
Love Is...What?

Vera Gilmore didn't think that getting involved with the sweet, unassuming guy who came into her antique shop would be so dangerous. Casey Parker has a dark past and family secrets no one knows about. His identical twin, Kane, has never been anything but trouble so when Vera comes into his life, he is absolutely determined to keep Kane away from her. Kane has other plans. He won't let anyone mess with Casey...even someone who supposedly loves him. Can Casey live a normal life with Vera or will Kane make that impossible? Read on to find out! *cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · สมัยใหม่
195 Chs

It's Because I Love You!

Another thing that set Casey apart from his peers aside from his difficulty forming words and not having two parents was the fact that he didn't have pets. He was pretty sure he knew why too. 

Candy played too rough with animals. He had seen it happen when he found a tiny kitten near the barn and wanted to keep it. 

"This was an accident," she told him as he stared at the kitten's body in horror. "You can't tell Dad."

"But you killed it!" 

"On accident."

How was that an accident? How was anything she did an accident? But Casey couldn't get the words out. He stuttered when he tried. Most of the time he didn't do that. He just couldn't always say "sh" or "s" at the right times. Things like that. 

But he was so scared of what he saw that this time he couldn't stop his teeth from chattering when he tried to get the words out. Eventually he gave up because the effort was too much and he didn't want her to get mad at him.