
Not so romantic

Are you looking for something? I can help you with it” Brian keeps walking closer to her and she wanted to say “Stop right there” but she stood dumbstruck, staring at the man Lily said is her husband.

She was staring so hard at him that her eyes almost tears up because she didn’t blink at all.

“Uh… I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I.. will. just go back inside” he said and turns to leave.

She was still staring and did not say anything until Brian has walk a few steps.

She snaps out of it and “uh...no! you can stay… I mean, don’t go”

Brian walked back to her “Why is she like this? always aggressive.” He muttered and went to sit with her.

They sat down facing the sky and did not talk to each other.

“Why is he here?” blaze ask in her head but Lily responded.

“Make it easy for him to talk to you, you silly girl”.

“What! Lily are you still here? and why are you talking in my head?”

“Because I don’t want him to see me, he will freak out” Blaze turned to look at Brian and then smile at him.

He smile back but didn’t say anything.

“Why is he not talking to me?” Blaze asks again.

“I don’t know, you say something first”.

Blaze shifted a bit and was like “Why did you come out here?”

“Ouch” Blaze heard lily said and ask “what?”

"That is not how to start a romantic conversation, start with something like the sky is beautiful”

“Okay” she turned to Brian and said “The sky is beautiful”

“Yeah” Brian responded thinking she was acting strange.

“Are you okay?” Brian finally turned to face her.

“Yes, I’m fine” she looks into his eyes and he was looking into hers and something seem to be pulling them towards each other.

“I-I have to go now, Sandra must have woke up” Blaze got up to leave and lily just cover her eyes with her tail “Now that she was so close to becoming friends with him,” lily said so disappointed by Blaze.

“When will she learn to be romantic? I’m trying my best to teach her how, but she just wouldn’t learn."

Blaze walked in and sat beside Sandra thinking.

"Will she kill them all? I have to stop her, if that guy is my husband then I have to stop her.

But why is she sleeping for so long?” she tries turning her over but she waves at her indicating she doesn’t need disturbance.

Blaze try getting some sleep but couldn’t, what if she slept off and Sandra kill everyone?.

Brian on the other hand has to manage the sitting room since Sandra and Blaze his unwanted guests have taken over his bed.

Sandra woke up at 4 a.m. and “where is this place?” she looks around and tap Blaze.

“Where are we?”

“You don’t remember anything?” She tries to think but “ah… my head, did I hit my head somewhere?, what did Mr. Lincoln do to Brian?.

Blaze didn’t respond, she was still trying to figure her out.