

Finding love was difficult for me, I thought I could never trust someone after what had happened to me. But here I am writing about the Love of mine. An original book that consists of just our love and nothing more. I never imagined I would be able to fall in love with someone so beautiful souled. Someone so kind and caring and someone who put up with my weirdness and keeps me first. someone who values my life of being in this planet alive. Someone who wants me just for me. I love him so much and I could not even have imagined, I would be this lucky to have someone like him. Someone I could confide in and someone who would keep me safe. My haven. A place I call, Home. I finally found my home. I found him. I found the light I was searching for all these years. I can finally show the child in me, that I am finally set free from this prison of loneliness and darkness. I Found My Other Half. I found him and He is mine and only mine. No refunds and No exchanges. He Is My Home, He is Mine.

Princy_Prince2 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Look at his smile,

Those enormous white ones.

Look at those ideas,

Running around in your head.

I know I can't stop thinking about you.

You are my shooting star from the heavens.

I wouldn't want to stop gazing at you or talking to you.

Because they remind me of my fate.

Your expression says it all,

Those small laughs I hear over the phone from you.

I realize I'm not your first,

You, on the other hand, were my first love.

But I will be your last and only.

You're mine.

You were my first option and will be my last.

I am yours and yours alone.

It was fate that shaped us into the people we are today.

Together and joyful.

Constantly daydreaming about you,

I'm wondering why I was chosen to have someone as fortunate as you.

Sleeping without your warmth and cuddles,

It's the thing that makes me miss you the most.

But, no matter how far we've come,

No matter how far I have to travel to be with you.

That's where I'll be.

However, until then,

I can't stop thinking about you.

With no room for anyone else.

You are unique to me.

and the affection you lend me,

That's more than enough for me.