
A new

A month ago. Let us say I was, in a room. Where the portal for me to go out, is through a mirror, but it was broken, so, I have to.

Fix it, mend it somehow, and luckily, I survived

I will remain faithful, at our promise, I will hold on, to our promised ring, you will remain the guy, who made my heart beat so fast, you and just you, Alexander Elliot Ivan Orion Uranus.

Luckily there are people, who helped me survive, I may lost you Eli, maybe we are parted by many things. And I know there is a reason, so I'm taking this as a test, a new journey, an adventure, a new level of my life.

This journey, shall be my way of paying back everything Gradgie did for me.

Its time for me to study college, graduate, and make a name, known throughout the word, the woman, whose raised by her grandmother.

Whose love by her family.

Anthea Lyn Czeisler Espíritu.


I look at the mirror before going to school.

I stared at my own reflection.

A memory then flashed back.

When I was asking myself

What does it feels like to lose a person you love.

I chuckled

I shouldn't have asked that question to myself.

When I went downstairs, dad is on the garage, he said he'll take me to school, he really wants to pay back the years when I don't have him.

So he said he'll take care of me as much as he could.

Which made my heart melts over and over again.

Then Vida on the other had said she was so happy, that she has a sister.

And mom, said, that she will try to love me like how Gradgie did

But I don't really like the idea comparing a person to another.

We all have something special in ourselves.

We are our own definition of special, beautiful, unique.

You are you.

And no one can erase that.

This one, is for Gradgie and Eli.

I will be successful as promised.

And I know, that Gradgie will always be by my side.


When I arrived at school.

a smile appeared in my face.

This is it.

A new journey

I took the bag I prepared. The four of us

Me, Vida, mom and dad are going to have a vacay.

We're going to the beach.

While I was walking to the stairs, a felt a warm embrace in my body, no one is beside me.

But I feel someone, embracing me, like its comforting me.

I want to cry but I already think its enough, Gradgie won't want me to be like this. I continued walking and then Dad showed up and spoke

"You look gorgeous, honey" He said

"Thanks dad" I replied.

I took my phone out and check myself in the camera.

My beauty is still in there, even with my hair is short.

"Shall we?" He then asked

"We shall go dad, no time to waste I want to swim" I said with excitement

"We have a pool you know that right?" He asked

"I know that dad, but swimming in water, in the sea, is much better, plus I feel free there" I answered

"Since it's already a month before you're school. We won't have much time to go to the beach always, so what if we go there, if you're free, college is stressing so?" He asked

"Yeah sure" I answered.

Dad punched in the air while smiling.

Happy are we?

When we are on the car. Vida and I are on the backseat while mom is driving and dad is sleeping.

Snoring, loud, so I played music.

I wore my earbud. Then a warm soft skin held my arm, it was Vida

"Can I listen too?" She asked

I took off one of the two earbud and gave it to her.

I was playing Taylor Swift's song. Tim Mcraw.

Then Vida was smiling was listening to the music.

Minutes have passed, I found Vida lying in my lap, sleeping peacefully.

And so do I, fell asleep.

I woke up hearing voices, mom's voice, she's waking me up.

"We're here, honey" She said

I stretched my back and yawned.

We are here, I can already here the sound of the waves.

I excitedly open the car's door, tge first thing I saw is sad

I looked at him, like I'm asking permission to go already, I wanna go, run and feel the breeze.

He nodded.

I fixed my hair and ran

My hair was playing with the wind. The sand feels good, the waves, they are calling me. it feels so good.

I ran as fast as I can.

And when I arrive at the front of the sea.

I took of the long jacket covering my swimsuit.

After I took it off I jumped in the water and swim as far as I can and floated. Closed my eyes and felt the peacefulness of the water and my hair at the same time is swimming, floating rather like its sleeping.

Minutes after I went back to the shore and I saw Vida playing with the sand and making a sand castle, mom taking pictures and dad is grilling.

I went to Vida's side and helped her make her sand castle

She then spoke

"I'm so happy that I have a sister" She said

"I'm happy to Vida that I have a little sister" I replied.

She stood up and went somewhere and cameback with a shell.

"For you sis" She said

I took it and I stood to and looked for something to give also.

Then I noticed that I am wearing a hair clip, I took it off and gave it to her.

"Then this is for you" I put it to her hair and hugged hair.

This is sure a new journey.