
Love Is But A Chance.

No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice. … “ Let go of me, you monster!” yelled Delilah with tears streaming down her flushed face profusely. Her soul froze the next moment she looked into his eyes, it blazed like an abyss of iciness, ruthless and cold, his grip on her tightened. " No way" he hissed, his voice low, dripping with venom. … After her childhood sweetheart, Su Zhe Jin (Harrison Su) moved away, Chen Qing Qing (Delilah Chen) was devastated. She, with her family also planned to move few years later but who thought they'll be caught in a terrorist attack. Delilah, a shy, jovial, innocent girl with a very fragile personality. She moved to D city to further her high school education. There in Fulfilled Dreams High School… Was a story on its own. One night, while scheming through the attic in her home, she found a box… more like, the box found her. The box revealed numerous secrets that made her believe her life was filled with mystery. After high school, Harrison travelled out of the country while Delilah began to face crisis after another when a woman and her daughter claimed to be the real wife and daughter of Chen Xiao (Delilah's father) She was forced to get engaged to the crippled son of a wealthy family. Harrison returned home to find out that she had got engaged to another man from a wealthy family. Resentment, jealousy, anger, the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed him to do the unthinkable. «««««««♦»»»»»»» I hope you enjoy reading it as I did writing. Remember to vote and leave your honest reviews, this humble author is always ready to listen to your thoughts. ♥ midsummer07.

Midsummer07 · วัยรุ่น
99 Chs

Chapter 72- Resentment and Hostility.

Zhang Han was calm as he answered," You can choose not to obey orders and leave this program, and I'll make sure you're all blacklisted from every school in the country" he said calmly like he was saying the sky is blue, not deciding their future.

The boys were fearful, they took off, their footsteps echoing across the ground.

Only when they'd completed the laps did Zhang Han turn to face them, their chest heaving, their legs, and arms shivering.

Zhang Han was very much satisfied with their exhausted and pleading expressions.

" I am Zhang Han, I'll be your chief instructor for this program" he said, his voice low and even. "I am sure most of you might have heard of me, I'll be your worst nightmare if you can't follow orders and maintain discipline."

The boys' eyes widened as his name sent shivers down their spines.

They'd heard stories about Zhang Han, the legendary youngest military hero from the Zhang family.

The behaved boys, watching from the sidelines, trembled and thank their destiny for not falling into Zhang Han hands while the girls flushed, Zhang Han's presence was magnetic and commanding, he exuded confidence and authority, a typical type of man every girl wants even if he was now middle-aged.

The trainees were soon sent to their dormitories to settle in.

The female soldier, her voice firm and authoritative, led the girls to the female dormitory. "Listen up, cadets! Rules and regulations are as follows: lights out at 10 PM, reveille at 6 AM, and inspection every morning. You're expected to maintain a spotless living area, including your bunks, lockers, and shared spaces. Any contraband, including phones and unauthorized items, will be confiscated. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action."

Delilah stood at attention, her eyes fixed on the soldier as she droned on. Anna stood beside her, their shoulders almost touching.

The soldier continued, "Inspection will be a daily affair. The room with the lowest rate of tidiness will be punished with extra duties, while the highest rate will be rewarded with privileges. You're expected to rest up and be ready in thirty minutes. Dismissed!"

As the soldier departed, Delilah scanned the room, her eyes landing on the bunk assignments.

Her heart fluttered as she found her name on the lower bunk next to the window, with Anna's name on the upper bunk above hers, their uniforms neatly folded and placed on the mattress just like the rest.

Was it intentional or coincidental? She couldn't help but feel a spark of joy at the proximity.

But her excitement was short-lived.

They would be sharing the room with four of Amy's followers, their smug faces and whispered snickers made Delilah's skin crawl. She exchanged a wary glance with Anna; they knew their days were numbered.

As the girls began to settle in, Delilah couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Amy's followers seemed to be watching them, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of resentment and hostility. Delilah knew she and Anna had to be careful; one misstep could mean trouble.

Anna, sensing her tension, leaned in close. "Hey, we got this," she whispered. "We'll keep our heads down, follow the rules, and stay out of their way."

Delilah nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Anna. Together, they began to unpack and organize their belongings, trying to make the most of their cramped quarters.