
Love is a Sweet Poison

Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help your weak body. This is what Amelia's life is like. She dreams of falling in love, maybe setting her eyes on someone and knowing that he was the one. Next in line to take over the Hospital Gabriel is stuck going to arranged meetings in his spare time but honestly what spare time does an eighteen-year old medical student really have? He dreams of the one that is always matching his scores and his eyes are drawn to her even if she doesn’t notice him. Will fate allow him to be with her or will his parents tie him down with someone else. How will their love story pan out? Will they be forced to marry someone that they do not care for or will their parents' cave and let them fall in love and live in bliss? A glimpse of the story ahead: Amelia walked through the field that was full of flowers smiling and was chasing a child that was no more than two years of age. The child was giggling. The child had stopped and picked a lily. He turned and ran back to Amelia. "Mama! Flower for you!" The little boy handed the flower over and smiled.  "My, what a good boy you are. Thank you for your gift." Amelia took the flower and placed it in her hair.  Gabriel walked over carrying a girl that was also two years old. "Mama!" The little girl started to squirm in Gabriel's arms trying to get to Amelia.  Gabriel laughs happily and lets the girl down then watches her run to Amelia. He walks over and kisses Amelia on the cheek. "I can not believe that we had two beautiful children. Your illness hasn't spiked back up has it, my angel?" Amelia smiled up at him sweetly. "No, not as of late." She rests her hand on her belly and smiles up at Gabriel. "But I do not think that our twins will mind having another sibling, What do you think my love?"  Gabriel's eyes light up. He picks her up and spins her around. "When did you find out and how did I not know about it??"  "Just yesterday. Kazuki is the one that diagnosed me. I never thought that I would be strong enough for this and yet here we are." Once her feet are on the ground she hugs Gabriel, rubs her stomach then bends down and hugs the two children on the ground. "Are you two ready to be a big brother and big sister?"  "Mama has a baby growing in her tummy?" The little girl looks up and tilts her head to the side.  Gabriel happily bent down and kissed both children on the head. "Don't worry. You will always be our babies too." 

Shirokitsune · แฟนตาซี
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236 Chs

48 Rest Stop

"No, really it is nothing. I would do this for anyone that needed help. You do not need to thank me. I only did as my master agreed to but I am not a slave. If I want to I am free to work elsewhere but why change to another palace when I can serve someone that I enjoy spending time with." Kosuke smiled at the lady.

"Well, then I must also thank your master before we take off." The young lady bowed.

Gabriel walked to the carriage and opened the door placing the two folded bags down then went over to Kosuke. "All done now, Kosuke?"

"Master, I am all done. I was just telling this young lady that the repairs are all done that we should be leaving." Kosuke bowed to Gabriel.

"I am seriously going to take some getting used to. If your carriage repairs are all done we need to be off. I am sorry that I can not stay and share tea with you but I really must leave. My wife is waiting for me at home." Gabriel smiled and went to leave.

"I hope that your wife is happy with you. With it being so dark I can still tell that you are very handsome. Thank you for allowing your attendant to come and help us out. I thought that we would be stuck out here all night." She bowed and went back to her carriage.

Kosuke climbed up top and started the carriage up and left the area. They continued on and stopped in the nearby village. "Sir, I will let the horses rest."

"Alright, let them rest. I believe that now is a good time to have dinner. I will go to the shop in town and see if I can buy some food." He pulled out a few small coins and went into the town.

"I will come with you. It would be good to stretch out." Edward stepped out and followed. "I see that you found some tea leaves. That will be good when you need to make more tea."

"I am always making more tea and since that is not all that far away I will be able to go back to that spot to harvest more. I am glad that I will have a spot that I can go and harvest again. Amelia needs all the tea that I can make her." Gabriel smiled and looked out in the town. "Is there anything that you want to eat?"

The two were walking and came to a shop that sold some food. The two went inside. "I am not picky." Edward looked at the people inside and sighed.

"Welcome to my shop travellers. What can I get for you?" The shop owner rubbed his hands together.

"We need three dinners and some onigiri are well please." Gabriel looked around and saw someone eating dango*. "And can we order three orders of dango?"

"Since you are a traveller you must pay up before I make your food." The man holds out his hand. "Six hundred yen." The man sits there waiting for the coins.

"Sure, no problem." Gabriel opened his hand and counted out the six hundred yen and placed it into the guy's hand.

The owner looks at his hand and then at the boy and man in front of him. "You know it is not wise to pay so much just for food if people hear you paying up they will think that you robbed someone or that you are wealthy. I will throw in some extra food because I feel bad but make sure to bargain in other towns."

"I will heed your words." Gabriel bows to the guy and then sits down. He looked at Edward and smiled.

"I think that the shop owner is correct but at least you are wise to learn. I will teach you more on our journey." Edward sat down and looked at Gabriel.

"If that is what you think, then I will listen to your suggestions or maybe in the next town you will teach me the proper way to do this," Gabriel bowed his head.

Edward smiled and patted Gabriel on the shoulder, "You will learn well. I honestly thought the price was a bit too high and that guy would do it to test you." He looked at the owner who was wrapping onigiri in leaves.

"Hey, you said it not me." The guy turned and blushed a little, "What are you two doing out this way anyway?"

"Boss, are you embarrassed?" One of the patrons asked jokingly.

"Now you listen here Subaru. I will skin ya alive if you say one more thing. Aye, and you can forget about dinner tonight." The boss of the group says.

Subaru looks horrified, "please, Boss, anything but my food." He gets down on his knees begging for forgiveness.

Gabriel holds in his chuckles as he sees that Boss was smirking. 'What a kind guy, I am glad that we ran into these guys first. I already feel like something is missing from my life. I will not be able to bring her with me.'

"Isn't that right boy?" The Boss asked Gabriel a question.

"I am sorry but I missed the question. I had to leave my beloved at home and I am worried about her." Gabriel admits this and scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Oh ho, a beautiful lady? Why would you go on a journey without her? I had asked, should I forgive him?" The Boss restates the question.

"I think since he has repented, you could forgive him but give him a task?" Gabriel thinks for a moment. "She is a gentle, weak, loveable lady. I would not be here if she wasn't sick. I am actually hunting for a specific herb which is not all that common in this area."

The Boss stopped what he was doing and looked at the boy. 'He is travelling all this way to get a herb for his sick partner. That is actually tragic.' He sighs, "I have a task for you, Subaru."

Dango* are chewy Japanese rice dumplings that are ofen served on a stick.

I am sorry for being away for two days. I was suffering from really bad nosebleeds and had to go to the hospital. I am all better for now. I will be going back to one chapter a day *cheers*

“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”

― Leo Tolstoy, Family Happiness

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