
love lust and blood

a girl who's tuff and strong finds herself in a love triangle between her coach and the best boxer in the city but they all have there secret. so things could complicated.

emilybutton · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


I'm 19, I'm Elizabeth but every one calls me lizzy I'm a boxer who started a year ago but I'm pretty good so good I made it to championships.

coach bailed (cb)- hey Lizzy aren't you taking it a bit far you need to take a break

lizzy- okay in a hour or 2

cb- no Lizzy tommorow is championships

lizzy- I Kno, ok I'll stop training and I'll study up a bit

cb- ok that works for right now one day you'll work yourself to death

lizzy- and if I did there'll be no regrets here

(gentil smile)