

I think you’re right, if the could keep the fact that she has diamonds from me, then I think I don’t know her that much.

“What about father?”

“I don’t know much about him apart from him been our dad nothing, I hardly hear from him except mum.”

“You see!, that is why we need to look for someone who will tell us about mum and dad, then we will know where to start.”

Clara thought is a good idea. “So where do we start from?”


“Zack!, .. Who is Zack?, do I know him?”

“Yes you do, he’s been here once, and he’s the one who save my life, I would have died by now”

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay”

“Yes I will, just call me if you miss me” hahaha they both laugh and Alex went to visit Zack.

“I heard what you did” Zack welcome Alex with those words.

“What!, are you spying on me?” Alex ask surprise because if he knew all this then why didn’t he come to help him?.

Information flys you know, welcome, my dad and mum are back. I told them about you and they are hoping to meet you”

“Really?, Alex was so excited, he has been wanting to ask them few questions about his parents.

They are not at home now but they will be back, they’re attending a meeting with Adora.

“Yeah.. Adora.. How is she?” Alex finally ask.

She’s fine, she went with mum and dad.

Zack was wonder why Alex has not ask about Adora since be arrived. “I guess she is not in his heart, but Adora won’t stop asking after him.

“You have to sleep over if you want to see mum and dad., they are very busy people”

“I see, then I will stay” Alex accompany Zack to see some of their business and he discover they deal on drugs.

“What?, is that what you do?” Alex remember once his father took him to chase a few guys that day, he couldn't remember what happened but he knew that his dad killed one man that day, he asked his men to kill one of the men which made him got angry.

 But what happened after is what he can’t recall. is that the kind of business my parents were doing?”.  He ask in his head but keep following Zack silently.

“Did you remember anything like this when your dad was alive?”  Zack ask him at last. But he only shake his head.

“Hmmm, I see”  this has been one of the many reasons Zack and his family wants to be very close to Alex, they knew that after his father he will be the next to rule the clan and as such they wanted to be on his good side before that time. Is call business strategies.

After all Alex father has been granting pardon to some of the people dealing on drugs simply because they were close to him.

 A lot of people wanted to mingle with him in order to get pardon because of friendship but a whole lot of them has also become his enemies.