
Love Laughter Harem

Follow the delightful and entertaining escapades in this light hearted novel of Alex Anderson, a witty graphic designer, and his endearing family and his charming lovers, as they navigate the comical intricacies of everyday life. Humor, romance, slice of life and a bit of luck intertwine in this heartwarming tale, filled with unexpected turns and twists and a harem of unique girls.

nonipopo · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Technical Turmoil

With the design proposal project nearing its deadline, Alex finds himself diving headfirst into his work at the graphic design firm where he is employed. The entire office buzzes with creative energy as designers, like busy bees, work diligently to bring their ideas to life.

Co-worker 1: "Alex, how's the 'Whimsical Wonderland' proposal coming along?"

Alex: "It's getting there. I just need to add the finishing touches."

Alex's focus is solely on the project, but as fate would have it, an unexpected technological glitch threatens to derail his progress. With minutes ticking away, his computer screen freezes, and panic sets in.

Alex: (frustrated) "Come on, come on, why now?"

As he thinks of ways to fix the issues, the office phone rings, and he glances at the caller ID—a call from his boss, Mr. Johnson. The last person he wanted to talk to right at this moment.

Alex: "Hello, Mr. Johnson, how can I assist you?"

Mr. Johnson: "Alex, I wanted to see the final proposal of the 'Whimsical Wonderland' by the end of the day. We have an important client presentation tomorrow."

Alex: (scared) "By evening?"

Mr. Johnson: "Yes! Is there any issue?"

Alex (hurriedly): "No Sir! Everything's fine. I will...uh see you in the afternoon."

After his boss hangs up the phone, he goes into ultra panic mode and runs through the lobby to fetch the tech guy, his last hope.

In his haste, Alex accidentally bumps into a girl while she's holding a cup of hot coffee, and the coffee spills on her clothes. She looks at him with surprise and irritation.

Alex spurts out a half-hearted apology "sorry! Gotta go. "

Girl: (annoyed) "Watch where you're going!"

As the girl cleans up the coffee spill on her shirt, Alex pulls away by the pressing need to find a tech support solution for his computer issue.

The girl gets visibly angered by Alex's rude behavior as she sees his silhouette running away.

As he approaches the tech support area, he realizes the regular tech guy isn't there and is directed to a different cabin. He takes time finding the cabin, slightly flustered by the detour.

Finally, after locating the cabin, he enters the cabin in haste, without even knocking, in his eagerness to get his computer fixed. To his shock, he finds the same girl who he bumped to earlier, in the middle of changing her shirt.

The girl, engrossed in changing her shirt, freezes upon seeing Alex in the doorway, her expression a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

The girl dressed in only a sheer bralette with floral embroidered patterns on top, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the skin underneath, creating an alluring and provocative effect. The bright light in the office, clearly highlighting the pink areola visible from the material of her bra with the embroidery barely managing to cover her pink nipples. The girl had rather large D Cup breasts filling the bra with delectable flesh and offering a beautiful cleavage for Alex's appreciation.

The Girl standing before him, a vision of composed grace despite the awkwardness of the situation. Her emerald eyes widen in a moment of vulnerability, and her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She quickly covers herself, wrapping her arms around her torso, but her frustration is evident in the furrow of her eyebrows.

Her hair, now slightly tousled from the unexpected interruption, adds a touch of disheveled charm to her appearance. The soft chestnut strands cascade over her shoulders, and she stands with a subtle poise even in this awkward moment.

In her moment of vulnerability, she is still a picture of confidence, her intellectual charm undiminished. The stylish glasses rest on her nose, speaks of professionalism with a hint of sophistication.

As the moment passed, she finally couldn't hold the anger any longer and yelled at Alex.

The Girl: "What on earth! Can't you knock? You pig!"

Alex who was mesmerized by the unearthly beauty rises from his stupor by the sudden shouting

Alex: "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were... I mean, I didn't mean to intrude."

The Girl: (angry) "Knocking exists for a reason, you know!"

Alex: (stammering) "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude. I was just looking for tech support, and they told me you were here."

The genuine emotion on Alex's face manages to diffuse some of her anger as she says in an irritated tone.

Girl: "And you just barge in without even knocking?!"

Apologies tumble from Alex's lips as he realizes his mistake, his face turning a shade of red to rival Ashley's flushed cheeks. He steps back out of the cabin, giving her the privacy, she deserves.

A tense silence lingers outside the cabin, and as Alex waits, he reflects on the situation and realizes how inconsiderate he had been. When the girl calls him in, now wearing a fresh shirt, her anger has subsided slightly.

