with her!

Annoyed and frustrated with the behavior of the person inside the car, she attempted to go back inside her house!

Primrose was definitely, not the one for games... especially with strangers!

So whoever was in the vehicle was only making her irritable!

Being dead certain it wasn't David and knowing for sure she had no other person pursuing her or paralleling up to her for a romantic affair; Primrose concluded that whoever it was in the car was suffering from a complexity of shyness and was afraid to express to her what they had on their mind!

After all, she knew she wasn't in conflict with anyone... she had no enemies she was aware of!

The only persons who could come after her with an act of vengeance were her creditors, and they, she had paid off a few days ago! Therefore, she knew of no other persons that would come after her!

Primrose mind was fabricating all sorts of scenarios about who it might have been in the car in front of her gate!

She began thinking that someone at the bank had seen her with the large sum of cash and had trailed her back to her house; hoping that she might have some more of the dough inside of her house and was planning on how to confiscate dough and run!

Or, someone saw the bank rep counting out all that money she had brought to the bank, thought she was someone with lots of dough, and was scanning out her dwelling place - checking out her schedule so they could jump her without any detection!

It was very odd that someone would pullup at her gate or anyone's gate and totally ignored their presences when they have come forth to see them!

It was just too suspicious for Primrose to take in, and she had had enough...

Having enough of the delaying with the person behind the tinted windows in the car; Primrose was just about ready to place her hands on the gate and let herself back inside of the house!

When someone in the car barely cracked the window of the car and called out...

"Princess my love; come to me!"

Primrose knew that, the only person who called her by the name: Princess was David!

Still in disbelief, she stood frozen on the spot in front of the gate staring at the shiny maroon red car in front of her!

But when the voice said Princess one more time, she knew for sure it was David seated in the car parked in front of her house!

Still reluctant Primrose walked over to the car slowly!

She was in great disbelief that David was at her gate!

Since she wasn't expecting him to be back in the country until around a week's time, or so! As his friend Fredrick had related to her in the message David had given him to give her!

And as Primrose walked up to the car, she asked excitedly...

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought you weren't going to be back here until a week's time!"

Smiling David stepped out of the car, wrapped his arms around her and began pecking her on her cheeks repeatedly!

And when the cheeks didn't seem like enough then his lips began travelling to the side of her neck! Caressing her face with his lips tenderly and again and again until something more powerful was ready to take place!

Being absent from her in such a short span of time, he continued kissing her as if he hadn't seen her in ages and was just too glad to see her again!

Standing exactly in front of her, David placed both his hands on Primrose's shoulders, looked her straight in the eyes, as he stated...

"Change of plans my love, change of plans... I'll explain that to you later! But for right now; I'm too happy to see you again!"

With those words release from David's mouth he embraced Primrose once again, and it was much more passionately than before!

But Primrose had questions and they needed to be answered; so she withdrew from his embrace and asked.

"So why didn't you come out of the car earlier on; or whine down the window, so that I could see it was you inside the car?

You were trying to startle me or something?"

Looking her dead in the eyes David replied.

"No, I didn't mean to scare you; and I'm sorry if I did!

But, I was just sitting her admiring you and smiling of how suspiciously, you were looking at the car!

Now I know you are not quick to run into anyone's vehicle especially, if you are pretty unsure about whom that person might be!

You are a careful person, and that's a good thing, my Princess!" David expressed.

While still having his arms around Primrose's waist and tenderly pecking all over her face with kisses like ravens picking at ripe mangoes!

Momentarily, David released his hands from Primrose's waist and returned to the inside of his car!

Shortly afterwards, he came from the car with a plastic bag in his hands and handed it to her!

"This is yours Princess! I brought it back from Miami for you! I hope you enjoy it!"

Graciously, Primrose took the bag from his hands and look inside the shopping bag to see what was inside of it; that he had brought back from abroad for her!

Amazingly, it was items she wanted... it was a half-white name brand sneakers and a bottle of Charlie's perfume!

She always wanted a pair of sneaker to go jogging in during the morning hours when most of the persons in the community were out doing so!

It was many a morning she thought about joining them, but because she wasn't an owner of a pair of running sneaker, she had revamped the idea from her mind!

And the Charlie's perfume was definitely Primrose's signature scent!

She had always worn it, and David had complimented her more than once that it was very becoming on her therefore, she should continue wearing it all the time!

Excitedly, Primrose revealed to David that she was going to buy a Charlie's perfume few days ago, with some of the money he had given her; but she had changed her mind since the bottle she was presently using still had a substantial amount inside of it!

Now, Primrose was the one hugging David passionately, laughing, rocking him side to side as if he was a long-time school friend she hadn't seen in ages!

She was very excited about the small but expensive gifts he had brought back for her and so she hugged on him and told him many thanks until he began kissing her thank you away!

And for the longest moment they both stood there on the side of the street, embracing each other passionately and periodically staring into each other eyes while expressing how much they loved each other!

With their last date being postponed, David set another date for when Primrose was off from work again so they could spend some quality time together and get more acquainted with each other!

Having such arrangement affirmed and reaffirmed the two love birds mutually squeezed, nestles and cradle each other before giving their last peck on the cheeks, and saying good-night to each other!

Not forgetting that he was pursuing the woman that he loved David held Primrose hand and walked her to her front door! He then saw to it that she was inside her house before returning to his car, tooting its horn and then leaving the scene where is princess was residing!