
Love In The Shadows Of War

Excerpt- "Are you sure that you will be alright without me being there?", the girl asked, her eyes revealing the unmasked vulnerability tucked within them. The man chuckled slightly, his fingers intertwining with hers, "I am certain that I won't be alright without you.", he asserted and brought her hand up to place a kiss on her fingers. "But I will try my best to be alright in the hopes of meeting you soon." "Besides, I won't want you to use your strength on me.", the man joked, his fingers holding her arms in a manner which highlighted her nonexistent biceps. The hazel eyed girl found herself laughing along with him, her eyes filling with tears as she pulled him in a tight hug. Her teary eyes filling with various emotions but the most prevalent one being fear. Fear of losing him. _____*_____*_____ "Love In The Shadows Of War" follows the journey of high school sweethearts Tian and Cynthia as they experience the thrills and challenges of first love amidst responsibilities and unfavorable circumstances. They navigate their way through the complexities of teenage life, leaning on each other for support and solace. However, as their bond deepens, they realize that their love is put to the test by external forces beyond their control. When Tian makes the difficult decision to join the military after graduation, their relationship is tested like never before. Cynthia supports his choice but is heartbroken by the parting. Just as they begin to adjust to their new reality, trying to keep the flame of their love alive in in the midst of separation and career pressure, an unexpected twist of fate shakes their world. Will they find the strength to stay together despite the odds stacked against them, or will their love story be another casualty of circumstance? "Love In The Shadows Of War" is a tale of young love, resilience, and the enduring power of connection, showing that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not on the battlefield but in the heart. [No rape] cover image belongs to the owner!

the_ashxx · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

Running out of time

The door clicked shut behind Tian as he made his way to the living room after changing his shoes. Aiko sat alone on the couch, engrossed in yet another melodrama, munching on watermelon, which made Tian smile. "Welcome back, Tina," she greeted without looking away from the screen, prompting Tian to roll his eyes. Kids these days.

"What are you doing, Koko?" Tian asked, feeling a bit petty even as he spoke. Aiko shot him a glare, but he noticed a softness in her expression as she glanced at him. She patted the spot beside her. "Would you like to watch this movie with me?"

Tian furrowed his brow, surprised by Aiko's unexpectedly civil tone after their earlier banter about her nickname. "Um, yeah. Sure."

He placed his bag on the table, settled next to his sister, and swiftly grabbed a piece of red fruit. "You look like a mess," Aiko remarked casually, causing Tian's hand to freeze mid-air. He chuckled nervously. "What do you mean? I look perfect, as usual."

Aiko scoffed, "Oh, do you?"

Heat rushed to Tian's cheeks as if caught red-handed in his own act. He chuckled again, trying to deflect. "Anyway, what are you watching?"

Aiko gave him a sidelong glance before answering nonchalantly, "Oh, just some fantasy romance about a hero on a quest to save the world but can't confess to the one he loves for crying out loud. You know, the usual."

Tian chuckled knowingly, aware of Aiko's penchant for adventure and magic in her stories. "Sounds exciting."

"Yeah, sure it does," Aiko replied, her smile widening. She paused for a moment before continuing, "But what's really on your mind? You look like you've been wrestling with dragons."

Tian gulped, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks once more. "It's this letter I received," he began tentatively, his voice tinged with apprehension. "The second round of exams is coming up sooner than I expected. If I pass, I'll be leaving for training in a few months."

Aiko nodded thoughtfully, her gaze searching his face. "And what does Cynthia have to do with all this?" she asked gently but with a probing tone.

Tian blinked in surprise, his eyes widening slightly. "What... How do you even know?"

Aiko shrugged casually. "Just a hunch."

Tian hesitated, his thoughts drifting to Cynthia and the subtle shifts in their relationship lately. "I... I thought maybe she feels the same way about me," he admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But she's been distant, and now with these exams..."