Feeling guilty and trying to regain composure, Alex offers a sincere apology upon entering. Her anger now replaced by a mixture of irritation and curiosity.

Girl: "First, you spill coffee over my shirt and run away without a proper apology, and then you try to peep while I am changing! Tell me! Are you a pervert?"

Alex tries his best to defend himself

Alex: "I really didn't mean to invade your privacy. It was an accident, and I'm sorry for both back then and now. It only happened because I was in too much of a hurry"

The girl crosses her arms and asks Alex

"Okay, now that you've seen enough, what do you want?"

Alex: (contrite) "I came for some tech help. My computer froze, and I'm on a tight deadline. I didn't mean to intrude."

The Girl eyes him skeptically for a moment before her features soften, and she sighs, realizing his sincerity. Despite her initial irritation, she can't help but notice Alex's genuine remorse.

Girl: "Fine, I'll help you with your computer. But next time, make sure to knock first, okay?"

Alex: (grateful) "Absolutely, I promise. I seriously need to get better at this. It has caused me enough troubles already."

Girl: "Btw I am Ashley"

Alex: "Myself Alex, It's great to see you!"

Ashley: "Yeah! with how much you have seen, I doubt it would be any less!"

She said in a mocking tone.

Alex gives an embarrassed laugh and spurts out

"Great doesn't even begin to describe your beauty!"

Ashley: "Flattery, won't get you anywhere Mr.!"

With the tension diffused, they both step back into the tech support area, where Ashley expertly navigates through the computer glitch.

Ashley: (smirking) "Technology always has a way of keeping us on our toes, huh?"

Alex: (grinning) "It's like a rollercoaster ride, but without the fun part."

Ashley expertly resolves the issue in a matter of minutes.

Alex: "Thanks a million, Ashley. You saved the day."

Ashley: "It's all in a day's work. Besides, it's fun playing tech hero."

As they fix the issue, they engage in light-hearted banter, and Ashley begins to understand Alex's dedication to the proposal. Ashley's irritation begins to subside, and she becomes impressed with Alex's dedication to the design proposal.

Ashley says with admiration

"You really put your heart into this 'Whimsical Wonderland' project, huh?"

Alex: (grinning) "It's a big opportunity for me. I want it to be perfect."

After the fix in place, she says before leaving

Ashley: (smirking) "You owe me one for saving your proposal, you know."

Alex: (smiling) "I owe you more than one, I made you spill your coffee earlier."

Ashley: "Yeah! Right! How about you buy me one then!"

Alex (smiling): "How about this Friday I take you for a Dinner as a token of apology!"

Ashley: " Aren't you Mr. Forward!"

Alex (embarassed): "Just a friendly dinner! Nothing more."

Ashley: "Ok"

Ashley starts to leave for her cabin after sharing her contact details and taking a Jab at him.

Ashley: "Next time you come to my office, knock before entering."

Alex: (grinning) "Deal. I promise not to barge in on your fashion show again. Accidentally!"

Ashley: " You mean to say...!"

Ashley just shakes her head and leaves for her office smiling, slightly impressed by Alex's easy-going attitude.

As the clock ticks closer to the end of the workday, Alex gathers his work and excitedly heads to Mr. Johnson's office to present his masterpiece. Ashley, having finished her own tasks, waves goodbye to him with a smile.

Ashley: "Good luck with the presentation, Alex. I'm sure it'll be amazing."

Alex: "Thanks, Ashley. Couldn't have done it without your help."

He makes his way to Mr. Johnson's office, heart pounding with anticipation. The door to the office opens, and he finds Mr. Johnson, a middle-aged man with an air of authority, going through some documents.

Alex: "Mr. Johnson, I have the final 'Whimsical Wonderland' proposal ready for the client presentation."

Mr. Johnson: (looking up) "Ah, Alex, excellent timing. Let's have a look."

As Alex presents his proposal, Mr. Johnson attentively listens, his expression transforming from stern to impressed. The colorful and imaginative designs, the attention to detail, and the creative vision come to life before his eyes.

Mr. Johnson: "Alex, this is exceptional work. I'm thoroughly impressed with your creativity and dedication. The client is in for a treat."

Alex: (grinning) "Thank you, sir. It means a lot."

Mr. Johnson commends Alex for his hard work and grants him the green light to proceed with the client presentation the next day. With a sense of accomplishment and a newfound sense of confidence, Alex thanks his boss and heads out of the office, elated by the positive feedback.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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