
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
44 Chs

The Confrontation

Waking up feeling fresh, Belle had a smile on her face. It has been a while since she had a good day out and yesterday was the best birthday she ever had in years. Even when she was with Alex, he never was so thoughtful nor went all the way out for her. Their breakup was a blessing in disguise for her.

Climbing out of her bed, Belle saw a note. Reading it and looking down on her wrist, she smiled. It was indeed a very beautiful piece of jewellery. Simple but stunning. Lost in thought, Belle didn't realise that her phone was ringing. It was Jay on the line.

"Hello. Good morning Jay. Thank you for yesterday and thank you for the present. You are the best", gleamed Belle.

"Belle, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself yesterday. But don't forget, we have a lunch date after this. I will pick you up in an hour's time".

"Jay, sure but uh, I need to drop by somewhere first. There's something I need to return if you don't mind".

"Sure, see you later".

Belle quickly ran into the shower and got ready. Not forgetting the present she needed to return, she packed it up and placed in her handbag. At the same time, she sent Alex a message.

"Alex, I'm heading to Coffee Brew in an hour. Lets meet there".

"Hey darling. Sure, I'll see you there in a bit", replied Alex. He was smiling away thinking that his plans we working. She finally succumbed to him. She will be back in my arms.


Jay picked Belle up and they headed to Coffee Brew.

"Jay, I'm meeting Alex. I'm going to return the present he gave me. I need to make things clear with him."

"Belle, do you need me to come in with you? I'm worried he might do something to you".

"I've known Alex for a long time but he is not a person to hurt anyone. I'm just gonna run in and clear stuff up with him. But if I don't come out within 15 minutes, you can look for me", joked Belle.

"Okay, stay safe". Although Jay let Belle go on her own, deep down he had this uncomfortable feeling. He decided to follow Belle but kept his distance.

Meanwhile, Alex was already sitting on their usual spot waiting for Belle.

Seeing Belle walking in from far, Alex stood up and waved at her. As she approached, Alex tried to give her a hug but was stunned as she pushed him away.

"Alex, I'm not here to reminisce with you. We should clear things up".

"Belle baby. I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry about what I've done. I remembered you love honey milk so I ordered it for you. Did you get your birthday present? I hope you like it. 7 diamonds represents the 7 years we were together. I may be a little late but our time together has meant a lot to me".

"Alex, I'm here to clear things up and return this gift to you. I cannot accept this. I've moved on. I no longer will hold on to the 7 years we had. I will cherish our love. But it now has become memories and I will not be together with you anymore."

"Babe, I'm sorry. I can't live without you. Please forgive me. Just one more chance", Alex said while grabbing on to Belle's wrist tightly.

Immediately Belle tried to push Alex away but his grip was too tight. She couldn't get him off her. Her wrist was turning red and purplish. It began to bruise.

From far, Jay saw what was happening. He ran to Belle and gave Alex a punch in the face.

"Didn't you hear! She told you it was over. Let her go", growled Jay.

Punched in the face, Alex stumbled back slightly but not releasing Belle. He was afraid that once he let her go, she will never come back.

Alex grabbed the knife on the table and shoved it towards Jay. Jay jumped back cautiously. Belle was still in his hands, he needed to be careful and try to safe her.

"Alex, what the hell are you doing. Let me go. You are hurting me. Put the knife down", screamed Belle.

"Belle, I really love you. But I won't let anything come between us. I'm willing to fight for you. You belong to me and only me. Nobody else can have you."

"Stop being delusional. You already left me when you cheated on me. I do not belong to you. Let me go!!!", Belle shrieked and tried to push Alex away.

It was such a commotion that tables were knocked and security was called. Jay was standing next to the security. He was feeling anxious trying to think of a plan to get Belle to safety.

Jay slowly inched towards Alex but he was noticed. Alex turned around and kicked Jay in the stomach. While doing that, Belle tried to run away but Alex grip was too tight on her and he pulled he closer to her instead. Accidentally, Alex pierced the knife thru Bell's stomach.

"Omg, what did I do! Baby baby! I'm so sorry, please don't leave me. I'm so sorry!", Alex cried while Belle limped down unconsciously into his arms.

Taking the opportunity, security quickly apprehended Alex and dragged him away from Belle. Jay quickly pulled Belle into his arms.

"Babe, look at me. Look at me. Don't go to sleep. We still need to go for lunch. We still have a lunch date. I'm so sorry".

Belle tried to keep her eyes open but couldn't. In a hazy state, she looked at Jay, smiled and her vision went blank.

Jay was in a shock and quickly carried Belle as fast as he could into the car. Belle was loosing a lot of blood. Blood was dripping from her stomach. She was bleeding too much and fast.

Jay was frantic and he drove like a madman to the nearest hospital.