
Love in the air

He took it with one hand and with the other, he drag her closer to him.

“You may want to put on some cloth, you are tempting me,” he said and sip on his wine.

“Stop it Alex I’m tired” she hurried to cover herself, because of the way he was looking at her.

Alex smirked, “You know you can still give me some more, I want you pregnant before we get out of this place,” he teases her but Sandra doesn’t like that.

“No way! We are not getting pregnant, not now, Alex, I’m serious” she added as Alex didn’t look like someone who want to wait before getting her pregnant again.

“Okay, if you say so, can I eat?”

“Yes,” they both ate and have lots of fun together.

Three days have passed already and it looks like Alex has planted another seed into her because he just couldn’t let her be, he wanted to build a house inside of her.

“Alex I told you I don’t want to get pregnant”

“I’m sorry but I can’t help it, is my honeymoon right?” he asks her smirking mischievously at her. “Just let me enjoy my honeymoon”

Sandra noticed that they have to cut this honeymoon short because Alex can’t be trusted with her body. He wants to eat her whole.

“We have to go back,” she said


“Lilian wants us, Clara said she keeps crying”

“But you said no phones, how did you get the message?”

“I’m sorry but I’m a mother Alex, I was worried about her so I check up on them”

“Are you sure? Because my daughter won’t let me miss this opportunity, I know her very well” Alex said smiling.

“What opportunity are you talking about?”

“To get a little brother, she will scold me if I go back home without giving her a little brother, so let’s go right back into the room” he teased her the more.

“Stop it Alex people are watching”

"No one is watching us, everyone is minding their own business”

“You know what? You can have your phone back,” she said and Alex laugh out loud.

She figured out that if he has his phone with him, he will give her some space, because like everything he does and thinks this day is her body.

“Don’t be afraid, you can have my phone”

“No, just take it back” Alex got his phone back from Sandra.

It was a relief for her as Alex is busy with his phone now while she sleeps.

Putting on his phone he receives tons of messages, half of them threatening messages from Evelyn, calling him heartless and a monster who steal her heart and broke it.

She threatened to kill herself if Alex didn’t reply to her messages, and that she was going to leave a note telling everyone that Alex killed her.

Reading that line, Alex bites his lips and curses the day he met Evelyn, what is he going to do now? He turned and looked at Sandra, she was sleeping so sound.

He just made her a promise he’s now afraid he’d break it.