
Love Life Lessons

college life is full of fun yet difficulties and with the support of friend we face all the problems being strong, this story is about college life and love.

Black_strawberry88 · สมัยใหม่
33 Chs

chit chat

"What the….what you mean?" Sam said while laughing.

"You are thinking right my brother, haha just kidding." jay said "but tell me what the matter is." he said while changing his clothes.

Sam got up and sat on bed, "actually the matter is when I and Luna were talking in the garden side someone was throwing pebbles and Luna was the target. I was wondering who it was because I think it was someone I know and someone who hates me."

"That's it?" Jay said after listening to everything, "I think this is nothing serious this things happen in our college every day and it is just a coincidence because you guys were there if there was someone else same thing would have happen with them. do you remember this legend when we were in our first year threw water balloon on seniors" he said while pointing at jack.

"Yeah. Jay is right" jack said, his face was still under blanket.

After thinking about what both of them said Sam nodded his neck and said "yes, maybe you guys are right and I'm just overthinking things."

"Yeah." jay said "now sleep without thinking much and he too went to bed."

Next morning both Luna and lily were waiting for boys to come, "what do you think Luna, how long It will take him to propose you?" Lily said. She was half leaning on the bench, knowing there were eyes on her, being half class's crush was something she loved.

"I don't kn….what the hell, what are you saying, I don't know if he has feelings for me." Luna said looking at her book.

"Soooo boring," lily complained, "but you love him right? Then you should propose him."

"No way, never." Luna closed the book and looked at lily, "what if he doesn't share same feeling and...." Lily shut her mouth before she could complete the sentence because she saw both Sam and jack coming inside classroom.

Luna moved back, removing lily's palm from her mouth, "what's wrong?" She said loudly, Sam who was about to say hi to them stopped and was shocked, he was worried about her.

Widening her eyes at Luna, lily whispered "they are here."

Sam and jack exchanged looks and jack went straight on last bench, he saw a guy was looking at lily, he threw his bag on bench beside that guy and sat. "She will be never yours." He whispered in that guy's ear making him look away.

Luna turned back with smile this smile was result of both embarrassment and happiness, "hey good morning."

"Morning!" Sam smiled back, "are you ok?" He asked, listening to him Luna got confused about why he was asking her about if she was or not. "Yeah," she said with smile. But confusion was visible on her face, looking her like that Sam laughed and said, "I'm asking about your leg Dumbo!" "OH," after remembering last evenings incidence, Luna said "yeah, it was nothing serious and so don't worry about it."

Sam nodded and realized now there was someone else who was confused, he laughed again, "look at her, totally confused." he said to Luna.

Luna looked baked at lily and said "awwww, you look cute when you are confused, actually…"Luna explain her whole thing happened when they were talking.

Listening to her lily's expression changed to angry bird which was not expected from both Luna and Sam…"you guys made me sick yesterday." She said putting her hand on waist.

Jack was looking at her with smile on his face, he didn't talk with her because he thought he will talk with her in free time, right now he was just watching her and was admiring her beauty.

"She will be never yours." Same guy said to him…

With the smile still on his face he looked at guy and said "but I'm her."

"Oh god…"listening to his words that guys was done for today he focused back on his work.

"Actually we really had no option and I'm really sorry about it." Sam was explaining why they had to say that thing as an excuse. He said calmly. He though lily was really upset about what he said.

"Hahaha…. I was kidding man." lily laughed made both Sam and Luna laughed too.

After some time lecture started and the day was going good today for these four.

On the other side pam was sleeping on her bench because there was no professor in classroom. other students too were making noise, the classroom as always described by every professor was food market.

Karl was tying to focus on his work but his office was just beside classroom which was making him frustrated, he got up and went straight into classroom his entry made everyone sit on their bench he gave death stare to whole class withing first two seconds.