
Love is an Obsession You cant get Over, ever

Ever since I got with her, I've been in love, nothing bad happened, but now that I'm not with her, everything keeps going wrong, nothing good as it used to be. I miss her, I miss everything she gave to the relationship we had and to me. She was my first love, and I hope we could date again, but I guess not.

Oliver_Bean · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs


We arrived home after the movie, it was kind of late, the sun was starting to go down, I was supposed to go home soon, Mia asked me if I wanted to walk with her around her yard, I said yes.

We walked for a while. We talked about stuff, things to get to know each other more. I talked a lot, well not really but I had more questions received than asked. I talked a lot about my anxiety and depression and about my past relationships, how they weren't the best. I told her that the relationship I'm in with her is like the first real relationship I've had because I actually feel like we'll last longer than a week and I actually....love her. We talked some more until Mia asked what time it was. I took out my phone and told her the time, 7:58.

"Okay, we can go inside if you want and go into my room." I nodded my head in agreement and we headed inside towards her room.

For a while, we just sat next to each other. We cuddled, we kissed. Things were great, I was really happy and I could tell that Mia was too, but there was something bugging her, I could tell. I didn't want to ask if there was anything wrong, I don't know why I couldn't talk to her, maybe I was so happy that I had no words. After some time Mia finally says something, "Oliver, have you thought about going more than just kissing as in a peck?" I was flushed, speechless, I didn't know what to say, "I don't know, I've never done it, I mean you're my first kiss soo..." I say, Mia looks at me, "Even though I've already had my first kiss before you, I've never gone beyond pecks.." She moved her down. I always thought she knew everything about how to and about a relationship, I thought she already made out with someone, but I guess I was wrong.

"Oh, so are you sure you want me to be your first? I don't care if we do, I've never done it, and to be honest, id be nice to see if it's something I like.." I say, Mia nods and says 'okay'. She leans in closer to me, "are you sure, I just want to make sure your-" I interrupt her with a short kiss, "Mia, I'm sure." She blushes a little. I smile and so does she. Mia moves closer and presses her lips on mine. For a while we just did little kisses and then suddenly Mia escalates it. Things get, well intense, we didn't go farther than kissing but it was a lot to me. For Mia's first time doing this, if she never told me its her first time I never would've guessed.

My phone buzzes, a text message, I ignore it and continue to kiss Mia, my phone buzzes again, Mia pulls away, in my head I get upset but I don't show it. "You should probably get that.." She says, I somewhat groan, "I guess," I pick up my phone and look at my missed messages, they're from my mom.

Mom-' We'll be a little late to pick you up'

Mom-' We will be there around 10pm'

I look at the time and right now its 9:30, "My parents will pick me up around 10" I tell Mia, she nods, "Sooo what time is it now..." Mia asks, "Its about 9:30." I say. Mia looks at me with a look, I look at her back with a confused look, "Sooooo..." Mia scoots closer to me and wraps he arms around me, "Can we continue?" I chuckle a little from embarrassment, "I guess.." I say and roll my eyes, I may sound sarcastic but it was more in agreement. Mia nods and smiles, she moves her face closer to mine and puts her lips on mine and we continue what was interputed.


My phone buzzes over and over again, someones calling me. I wanted to ignore it because me and Mia we cuddling, It was nice and I didn't want it to end but I knew it was probably my parents, "Mia, I have to answer that, It might be my parents.." She groans and kisses me on the cheek, "fine." She says and somewhat rolls her eyes, I laugh a little and take Mia's arms off of mine and answer my phone. My mom answered on the other side and said her and my dad were here. I say okay and hang up. I tell Mia and she pouts, "I don't want you to leave.." She says and makes a sad face, "Aww, I'm sorry, but we'll see each other Monday." She nods, "yeah I guess.."

I pack my stuff up and head outside, Mia stops me in her garage. She spins me around and kisses me. I hug her back, but she doesn't let go. "Mia, I have to go." She groans while hugging me, "I know, but I don't want you to leave." She says in a sad tone. "Mia.." She finally lets go and looks at me in the eye, I kiss her and she kisses me back. I pull away, "Okay, okay, I really have to go." Mia nods, "Bye," she says. "Bye, see you Monday!" I wave back, Mia says quietly, "yeah, see you Monday."

I get in my parents car and head home.