
Chpt #12 - When will this secret last?

At the cafe…

"Hey, if you like her i think you should tell her the truth. You can't be hiding this forever" Desmond gets slightly annoyed with his game.

"I do want to tell her the truth but I don't think this is the right time yet. I don't want our feelings to affect our work" Randy sighed.

"So you gonna play these 2 identity till when?" Desmond reminds Randy again.

"I was planning to let her know after she start trusting and our feelings are real for each other? Maybe and hopefully, she will forgive me easier that way?" Randy pat Desmond shoulder indicating to him not to worry.

"Hope it does go well as you planned…" Desmond gave up with Randy and went to buy some drinks just to waste some time.

Its finally the event day!

Nancy stayed in the conference room to oversee and making sure that nothing goes wrong.

Everyone seems happy and drank alot during the dinner and dance.

Nancy approaches Ricky and whispered to him. "Keep a lookout on that group of guys at the table. They seem to be drunk and things might get out of hand."

"That ladddyy over there! GET ME MORE ALCOHOL" The group of guys that Nancy was taking about suddenly calls out for more drinks and demands Nancy do it.

Nancy took the drinks from Ricky and whispered "Go get the security to standby immediately" and she smiled while approaching them as she does not want to offend anyone.

Ricky ran out from the conference room to get the security but suddenly bumps and hit on Ryan and Desmond.

"Omg Mr Gu, Desmond, can….can you guys…head over to conference room now and look after Nancy while i go get the guards"

Without explaining further, Ricky ran off. Ricky is actually a scaredy-cat, a timid perhaps and it has always been Nancy protecting him from any issues.

Ryan and Desmond ran to the conference room.

At the conference room…

"Sir here's your drink" Nancy pours the wine into the guys cup.

Those guys looks at Nancy with their pervert stares and 1 of the guy slowly touches Nancy thighs and creases up to her upper legs. Nancy at that point of time was wearing a office skirt and she can feel those hands on her bare skin.

Nancy was shocked and she accidentally pours the wine on to the guy lap.

"Sir I'm so sorry." Nancy fanatically apologise and went of to grab some tissues.

But the moment she steps away, the guy pulls her in and use her hand to wipe off his lap and almost touching his sensitive part.

The other guys of that table just laughed while Nancy was struggling to pull her hand away from him.

Nancy cried so bad that she felt dizzy and was on the verge of fainting due to her low blood.

Ryan and Desmond came on time.

Ryan came running in and kicks that guy on his stomach away from his chair while Desmond starts punching him in the face.

Desmond went up to the stage and declares the event over and call the CEO that has arrange the event with them for compensation.

Nancy who finally broke free from that guy, couldn't control her energy and falls.

Nancy fears being the center of attraction. She have this feeling that everyone is starring and gossips about her for being weak.

Eventually Nancy faints seconds later.

Ryan carries Nancy and ran to the hospital while Desmond clear the situation in the conference room.