
Men down

"What are you doing here?, I told you to take Sandra and hide, we will come for you when we are done”

"You sure?,"

“Yeah,” he told him where to find Sandra and Jack left the place to find her. They both run to a safe place while Clara and Alex are left to deal with Sandra’s men.

“What was that?”  the men yell when they saw Alex and Clara coming to them with full force. Alex eyes flashes like lightening and the men began to move away from the house as they advance on them.

"Who is he” a man cried out because what he’s seeing right now is out of the world, Alex has suddenly grown long claws that anyone he grab he ripped to pieces.

Six men down and the rest barely escaped with their lives.

The men left their van and cars and ran for their lives.

“No way! This can’t be” Sandra's father yells when the men came back and told the story of how they barely escape with their lives.  He was so surprise to hear that Alex is still alive and that he is too powerful now.

“I have to see him, I have to confirm this first hand.”

His wife tries to stop him but he refused.

Alex and Clara got rid of the dead bodies and start cleaning up the house.

“We have to fight for our lives, no more running away” Alex told Clara and she agreed.

“But there’s one problem”

“What problem” Alex turn to ask

“Your human friends, if they can’t get to you, they will get through to them”

"That is why they have to stay hiding until this is over. Go to Brian and tell him to go into hiding”

Clara left to tell Brian but he laughed so hard.

“Are you insane?, I should go into hiding with my family!, hahaha, you're not serious.”

“I’m serious Brian, is not a laughing matter, this people are dangerous, they will kill everyone in your family if they have to”

“Tell Alex I’m not moving an inch.” He yell at Clara and walk out on her.

She got back telling Alex Brian refused to leave.

“Is ok, I will see what I have to do to protect him.”

“What are you looking for?” Clara ask Alex who keeps searching for something in his mother’s room.

“I’m looking for a box, two golden box one contain documents and the other a key."

“Shit.. Clara yell.

“What!, did you see them?”

“No.. I didn’t see it, but Sandra took them."

“Oh..shit….shit…shit… how did you know that?” Alex hit his hands on the door.

“She told me herself, she was talking about getting her hands on mum’s diamonds.”

“What diamonds?” he ask Clara, "I never knew about any diamonds, mum has never talked about any diamonds”

“Did you say the other box has only a key?”


“Bingo!” Clara shouted.

“That is the key to where the diamonds are.” Alex hung his mouth open, she may be right, because his mum said anytime his ready to know what is inside the box he should take the key to the bank. But which bank?”

“What are you thinking” Clara ask Alex who was quite for a while.