
Love, lies and a Billionaire.

Carmen a fierce lady whose dream is to be an actress finds herself in facing possible jail time. To keep her future reputation intact she accepts a contract she didn’t read as her situation was desperate. Michael a billionaire playboy...every woman’s dream man needs to get married for his father’s sake. Charles a genius mastermind is able to bring these people together for his own secret selfish reasons. Watch what happens as the story unfolds.

Brizzidi · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight

Carmen's POV

I kissed Michael ! I held his head and brought his face closer to mine then used my lips on him....Shit!

I don't know what came over me when I did it!

Was I compelled by the tension of the room or the fact that I wanted to be with him ?.

The foreplay was so good, awakening sensations I never knew I had in this body. I've had mafia share of playing with myself but that couldn't compare with this.

When he pushed into me, I felt a surge of pain that eased away in seconds. I was totally under his control.

The next morning I woke up to find my head resting on Michael's chest. His chest was so manly and sculpted. It could be a comfort zone to someone...

I needed to use the bathroom really quick when I noticed I was stark naked underneath the sheets we both shared. I panicked and drew the whole sheet cover my body.

Yeah we slept together but usually in movies once that shit is done they wear their underwear's!!!

Ripping the sheets woke him up and his dick sprung up, no longer shielded by the sheets Standing at attention, I stared at the thing that wrecked me good last night and my legs felt wobbly, reminiscing the previous nights guy.

"Hey babe...Um lil miss.." he said stretching and seating up. Then he rested his head on the bed head rest.

"What !" I snapped.

"Do you want round two " he winked noticing my eyes on his dick .

"The hell no...give me some privacy" I said staring at his face. He looked so good in the morning. His messy bedroom sexy hair.

Shit Carmen, hold yourself together!.

"Privacy? You are the one with the sheets around you and I'm naked but you don't see me asking for privacy " he cockily said.

"Come on Michael"

"Why did you lie?" he asked and his smirk had worn off now. He put on a straight face.

"Lie about what ?" I stuttered and for a second my heart thumped that he'd found out the plan with Charles and everything would fall apart.

"You know...you're so good in telling tales that i never doubted you for a second ...seeing how beautiful you are and ..."

"What's up" I impatiently asked. If he's caught me he should be quick in letting me know so I can dash out.

"The fact that you were a virgin...Camila ...you lied and I'm not angry cause I get to be your first but you should have told me" he said" I'd have been more careful".

"I wasn't a virgin " I said, trying to sound firm.

"Who had the blood that spilled last night?" He questioned folding his hand and tilting his left brow.

"Maybe the wine fell on the bed sheet" I blatantly lied, though I had faint memories of him washing me in warm water last night.

"Geez Carmen just agree that you were and I was your first and I banged you really good..."

"Shut up...I need to brush " I said and scurried off to the bathroom.

"I'll have them serve you breakfast in bed when you're out...my wife"

"Don't call me that" I shouted through the bathroom door.

"Oh my Cappuccino mochi" he cooed.

"In your dreams Michael...don't let it all get into your head".

I don't want to get attached to this guy...at all!

I brushed and had a bubble bath. I soaked in trying to clear my head and soothe the slight pain down between my legs. Jeez the sex was so good and I could understand what Michael said about those other girls. I'm different I'll never be like those other girls but he's good.

After soaking to my fill I had a shower and shampooed my hair. I stared at myself in the mirror and yeah I looked good, didn't look different like I changed something last night. I stepped out with a towel draped around me and another wrapped around my hair.

"Here you are" Michael said. The sweet aroma of the food he'd brought in and placed at the table close to the window infiltrated my nose. Last night I'd been too nervous to eat much. The sausages looked so yummy and reminded me of something...jeez dirty thoughts. There was also rice and eggs with a pot of hot coffee.

"It's too late now for breakfast in bed so I moved it to the dining area over there. We can enjoy the outside view together as we eat". He said.

I walked to the little dining and he stood up and took off the towel that was wrapped around my hair. I wondered why he did that till he went behind me and started rubbing it in, drying my hair.

"What are you doing ?" I held his hand to a halt and turned to face him.

"Helping you dry your hair" he smiled

"And why would you do that ?" I asked

"Cause..." vulnerability flashed in his facial expression "...I wanna help ?"

"I don't need your help Michael I can do it myself" I snapped snatching the towel from him. We can't have this much closure when every fucking thing is fake. The marriage is. Our relationship too.

"Okay...chill. There's no big deal helping you with your hair" he backed off and sat down.

I tied my hair again and sat down to eat.

"You could get a cold you know?" Michael said and he stood up from his seat and moved behind mine.


"Shut up princessa" he said and dried it with the towel . Then he went into our room and brought out my portable hair dryer and turned it on. He packed my hair into a bun then went back in to drop the tools.

"You're good at this" I complimented as I stared at myself in my phone camera.

"Believe me when I say I'm good at a lot of things"

I'm sure this is the way he snake into girls heart and make them feel special. I'm so not falling for this.


"I hope your hair didn't fly into my food though" he said smiling and sitting back down on his chair.

"I'm sure it will be tasty" I teased and took a swig of my coffee.

"Reminds you of someone " He asked as I placed the cup down.


"Me!" He said.

I hissed and he laughed.

"Can you work the grill" I asked spotting the grill bar and the smoke around it.

"I'm a pro at grilling, fish, chicken, squid..."

"Did you just say squid?" I asked. Shocked to hear that they grill that slimy animal.

"Yeah, it's really good. You should try it" he said scooping.

"Why would I...so do you eat frogs too?"

"No" he laughed "why would you ask that ?"

"I thought squids and frogs are like two peas in a pod" Is asked.

He rumbled and coughed on his salad.

"Don't choke yourself "

"Who..told..you that" he laughed.

"I thought it all up here" I said pointing my head.

"You're crazy believe me. I am also good at mixing drinks "

"Whooo getting the ladies drunk right!"

"Nah, but girls did pool in whenever I was behind the counter. Can you believe this bar I go to...Arabian lights wanted me to work there"

"Why didn't you ?" I sarcastically said.

I had almost worked there but i considered how far the distance from my house, I knew it would have been hard to commute. So I dropped it What if we met there, what would our story had been like???....

"Seriously? A hot rich dude like me !"

"You could have scored more pants"

"Wait hold your horses there. I might be a god of seduction but I don't do just any woman...I have my specs and attractions " He stated.

"Respect!" I saluted and ate my last spoon of rice then I moved to the bed.

"Are you feeling hurt anywhere ?"

"Shut the fuck up Michael" I snapped and got under the sheets.

"Are you like naked under that towel...you could role into a nude pile when you're in deep sleep...giving me a hot show"

"Yeah that's right" I got into the wardrobe and wore a pair of nighties. An handless top and short shorts.

"Don't you wanna see the beach "

"I'll just nap for a while then I'll be out"

"Okay I'm going down" he said and I drifted off to dream land.