
4. Chief

Every day that flew by he kept thinking about that woman in the mask that made him relive something strange, his heart needed something new and she was "that" something. He needed to find her. Every night he returned to the same place, the same table and almost the same drinks but she did not appear on the stage. He was going crazy for a strange woman, it was the first time in his life that someone occupied his thoughts and that made him angrier.

For a little pleasure he would do things but this time, he didn't know what he wanted with this woman. He just needed to have her in front of his eyes and get to know her.

Weeks passed...

In the office none of the applicants met the requirements he wanted them to have as experience, time was running out and work was piling up.

— I don't care what you do, I need a secretary today — he shouts over the phone.

A sigh is heard —Sir —he interrupts her.

— I'm not paying you to be tired, find me a secretary in half an hour and I want her in my office, otherwise consider yourself fired— he says angrily and cuts the call.

If there was one thing he didn't have in his life it was patience and tolerance, everything should be under his control and nothing else. He was not the worst guy, but he was authoritarian when it came to work. 

He looked at his cell phone, looked for a number and met with the new partners of his company. He did everything in the morning and was waiting for someone to show up at his door.

He answers the ringing phone —What do you want? —he asks angrily.

— Sir, the new employee is outside your office — she says scared.

—Send her in— he says and hangs up again.

The door opens, a well dressed woman appears and he looks at her. He squints his eyes while his hand is resting on the table, he waits for her to be the one to say hello but there is no response from her. He stands up and stares at her seriously.

—Look who we have here— he says in a mocking tone.

She puts her hands in front of her body and swallows slowly, if there was someone who made her a little afraid it was that guy, but it was all for her job, that's how she thought when facing him. She breathes several times in a row —Good morning, sir—she says a little nervous.

—I don't think I was clear the last time we met, was I? —she asks, approaching him.

That guy intimidated her more than usual, when she had him closer she could feel that smell. The smell she couldn't get rid of that night, it was the same guy. She raised her eyes to meet his, they looked at each other. They stayed like that for a few seconds and he didn't understand what was going on.

He frowned —Do we know each other? — he asked her without further thought.

She didn't know what to say. She couldn't tell him that she was a night dancer, that she danced on him that night and even less to her now boss. Nor did she want to be the woman who loses her job on her first day. Although she couldn't wait to touch him, she just watched him. She never believed that man to be so cruel and arrogant to the point of bordering on disrespectful. Those caresses of that night, had deceived her, that man was totally the opposite of what she would have imagined. "A heartless man is not capable of love," she repeated to herself inwardly as she kept looking at him .

He shakes his head — I don't think so, sir —he replies curtly.

He raises his eyebrows and changes the subject — Look you don't have the experience to work with me but I need someone to cover my back all the time I work and accommodate my schedule. So I'm putting you on probation for three months but you'll have a salary so there's no problem, understand? —he asks.

He nods his head but remembers he has to answer — Yes, sir. I accept your conditions —he says without thinking.

If anything was clear, it was that she needed this job to be able to gradually get out of the night and have a normal life. She didn't care what rules she had to follow with this man, she believed that nothing could be worse than working at night with drunken men who tried to abuse her from time to time. So she relaxed because this was a normal job.

She listed with her hand — She needed photocopies of all this. I need you to set up my schedule for tomorrow and make a couple of calls. —He said, looking for everything to hand over.

He memorized everything his new boss asked him to do. She didn't want to mess anything up, especially not with him. She takes a deep breath, moves her hands to be well focused on what she was asking — Understood —she says enthusiastically.

He hands her everything in his hands and before leaving, he stops her by grabbing her hand —You ruin it and say goodbye —he says looking at her.

She lets go —I won't, sir. — she says smiling.

He stares at that smile. That smile looked familiar, somewhere he had seen and remembered that smile. He shook his head several times, lit a cigarette without caring about anything else. That woman kept him busy and that made him nervous.

After such a long day, in the evening he goes back to that place and waits for her. He goes back to look for her, minutes passed and he had already ordered two drinks in a row. Something was wrong with him and he didn't know what it was. That woman was taking him out of his tranquility, he couldn't hide anything. He needed to see her.

The music was playing, the men were screaming madly, he couldn't see who was on the stage after trying to find a way to see her. That same woman was up on stage driving all the men crazy, he didn't want anyone to touch her, look at her and nothing. He had to do something to make her come back to him. He sees her again doing her nightly routine, she comes down from the stage. She walks past everyone, touching shoulders and smiling. He was waiting for his turn, until they meet again. She touches his shoulder, he closes his eyes and is consumed with the smell of her perfume. He notices her hand slowly moving away, but he opens his eyes fast, grabs her hand and pulls her hand making their bodies collide. She moans and looks at him.

She grits her teeth in anger — I need you to let go, now —she screams at him.

He gets closer and closer to her —You drive me crazy, I don't know how to see you— he confesses in her ear.

She listens to him, that voice. She kept thinking about that voice, she moved away a little and looks at him. It was him. Again he was in front of her. It couldn't always be happening to her, once she wanted to arrange her life for the better.

She denies several times _ I have to go on — she tells him, taking his hands to let her go.

He squeezes her body tighter —What have you done with me? —he asks resting his forehead on her shoulder.

He tries to loosen his grip, —I wonder the same thing— he says whispering in her ear.

He watches her carefully, —I want you with me, I need you. I'll wait for you outside— he says.

She tenses completely but someone appears to separate them, it was one of the security — Don't touch her —he asks her.

He opens his hands so she can see that he had let her go, he keeps looking at her and something looks familiar to him but he didn't know what it was.

—Sorry, sorry — she asks touching her chest.

He continues to penetrate her with his gaze, something in her attracted him in an impossible way. That woman with black eyes that every time she smiled her eyes got smaller, they drove him totally crazy. 

While she was lost, how would she tell that man that he was her boss and that everything is crazy?