
It can't occur

They set out the next day but Adora wasn’t happy to learn that Sandra is pregnant for her man.

This can’t be happening,  how did Alex manage to get her pregnant?. Something is not clear.

"I know he won’t remain the same sleeping with her, or maybe Sandra has accepted him the way he is”.

Adora kept thinking of the possibility of Sandra knowing about Alex and still accepting to be with him.

“She’s not of our kind, she doesn’t belong here, I have to stop her” she was so ferrous and disappointed in Alex and her whole family, if only they know how much she loves Alex they won’t be helping that human girl.

She resolved to wait for her here.

Alex and Zack arrived at Lincoln’s house and the house was heavily guarded. Only Alex can be invincible but not Zack.

“We have to take them down one after the other” Zack suggested.

They start the operation but the men notice and raise an alarm.

Before they knew it the whole place was surrounded and  Alex with Zack was taking prisoners but at least they have the chance to see where Sandra is kept, in a glass room.

They watched as different people came to look at her.

“Who are they?” Alex asks Zack.

"I think I know the other one, he is an investor, whatever this man is planning to do with your Sandra is huge” Alex looked quickly at Zack, he was surprised at that statement.

“Please you must help me free her.” He pleaded with Zack.

“That’s why we are here, you have to use your powers to set her free, these men are powerful and they don’t only use physical powers, they also use magical powers.”

“I know, but I can’t change in front of Sandra, the last time I tried it she almost left me”.

Zack can’t believe that Alex still thinks of love in the face of death.

“What’s with the look?” Alex asks Zack who looked at him like he has so many things to say to him but decides to be quiet.

“If you know the gravity of what he is trying to do with Sandra you won't sit still. We have to leave tonight”

He nods in an agreement and they plan their escape.

Determined to save Sandra Alex decides to risk it one more time.

Clara couldn’t sit still, she wanted to go to Alex but he has already told her not to... "No matter what happens you must stay at home" Alex had told her.

She walks to and fro in their sitting room.

She decided to call Jack but later decided against it. “maybe his girlfriend is around, I don’t want to disturb them. All sorts of thoughts keep running through her mind, she kept imagining being there with Alex helping him to rescue Sandra.

She just couldn't keep still.

Alex and Zack kept looking at their watch, they plan to leave at midnight. But in there, one may not be about to differentiate day from the night because everywhere is illuminated with all manner of light bulbs