

She won’t let Alex be, she torture him for hours.

"Alex be a man, I know you need me, how long have you had it, am here for you, you need this for your mental health” she went on an on trying to bring out the monster in him.

“Please stop, we can’t do this” Alex keeps struggling to ignore her but she was doing so much damage to him that his body began to react.

He try going out but she stood on the door half naked mesmerizing him.

“Please stop this Adora,” he said with a weak voice and it sound like yes to her so she kept the pressure going.

She move her hand down Alex and he gave out a soft moan, he has never had it for a long time because of Sandra, he has no other woman so he was on hold for a long time but now….Alex don’t think he can take it anymore.

“Let’s do this” he told himself and he grab Adora taking her back to the bed, he pull her close to him as he thrusts deep inside her leaving her with a mouth wide open, it was hot and rough, she like it rough and Alex is one you can count on for such a job.

“I love you Alex” Adora keep saying as Alex ride on her but he said nothing.

He didn’t want to make the mistake of saying I love you too.

“I can’t make two mistake at a time” he keeps remaining himself as he ride on her.

“Alex, .. Alex are you listen to me?” Adora whispers. But he keeps riding without answering her.

She was hurt and try to stop him.

But Alex keeps on riding, he wasn’t done so Adora can not leave him hanging, so he pin her down and she start to struggle.

After a long time of struggling she gave up and Alex continue till he was done.

“You are very wicked” she said to Alex still lying on the bed facing up. And Alex too he was lying down facing up and they both were gasping heavily.

“What did  I do?” he ask but not facing her.

“I said I love you” she is lying facing Alex now but he was still looking up at the ceiling.

“Why are you not saying anything?, you don’t love me right?”

“You can’t take everything from her you know?”

“What!” Adora didn't understand what he meant.

“You can’t take her man and his heart at the same time” he turns to face her this time.

“Are you talking about Sandra?.”

“Of course, who else?”

“Your not serious, she can’t give you want I give to you” she said standing up to follow him because Alex is out of bed now and putting on his cloths to go outside.

“Alex she’s not supposed to be with you, she can’t treat you the way I do”

“Stop it, she can’t… but is no fault of hers, when this is over, .. She will be able to give me anything you think you are giving me.”

“Is that how much you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you” he turn to face her and she stop in front of him.