
Love is an Obsession You cant get Over, ever

Ever since I got with her, I've been in love, nothing bad happened, but now that I'm not with her, everything keeps going wrong, nothing good as it used to be. I miss her, I miss everything she gave to the relationship we had and to me. She was my first love, and I hope we could date again, but I guess not.

Oliver_Bean · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs


Today was the day before Memorial day, about a week since I asked Mia out.

The marching band was going to have a parade in the morning of the 31st and I was going, to study what its like to be in the marching band. I was asked as a 7th grader almost 8th to be in the high school marching band! Can you believe that!? Ive had so much improvement over just the short time I've been playing saxophone. I was so happy that my band director asked me to join.

I messaged Mia.

Oliver- 'are u coming to the parade tomorrow?'

Mia- 'idk, maybe. why?'

Oliver- 'well i was gonna go just to watch the band since i was asked to be in it during the season'

Mia- 'oh, okay, ill see and let you know :)'

Oliver- 'okay!'

I turn off my phone and I start to go crazy with thoughts. 'Would this be considered a date!? I have to look good!'

Even though it was only a day before I saw her, it felt like it was today. I started to pick out my outfit.

"Hmmmm, should I wear a skirt, or a dress..." I rumble to myself. "Well I cant wear a skirt because the only one I have isn't clean and I cant wear a dress because I don't have one." I say as I rummage through my drawers. The all of s sudden my phone dings.

Mia- 'im coming to the parade :)'

Oliver- 'yay! Ill see u there!'

I throw my phone on my bed and I just jumping around in excitement and laughing. I fall on my bed with a heavy sigh, I curl into a ball and rock back and forth. Tomorrow couldn't come any sooner.