
Love or profession his temptation

"Remember, I don't care about love or whatever, just take this relationship as part of your job, I will increase your payment" Raymond said in an extremely cold voice and Sophie could only nod in response, unsure of what to say... Sophie, a twenty six years old lady, stumbles between the bridge of love and profession after getting dumped by her ex boyfriend, Felix. She becomes completely broken and doesn't know what to do anymore... Because his last mission is to subdue her and get her under full control,he says that Sophie has to fulfill his demands and at the same time force herself not to fall too deep into his temptation since that would ruin everything he waited for,only then would she be acknowledged.... But just spending a few months with this cold CEO of her's, Sophie isn't sure if she will be able to cope anymore and keep to their original arrangement. What would be her reaction when she realizes his true identity and his reasons for accepting her?

Vee_High · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

A peek into the future

Two kids ran around the garden filled with different types of flowers while laughing happily, their faces were blissful and it was easy to see that they were enjoying themselves.

A little girl that seemed to be around ten ran in front while occasionally staring back at the boy who was chasing after her. The boy looked like he was seven or eight. His face was covered in sweat as he gasped constantly but still didn't stop running after the girl in front.

"Slow down. I can't last longer" The boy called out as his speed gradually decreased. Causing the distance between them to increase.

The boy had short curly red hair that was wet from sweat, which caused his hair to shine with a more reddish luster that could easily make anyone want to cherish him. He had a pretty and exquisite face. Red eyes that perfectly complimented his hair color. His skin was pale and flawless which gave one the impression that he was a sickly child of a wealthy family as his skin was even tender and delicate than that of most women.

He wore a red-colored garment with side sleeves that could fit his entire body. The top of the garment was well suited to his body structure so that it didn't hinder any movement on his upper body. From the waist down, the garment was parted in an upside-down v shape that gave way for his legs to move freely without restrictions while both ends of the garment fell freely on his sides. The garment was decorated with golden lines at the end of both sleeves while at the neckline were golden threads that were woven to form triangular formations. The rest of the garment had different beautiful designs which were of course, also made with the same golden threads.

The boy finally stopped running and laid flat on the grass. His chest heaved up and down as he took in as much air as possible to pacify his rough breathing.

One could see the two small pointed canine teeth that were slightly longer than the rest of his teeth. 

All in one sentence. The boy looked like a young vampire prince. Charming and addicting.

The girl who was not more than ten also stopped when she saw her pursuer give up. She calmly strolled towards him with unhurried steps.

In contrast to the gasping pale boy. The girl was clearly not exhausted or out of breath even though they had been running together for so long. Her long black hair drifted gently in the wind with a short bang on her forehead. Her black eyes filled with playfulness as she stared at the redhead boy. She also has pale skin but not to the boy's extent. Her skin also didn't lose to the boy's flawless and delicate skin in any way.

Compared to the boy's sophisticated garment. She wore a simple yellow skirt topped with a white shirt.

She walked to his side and sat close to him before waving her little hand over his face and as if obeying the call of their master, the beads of sweat slowly levitated from the boy's face before disappearing without a trace.

"Hehehe, I told you, you aren't my match yet. Do you believe me now?" The girl laughed heartily with a smug smile on her cute face.

" Yeah yeah. Keep saying that. I will catch up with you sooner than you expected" The boy said with a gentle smile, not bothered by his sister's smugness.

"Oh? Do you still want to have a go at it again? Come, this big sister of yours shall accompany you all the way" The girl bent over and playfully pinch the boy's soft cheek.

" Get your hands off of my face or I will bite you" The boy retorted, though he didn't make any attempt to pry away her hand. He enjoyed the feeling.

"Being aggressive now? Why don't you try catching me first?" And with that, she lightly poked his pointed canine teeth before swiftly running away the next instance.

The boy's body trembled from his canine getting poked. He soon got up and gave chase. And before long, the familiar scene of running and laughing replayed in the garden.

Not far away. Three figures could be seen slowly walking toward the two kids. They were two men and one woman. 

The woman had long red hair that fell all over her back. Black eyes that were identical to that of the little girl and a delicate face. She was a mature version of the little girl. The only difference is their hair color. She was so beautiful that one wouldn't be wrong to say she was a goddess from the premodia era.

She wore a golden rust gown that wrapped around her figure, perfectly outlining her curves and elegance.

The man on her left had blue hair with half of his face covered with them. He had blue eyes and gave a seductive and lustful air, coupled with how handsome he was, he was no doubt the god of lust.

The other man on the other hand had black hair and red eyes that were identical to that of the little boy. His black hair was held up with a hairpin, making him look like an ancient swordsman. He was also as handsome as the man with blue hair, if not more handsome. He gave a noble and untouched air in contrast to the blue-haired man's seductive vibe.

"Those two again. Tsk tsk, they can't just stay in one place and practice in peace. How the hell did they get here?" The blue-haired man grumbled with a frustrated face.

