
Love Me, My Omega!

Tristan Lee, a dominant alpha through and through, meets Justin Vincent Alvarez—an omega who has never gotten his first heat in his 22 years of life. A fateful encounter between the two intertwines their fates, making them meet over and over again, just because Tristan helps Justin in his first heat. With the things tying their fates together, read how their love story will unfold. _____ The face that I have been longing to see all this time made my heart skip a beat as if I fell in love with him over again. His cat-like icy blue eyes stared at me as if he was looking into my soul, while I felt like I was drowning in them. I was getting sucked in again without any care for what has happened before—for what broke me into thousands of pieces. Just a single look from him made me realize how much I still love him after all this time. "Justin..." I called his name. "Yes?" He responded, feigning innocence as if he doesn't know how much that eye contact affected me. He had a different kind of effect on me that no one could ever compare to. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was about to do. I don't feel hesitant in doing this at all. Instead, I feel nervous that he might reject me. He must have hated me a lot after all that. But I can't afford to lose him again. If I do... I might really lose myself this time. "Please love me, my omega." _____ *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. Cover art: @tamailustra Next book: "The Alpha's Downfall" is now up! The story takes place in the same universe.

surprisinglypretty · LGBT+
195 Chs

Chapter 23

I looked up to see the stars as we walked. "You like the stars?" I looked at him and smiled, "Yes, I do." He looked at me with a gentle look in his eyes and said, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

I looked up to look for the moon, but I've already looked around, yet there was no moon in sight. "There's no moon though," I said as I tilted my head while looking at him. He chuckled and said, "Ah, my bad." I just shook my head while smiling and said, "Weirdo."

"By the way, why are you bringing a bag with you? You can just leave it in the car," I said as I looked at the bag slung on his shoulder. "Oh, this?" He said and looked at the bag too.

I nodded and he just smiled at me. "I brought some snacks and water bottles with me, in case you get hungry or thirsty," he said while still smiling.

"Oh." I chuckled at his response. There really is a cute side in him, huh? "W-What?" He said, looking flustered as his face flushed. "Nothing," I said as I shook my head while smiling. He looked away and we continued walking without speaking to each other again.

The cold wind touched my skin, which made me shiver a bit. Ah... I'm wearing pretty thin clothes right now. I never thought that we'd be going on a walk at night but I still like the coldness of the wind. No, actually, I love it.

I suddenly felt something warm wrapping my torso. "What are you doing?" I asked as I looked at him as he fixed the blazer he put on me. "You look cold," he replied briefly and smiled after he finished fixing it. "What about you? Aren't you cold, too?" I said while looking at the clothes he's wearing.

He's only wearing a shirt. He must feel very cold right now, too. "No, I'm fine. I don't get cold "

easily," he said as he gave me a reassuring smile. I stopped insisting, since he might find it annoying if I continued.

After our walk, as we were heading back to the car, I felt his hand slightly touching mine.

Does he want to hold my hand or is he just slightly touching my hand unintentionally?

I remained calm and composed, acting like nothing was happening. When we were already in front of the car, I kind of felt disappointed.

Was I expecting him to hold my hand?


I just got home. Although my body started warming up when we got back inside the car earlier, I felt cold again when I got out. My hands were shaking as I held the door knob to close the door.

I actually get cold easily, but I didn't want to tell him that because I wanted to look cool in front of him.

Damn it. I never got to hold his hand.

Earlier, I was trying to hold his hand, but the thought of suddenly doing that made my stomach queasy because of nervousness.

I've never thought that I'd feel that way just from thinking of holding someone's hand. Haaa...

I took a warm bath and changed into comfortable clothes after. I blow dried my hair, and after that, I slumped on my bed right away.

Still... Even if I never got to hold his hand, I'm happy that I got to spend some time with him. I really had fun today. To be precise, this is one of the happiest days of my life.

I'm starting to wonder what my life would be like if we dated each other. Will there be more dates? Of course, there will be.

I unconsciously smiled at the thought of going on plenty of dates with him.

That would be great.

I looked at my alarm clock to see what time it is, and saw that it's already almost 11 pm.

I wonder what he's doing now? Is he asleep already? I hope he's sleeping comfortably.

My phone suddenly vibrated, so I took it from the drawer beside my bed. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw who messaged me.

It was him.

I asked for his number earlier, but I never thought that he'd be texting me first. I was actually debating in my mind earlier about what I should text him or if I should call him.

'I had fun today. Thank you :)'

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling so wide. I typed my response right away so I won't keep him waiting.

'I had fun too. Just ring me if you want to have fun again, hahaha.'

I put my hands against my face when I felt my face heating up because of my response. Was that too corny? Ah, it doesn't matter. I just want to have another date with him.

'Sure, I will ;)'

What was that? A wink emoji?

I chuckled as I imagined him winking at me. That would be so cute.

Damn it. I must be insane.

Ah... I should reply again, shouldn't I?

'You should go to sleep now. It's already late. Good night, sweet dreams :)'

My phone vibrated again, so I read his response right away.

'You too. Good night, sweet dreams :)'

I put my phone on top or the drawer. I stared a the ceiling for a while, and I was shocked when I found myself smiling just because of a few exchange of texts.

I must be insane.

I must be... insanely in love.

I chuckled again and covered my mouth with my hand.

Justin Vincent Alvarez, what did you do to me to make me act like this?

His smiling face suddenly popped into my mind.

Ah... That beautiful smile, those mesmerizing icy blue eyes, his red lips, porcelain face, and small figure.

Everything about him is so attractive. Even the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he laughs and smiles... Everything. Literally everything.

My heart jumped at the thought of him. I've never thought that I'd feel this way.

Maybe I'm in love with him. I'm not quite sure if this is actually love, though. Maybe I'm just infatuated. But whether it's the former or the latter, it's still fine with me since it's him.

I slowly closed my eyes while thoughts of him were still running on my mind.

I wonder if he knows...