

Thea's P. O. V.

So he is a freakin' royalty?! no wonder he is weird.

It's been a week and he isn't showing up, is he embarrassed? I'm all alone, Gradgie is always out, Catherine is in vacay, well at least I have my cats around.

I took my phone and texted Eli

' Hey, how are you? '

No reply

Why!? I don't wanna be alone, well, maybe I do, and don't I don't know, I went to my room and slept, since I have no one to talk too.

I woke up maybe, what time is it?

It's 6 o'clock in the evening, Gradgie is downstairs, preparing dinner, I got surprised, there's this two guys in the kitchen, maybe Gradgie's colleagues?

"Gradgie? Ahmm, who are they?" I looked at Gradgie and pinpointed those two strange, weird looking guy, looks like foreigners

"They are my colleagues, that one is Asclepius" Gradgie said

"Hola" said Asclepius

"And this is David" Gradgie said

"Hi" David said

I shaked hands with them and had dinner, then Gradgie told me they are going out, again.

I went to the room and texted Eli

' Everything alright? '

I hit the send button

No response as expected

Gradgie's P. O. V.

The three of us went to the headquarters to talk about our next plan

"Asclepius, how's the security of the village doing?" I asked

"Doing well, your higness" He said

"David, how about the count?" I asked David

"From what heard your highness, he is preparing to surprised Lady Athena, for the count thinks that he shocked him"

so they know each other already

"Bernard, what do you have" I asked

"Lady Athena and Count Alexander, has something going on I think, they are, excuse my word, falling or maybe being attracted to each other your higness"

I looked at Eleanor who is in hologram for she can't go in the Philippines to guard Lord Alfredo's move.

"Falling in love eh?" I said

"What is your plan your highness?" Bernard ask

"Well we have no choice, since I'm fighting for our freedom, if they fall in love, I want it to happen, without Thea not knowing the truth." I said

"We will continue with plan B" I added

"But your highness, both sides will be devastated" Eleanor said

"Its okay, sometimes, love doesn't work the way we wanted, our goal, is to make your Lady Athena, the best she can be, give her freedom, everything, and let her know the truth at the right time"

Everyone nodded

and spoke 'yes your highness' in unison

Lord Alfredo and his family may think I went to this country without a plan, but no. And he will be surprised, shocked, confused, for fate, is now in my hand.

I held Antonio's photo and a tear fell

I'm ready mi amor, don't worry, I have it all planned out, even without you, I will make them pay. They may think to it that I'm alone, but they might have forgotten that I am Duchess Casiana Ventimiglia daughter to Duke Kryptos and Lady Serena. They think I'll left this country alone, I have my loyalist, my butler, my team to help me.

I made Vancouver's village, and every resident in this village are my loyalist, my team, my soldiers ready to fight for me, I will dethrone you Lord Alfredo, I will dethrone you, using your own blood, your own son

Eli's P. O. V.

"Hey France, you think Thea will like these?" I asked

"I think so" He said

hopefully she'll like these, I mean, I bought many things, like soda, chips, pizza, burger, fries, pasta, that's what it said in the Internet so, I think I'll get an A+ this time

"Let's go France"

And we head off to Thea's with a smile drawn in my face

I knocked three times on the door and opened the girl I think I'm falling into.

"Hi" I said

She looked at mean like I killed her pet or something?

"Why are you here? You didn't replied, are you ignoring me 'coz I know the truth, what wrong did I do, I mean an eighteen year old person like me has the right to be curious right? are you embarrassed about me? If so I'll just-"

Before she can finish her sentence I locked my lips against hers.

" You talk to much " I said

Thea's P. O. V.

That kiss, he kissed me, he is my freakin' first kiss. why does it feels like my cheeks are burning, and my heart, I think I'm having a heart attack, all I did after realising this, is to punch his shoulder so hard that he feel on the ground

" Hermosa?! Where did you even learn that? Shit my shoulder hurts you know " He complained

" You deserve it you know " I said

Honestly I'm bad about the kiss, but why do I suddenly feel worried about him

" Hey, are you alright? Why did you even do that?  " I said

" Do what? " He asked

" The thing, arrggh, nevermind, why are you even here huh? " I asked

" I wanna make it up to you "

My heart melted, wow, I don't know what would I feel about that punch

" Remember when we watched a movie, I brought food, but its not what you like, so I researched and

I did so, I have here pizza, burgers, fries, milktea, pasta, chips, soda, and everything the internet said " He added

My heart is beating so fast, my mind is filled with thoughts

" So you want to watch a movie then? " I asked

He nodded

" Let's go inside, let me help you with that shoulder of yours "

We went inside and my eyes kept looking at this handsome Spaniard Count in front of me.

"Thank you" The words that came out of my mouth suddenly

"For what?" Eli asked

"These, I mean, I feel so lonely these past few days, Gradgie is always out, then suddenly, you came into the picture to make me smile, thank you Eli, but I still hate you for being my first kiss"

I said and chuckled

"You're welcome, and don't worry hermosa, I intend to be your first, second, third, up to your very last kiss"

Did I heard that right? or I'm just imaging thing all I did was to smile, just smile

Awkwardness and silence filled the room until Eli broke the ice

"Where did you even learn to punch like that?" Eli ask

"I learned, many fighting techniques, I studied how to fight in a hand to hand combat, I leanered how to use a bow, a sword, spear."

In his face I can see that he is, impressed

"Who teached you?"

He asked but before I can answer, Gradgie was knocking in the door, and I remember that she said that no boys allowed, holy cow.

"Shit its Gradgie, you need to leave now" I took him to my room, and he said he can handle it, and wow, he jumped, out the window, fell like it was nothing, I think, he is trained to do that

Then my phone beeped, it's Eli

'It's nice sneaking out, right?'

'yeah right' note the sarcasm folks

I went downstairs and Gradgie looks sad

"What's wrong Gradgie?" I asked

"We need, to go to the doctor tomorrow dear" She said

What?! Doctor?! Why?!
