
Love is but a chance

“ Let go of me, you monster!” yelled Delilah with tears streaming down her flushed face profusely; however, she felt her soul froze the next moment she looked into his eyes which blazed like an abyss of iciness and hatred, and his grip on her tightened. ******** After her childhood lover, Su Zhe Jin (Harrison Su) moved away, Chen Qing Qing (Delilah Chen) was devastated. Luckily for her, her family also planned to move few years later. Sadly, on the way to their new home, they met with a terrorist attack and Delilah almost lost her life. She developed retrograde amnesia and a few other sicknesses that made her body frail. Delilah has a shy, jovial, innocent and fragile personality. She moved to D city to further her high school education. There in Fulfilled Dreams High School, she met her childhood lover but couldn't remember who he was and fell for Li Feng Xi ( Fredrick Li). One night, while scheming through the attic in her home, she found a box... more like, the box found her. The box revealed numerous secrets and Delilah dared not to believe all she had just discovered, but the evidence was too real to believe. Harrison, on the other hand, never forgot Delilah but felt betrayed when she fell for another guy. He didn't know she'd lost her childhood memories, including that of his. After high school, Harrison travelled out of the country while Delilah faced a crisis when a woman and her daughter claimed to be the real wife and daughter of Chen Xiao (Delilah's father) A crisis after another, Delilah was forced to get engaged to the crippled son of a wealthy family, but she rejected and ran from home. Another crisis issued when Harrison came back home only to find out that Delilah has gotten engaged to another man from a wealthy family. Hatred, jealousy, anger, the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed him to do the unthinkable... • • •

Midsummer07 · วัยรุ่น
64 Chs

Chapter 50- Security Camera In Mr. Zhou's Office

Fredrick chuckled lowly, "Is that why you stopped being my desk mate?" His voice was filled with helplessness.

Without giving it any thought, Delilah said, "There are actually plenty of reasons."

" Like?"

"I cannot let the prince charming of the school distract me from my studies by sitting with me all the time."

" Was that why you failed your…"

" Yes, that's precisely why!"

" What if I become less charming… would you return to being my desk mate?"

" …. I don't see that happening"

" The seat or charm?"



Delilah puffed her cheeks, did his brain get run over or did his mind get fried or what? For what reason does he want me back as his desk mate? Amy has to be up to something, and this must be a trap.

Delilah wanted to flee this office and get away from Fredrick as soon as possible because he was talking non-stop, which was extremely unusual for him.

RING! The school bell rang.

The door slowly opened a few minutes after the bell rang, fulfilling Delilah's first wish. Mr. Zhou entered, and they rose from the floor.

" Enjoying yourselves I see?" Mr. Zhou scoffed.

Delilah said, "No sir, we are sorry," and the two bowed.

"Un," Mr. Zhou approached his seat and removed a tablet from among the books.

A few seconds later, he gave the order, "You can leave." But they didn't leave.

When he saw they weren't moving, he looked up at them," What is it?"

" Mr. Zhou, about today…" Delilah started.

"No, no, it is okay as long as it does not happen again." Mr. Zhou stated this while giving Fredrick a scowl.

Excited, Delilah bowed and said, "Many thanks, Mr. Zhou," before turning to head out.

Mr. Zhou's voice brought them to a halt, and they turned to face him. " Delilah…," he said, his voice cold but worried. "Your hands and ankle, take care of it."

Delilah was in disbelief, and Fredrick's exquisite eyebrows knitted.

" Alright…. Alright, sir"


There was another teacher present when Delilah hobbled back into the classroom. She bowed to the teacher and staggered to her seat, feeling various scorching looks on her, including those of worry, pity, envy, and a host of other emotions.

" Delilah, you – you are fine, right? He didn't say anything, did he?" The moment she sat, Anna worriedly whispered in her ear.

" Who? Mr. Zhou or Fredrick?" Playfully, Delilah replied.

" Delilah… I am not kidding about this," Anna pouted worriedly.

" Mm! Don't worry, I'm fine", Delilah's lips curved into a faint smile.

"Phew." exhaled a relieved Anna as she put her hand on her chest, and Delilah giggled.

"What of Frederick? Where is he?" Anna asked, looking around the class.

Delilah shrugged," I don't know"

After giving a nod, Anna muttered, "I hope none of you guys did or said anything stupid."

Rolling her eyes and feigning anger, Delilah exclaimed, "What are you saying, Annabelle?"

"Do you not realize that Mr. Zhou's office has a security camera? Two seniors were expelled in this case, and from what I have heard, they said and did immoral things there. He showed the principal the footage and ordered the students to leave the school…"