
Love like the wind

"I can't see it but i can feel it"

Fluverys · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Final attempt

"I'm hungry get me something to eat" he ordered Zaylee she braced herself up and left to get something ready for him and fast before he exploded his anger on her.

She met Cordelia struggling to crack an egg open. This made her burst into a fit of laughter

"What are you laughing at?!" Cordelia asked rudely

Zaylee tried to put herself together before answering her.

"When your done with your experiment I'll need to kitchen to my self to make lunch for my husband" she replied boldly stressing the word 'food' and 'husband'

Cordelia laughed

"Your husband? you mean my sweet..."

Zaylee landed a slap on Cordelia's cheeks before she could even complete her sentence. Supposing that Cordelia might try to retaliate she grabbed a knife

"One more step and I'll suck the life out of you!"

Cordelia managed to escape from the kitchen before even Zaylee's hands caught her

"Tiny rat" she sniffed.

The thought of what her husband did to her yesterday left a huge scar on her already shattered heart. She felt disgusted knowing that he slept with Cordelia right in front of her and there after did same to her.

She looked around the kitchen

"This will take a while" she murmured trying to put the kitchen back to other. After she was done rearranging the kitchen neatly and perfect to her taste she began to make lunch. In five minutes she was done, rather than calling his name she went up stairs to call him down to eat. She dare not shout his name owing to what happened to her the last time she did.


She heard loud moans coming from the room. She pondered on whether to go in and call him down for lunch or just leave them both alone. At last she decided to call him for lunch and leave immediately.

"Lunch is ready" she said hastily and turned to leave.

"Stop" he said in a hoarse voice.

Zaylee paused in her tracks

"Turn around"

She obeyed at once. She saw Cordelia bare naked on top of her husband with his hands clinged tightly to her chests. He let her down on the bed gently covering her with the bed spreads. He gave her a peck and wore his robe, he walked over to where zaylee stood.

"My babe said you tried to kill her?" he asked

Zaylee didn't respond but stepped backwards, Dex closed in on her

"Is that true?" he asked again but got no reply.

Cordelia began to cry

"Yes she did!" she yelled.

Zaylee took a glance at her and her husband. Dex grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. Zaylee winced as fresh blood spurted out of her slit skin

"Still don't want to talk? i could ask my new wife to finish you up and you could do nothing about it. Do you know that?"

Zaylee stared at him, her eyes devoid of emotions.

"You know she can't ever be your wife" she blurted out boldly for the first time in her time ever she had gotten married to dex.

Dex smirked

"Growing wings?!" he yelled

"I'll cut them off before you even learn to fly!" he said tossing her to the bare floor. Cordelia saw this as a good opportunity to get back for the slap she received from zaylee.

She attempted to press zaylee down with her feet but zaylee acted quickly and threw her on the floor. Cordelia began to cry but Dex glared at her and left.

Zaylee left the room, knowing that her husband must had left she went over to the balcony to get some time alone but instead met Lev

"This is your final attempt zaylee" he said with a stern face.

He pulled out his hand

"Are you coming?!"