

Lei Zhao walked into the hospital suite with unhurried strides,his hands in his pocket, he was neatly dressed in his customized grey Italian suit,and matching trousers.

"Mr Lei.",The nurse respectfully bowed her head,as a form of greeting.

Lei Zhao's eyes landed on the paled skinned girl,her pink lips now nude,her hair roughly sprawled on the pillow. She was looking really lean and unattractive.

"You,why did you not let me die?, wouldn't it be easier to leave me lifeless on the floor?,instead of you making me go back to a life of misery and pain. Mr Lei, I understand that,as you hit me with your car,you ought to take responsibility and bring me to the hospital.But,in fact,I want to be dead.",Mo Ruo stated, leaving both Lei Zhao and the nurse, shocked. So,she wanted to commit suicide huh?,why didn't she just write it on her forehead,so he would know ah.

"Is that how to thank your saviour?,I saved your life alright.You could have inscribed,'I want to commit suicide,hit me with your car.' On a placard. At least,so I will know.",Lei Zhao said indifferently.

Then he added,"I will drop you home,and,give you money. So,you don't go ahead tarnishing my reputation with façade news. I have met,alot of gold diggers like you. Who just wants me to get you injured,so you sue me and charge me alot of money.", Lei Zhao said in disgust. People like this irritated him,he never spared them a glance at all .

"First of all,Mr Lei,I had no idea that,you would be the one hitting me and bringing me back to my life of misery. Secondly,I don't want your money,I just want to attempt suicide again and I hope,I hope it is successful this time, Thirdly,I don't even have a home!,let me leave this world full of betrayal. Fourth and the last, Do not call me a gold digger.Thank you,Mr Lei,for listening.",Mo Ruo said in her calm England accent. Yet her words carrying dictatorship.,Then she added,"You saved my life,right after you tried to kill me with your car. Oh that was my fault,My bad.",Mo Ruo sheepishly said.

"As you may say, But,Miss Mo. I am sorry to say,I am still giving you money. I don't want my name to be dragged down the drain, by a silly accident,you caused. As I may wish,I will settle the bills and give you money.Assume,this never happened.",Lei Zhao indifferently said,he drew a check from his pants pocket,and handed it over to Mo Ruo.

Mo Ruo gasped,did he just give her a cheque worth,nine digits,to shot her mouth?,At least,now she could start from somewhere. She thought.

She would make Lu Chen pay,he would pay for making her suffer a life of misery and sorrow. She never thought her life would ever be like this.

She got up from the hospital bed,with the cheque in her hands. Right now,All she wanted was for Lu Chen to suffer what he made her suffer.