" Who's fault is that? You were supposed to watch over them for us" The woman said with a sweet smile on her face. Her eyes did not leave the two running kids in the distance.

"Don't even get me started Sophie. Can't you tell I didn't let them leave the house? They escaped without me knowing" The blue-haired man complained with a helpless and tired face.

" Fufufu, come on Nero, they learned everything from you. So it's all your fault they could sneak out. After all, you are always doing it" Sophie giggled softly and parted Nero's shoulder.

Nero sighed. She was right about that though, it really was his fault if they really thought about it but he was now helpless against these two kids. They were just too much for him.

"And what are you smiling at? Mr cold face" Nero scoffed at the man with red eyes, who had a gloating expression on his face.

"My name is Raymond, in case you forgot. And why I'm smiling? Well, it's because you are frustrated. It's that simple" Raymond said with a pleased tone. Seeing this blue-haired fella so frustrated was the best thing he could wish for.

Nero knew it was useless to argue with Raymond, he could only find an excuse to leave. "I'm going to get the kids" And with that, he disappeared from his previous spot.

"You are being too hard on him darling. Why not take things easy with him?" Sophie said with her voice filled with love and tenderness. She made her way into Raymond's arms and rested her head on his chest.

Raymond wrapped his arms around her slim waist in response and took in her refreshing scent that always intoxicated him.

He freed his right hand and raised her chin with it, making her look at his face. His gaze burned with flaming passion as he gaze at her beautiful eyes and red lips. He wanted to eat her here and now but held himself back.

"If I'm too kind, he might turn stupid," Raymond said seriously but Sophie knew that he was just being sarcastic, she didn't mind though.

"I love you," She said softly. Her gaze was still fixed on his face and her eyes overflowed with an endless sea of love.

"You are already so strong, yet still act like a baby" Raymond teased while he slide her hair behind her ear with his fingers.

"I will always depend on you because you are my man. What's my business if I'm strong or weak? I'm still your baby, aren't I?" Sophie giggled sweetly.

Raymond's eyes flashed and a warm smile formed on his lips. He brought his face down, closer to her lips. Their lips were just inches apart when Nero suddenly appeared beside the couple with the two kids who quickly covered their eyes when they saw their parent's situation.

Raymond's eyes turned cold as he glared at Nero with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He looked like he was about to fight Nero to the end. Nero had a smirk on his face when he saw Raymond's expression. Good serves him right. Nero was glad he was able to interrupt his blissful moment.

Sophie giggled softly and pulled away from Raymond's embrace while giving her husband a tempting and provoking smile.

"Lucian, Hazel" Sophie called out to the kids who were still covering their eyes with their little hands.

The two kids jolted as if they were suddenly woken up from their dreams.



Lucian and Hazel jumped towards their parents like excited rabbits.

Lucian, the seven or so years old red-eyed boy ran towards Sophie while Hazel jumped at Raymond.

Raymond's expression immediately took a hundred and eighty-degree turn from being cold to tenderness and love as he caught Hazel midair before enclosing her in a warm embrace.

Hazel wrapped her little arms around her father's neck and snuggled against his cheek. She was acting like a spoiled princess who finally saw her dad after years of being away.

Meanwhile. Sophie knelt and spread her arms, waiting for Lucian to run right into her embrace. And just like Raymond and Hazel, Sophie and Lucian also experienced an intimate mother and child reunion.

"Why did the both of you come out?" Nero's voice brought everyone from their clouds. They could help but look at the blue-haired man with eyes screaming 'seriously?'

But Nero didn't care and acted like he saw nothing.

"Lucian was the one who wanted to come out. He's obsessed with getting strong" Hazel said while still in Raymond's hands.

Now, it was Lucian's turn to receive everyone's stare.

"And why is that?" Sophie asked while rubbing Lucian's hair.

" I'm too weak, I want to become stronger quickly," Lucian said weakly, unable to look anyone in the eyes.

The three adults exchanged glances before shifting their attention to the pale boy.

"Oh, my poor baby. You don't have to always do this. You are a demon and it's normal for you to have slow progress, unlike your sister who is an angel. So you don't have to stress yourself. Okay?" Sophie explained slowly. Her eyes filled with concern and worry for her son.

Lucian only nodded but didn't still look up to meet her gaze. It was like he could feel that they were still staring at him.

"Why do you want to be strong so badly?" Raymond's voice entered Lucian's ears which made the little boy finally raise his head.

"Because…I want to protect big sister Hazel" Lucian said with determination plastered on his face. But such expression only appeared to be super cute in the eyes of Raymond, Sophie, and Nero.

"Pfff..who needs your protection? I'm the one who's going to protect you. After all, I'm your big sister" Hazel immediately protested.

The three adults could only shake their heads in amusement. Trying their best not to laugh.

"Come on, let's head back to the castle," Raymond said calmly, and with that, he turned around and disappeared.

"Come, let's follow your father" Sophie pat Lucian on the head before lifting him from the ground, following behind her was Nero, who seemed to be reminiscing about something.