
Love is an Obsession You cant get Over, ever

Ever since I got with her, I've been in love, nothing bad happened, but now that I'm not with her, everything keeps going wrong, nothing good as it used to be. I miss her, I miss everything she gave to the relationship we had and to me. She was my first love, and I hope we could date again, but I guess not.

Oliver_Bean · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs


This day, May 28th, 2021, was the start of it all. The start of what would begin in happiness and end in a way I would never expect.

Today was a Friday, a school day, and to end the 3rd marking period my school decided to have a free day. (for us, a free day is a certain day, always a Friday, where we would get to chose where we wanted to be, either the gym or the caf. In the gym, you would have sports balls, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball. In the caf there were board games, you could just play table games and hang out in the quiet with your friends.) For me, I decided to be in the gym, because I had planned to do something, to say something to someone. I was going to ask out my crush.

Now before I get further into this, I want to say how and why I feel in love with this girl.


It was a few weeks of being somewhat friends, and a few weeks before the 28th.

Recently I went to Chicago I believe, and I went to a Japanese store that had all kinds of Japanese snacks. (At this time I was interested in Japanese Culture and anime and things like that. I still am to this day) I brought the snacks to school and when I was sitting with my friend, Xavier, I gave him some, I shared it with all my friends at my table. Xavier said that he knew someone who would like the Pocky I had, which was Matcha Green Tea Flavored. So as the good friend I am, I went over to her and asked if she wanted some. (I was with Xavier of course because I was nervous, about meeting a new person) I have her one and ever since then, we started being friends, but only for a few weeks.

Me and Mia (The person with who I shared the snack) had 6th hour together, I sat behind her. The history teacher for 7th-grade social studies was rude, he was nice to me, but just our class, in particular, was horrible and was always talking and always behind and the teacher would just always yell. From things at home, yelling in any way triggers a panic attack. I had those all the time. Sometimes I left the classroom and do my work in the hall with Mia.

When Mia became my friend, she helped me a lot through my panic attacks, somehow she knew how to calm me down and she knew instantly when I had one. I would start shaking, twitching, and breathing heavily. She would take my hands and press a pressure point between my thumb and index finger, she would recite happy things and just keep pressure on that certain spot and I end up calming down. But there were times when I couldn't, where it was hard, and even though we had to skip most of the class, she could help me through it. That is when I fell for her.

I don't like to bring my sexuality into this but I'm Demi-sexual and Demi-romantic. And having panic attacks and talking about the triggers was a personal emotional subject for me, and That made me realize, I like her.

So, on our next free day, I decided I was going to confess.


Now that you know what lead me to ask Mia out, we can finish this.

We were both in the gym and I was hanging out with my friends, telling them how nervous I was. They kept pushing me to do it but I just couldn't. Then, all of a sudden Mia comes up while I'm talking to my friends Xavier, Emma, and Elizabeth. She asks me for my number. When I tell you I'm freaking out, I mean I'm FREAKING OUT! I tried to be calm while we traded numbers. Then she went away. A little while after that, I decided, Now's the time.

I told Elizabeth to tell Mia that I needed to talk to her. I ran away to my friend, who was on the other side of the gym, and after just a little while I was over there, Mia comes to me and says to me that Elizabeth told me she wanted to talk. Of course, I said yes, but I'm sure she could tell I was nervous. I told her we could go to the corner of the gym where no one was.

We walked over there and then stopped at our spot.

"So what was it you wanted to say," Mia said as she stopped In place.

"U-um well, *sigh*, I don't know how to say this," I start, stuttering, "I-I usually write this out in a letter or a text, I've never done this face to face before." She nodded to my stuttering. I was nervous as hell. I was sweating. "I have feelings for you, and y-you don't have to feel the same way, it's okay if you don't, b-but I just wanted to tell you..."

She's silent for a while, and then she finally answers.

"Wow, oh wow. This is crazy!" She says as she steps back and forth. I get worried, I thought, 'She doesn't like me, I shouldn't have done this

"What?" I reply in a worried tone. "You don't like me do you?"

"No, No, I do like you that way. It's just I never would expect you to even like me!" She said in a happy tone. "I like you a lot, it just never would cross my mind that you like me."

"Oh, well I never thought you would like me! I mean look at me!? I'm not very appealing to people.." I say, kind of upset, but at myself. Mia puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Oliver, you are very pretty, cool, and very smart. I don't know whoever does not like you. You're an amazing person!" When she said that, It made me really goddamn happy. I haven't been happy in a while, and to hear that, everything lit up.

"Thanks. Um, could I go tell Xavier about this, he knew I was nervous." I say and she nods.

I go tell all my friends, I'm so very happy. I thought 'This is the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with.' After I tell my friends I hang out by the bleachers, alone, just drinking my water. Mia comes up and leans back on the Bleachers and says...

"So, does this mean your my girlfriend?" She says, scooting closer to me. I spit some of my water out in surprise, I started to choke a little after. I coughed.

I was flushed, I couldn't speak, but I tried. "u-um, yeah if that's okay??" I said. Mia leans back to stand straight. She looks at me. "Yeah, it's okay. I would love for you to be my girlfriend." I stood, shocked, well, more so flustered. I could feel my face getting hot, it was probably red by now. I took another drink of my water. I started to smile. I wanted to jump up and down from the excitement that was rushing through me, but I had to stay cool. "Okay!" I said with excitement. She smiled and then left to see her friends. I and Mia were dating.

This day was the start of a new relationship, a good start, only if I knew what was to come, I wouldn't have asked her out.