
Love is full of pain and pleasure

A live story it's crazy what happends but you have to read this book promise you won't regret it

alyxandreachee · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs


Axel threw a really hard pun h and that instantly triggered his instincts and his wings comes out of her back and his eye turned red and black.

That was when the silhouette in the dark took action She instantly threw Axel onto the ground and jumped in front of Zane. The sillouette was Light and Zane instantly calmed down and relaxed. Axel scared Zane wipes his memory of him having wings but that's the only thing he can do and Axel instantly walks home.

Light asked what happend and he tells her everything. And she says "don't do anymore research on me". All he does is agree a bit scared of her. Zane rubbing the back of his neck he asks "Umm Do you wanna go to dinner cause it's kinda a late..." he slowly trails off and Light says yes He goes to a restaurant near a cherry blossom tree and sit on the outside tables.

They finish their meal and conversation and Zane asks Light"Light your really Important to me and I really want to date you,and I was wondering if would be my girlfriend,"

Light looks around and then she says "me ,"

Yeah you said Zane with a chuckle.

Light instantly said yes and got up from her seat to jump into his arms.