Aiko placed a comforting hand on his arm, grounding him in their shared reality. "You're worried she doesn't feel the same?" she asked softly.

Tian nodded, the weight of uncertainty settling heavily on his shoulders. "It's like I'm running out of time, Aiko. What if I wait too long and miss my chance?"

Aiko squeezed his arm reassuringly, her eyes reflecting empathy for her brother. "Tina," she began gently, "you can't control everything, especially other people's feelings. But you can control how you feel and what you do about it."

"But what if I tell her, and it changes everything?" Tian's voice trembled with vulnerability, his fear of losing their friendship palpable.

Aiko smiled knowingly, her sassy demeanor softened with affection. "You won't know until you try," she said, nudging him gently toward courage. "Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, trust me."

Tian sighed, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty clouding his expression. "You make it sound so simple, Aiko."

Aiko shrugged, her playful smirk returning. "Life isn't simple, Tina. But sometimes, the hardest decisions lead to the greatest rewards."

Tian nodded slowly, her words sinking in. "Thank you, Aiko. I needed to hear that."

As he stood to leave, Aiko called after him, her voice teasingly affectionate. "Oh, and Tina? Don't forget to add a little romance, like those cheesy movies you secretly love!"

Tian rolled his eyes playfully, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders after their conversation. "Thank you, Aiko," he silently expressed before heading to his room.

In the quiet of his room, Tian composed a text: "Need to talk about something. Meet me at the park at 7?"

The reply came almost instantly: "What is it about?"

Tian pondered for a moment before replying: "Just something about our recent Literature assignment."

Receiving her confirmation, he smiled to himself, placing the device on his bed. "I'd rather risk rejection than regret later. Can't risk you being impressed by someone else after I leave, right Cynthia?" he mused, looking at his reflection in the mirror, a smile refusing to leave his lips despite the lingering uncertainty in his heart.

Meanwhile, Cynthia's days had become a blur of conflicting emotions. Every encounter with Tian left her heart in turmoil, oscillating between the warmth of their friendship and the pangs of an unspoken longing.

She had promised herself that her feelings would remain just that—a quiet crush, hidden beneath the surface to preserve the bond they shared. But lately, the lines had begun to blur, and she found herself battling against the growing sense that Tian was somehow…entitled to return her feelings, and… that scared her.

She replayed their interactions in her mind, every shared laugh and comforting word. Tian had always been there for her, calling her a friend, and she had clung to that title as a lifeline, a reminder of the boundaries she had set for herself.

But now, each time he called her a friend, it felt like a bittersweet reminder of the emotional chasm she had created. Why is this happening? Why must I hurt myself by…hoping? When I know very well that hope is like a sharp blade that can leave cuts too deep?

As she sat alone by the window in her room, she resolved to bury her feelings once and for all. The sunlight streaming through the glass cast a warm glow on her face, a stark contrast to the cold resolve forming in her heart.

She would focus on their friendship, cherish it for what it was, and expect nothing more. Yeah, she said to herself in her mind, they are going to be great friends but just that.

A flashback played in her mind—countless times Tian had reassured her, calling her his friend. The word echoed like a mantra, reinforcing her decision.

She remembered the time they had shared a quiet conversation on their way to school, Tian's voice gentle as he spoke of their bond. "You're my friend, Cynthia," he had said, his eyes sincere and warm. She had nodded, heart fluttering, even as she promised herself to keep her feelings hidden.

Now, she took a deep breath, steeling herself. She wouldn't expect anything more. She wouldn't let her feelings jeopardize the precious connection they had. Her resolve was firm, her heart heavy but determined.

Just as she solidified her decision, her phone buzzed with a message. It was from Tian. Her heart skipped a beat as she opened it, only to find a casual request: Need to talk about something. Meet me at the park at 7?

Her heart raced, conflicting emotions surging within her. Why did he want to meet in the park? And what's with that uncertain request? Why couldn't he just talk right now? But she pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself of her new resolve. This was just a friend wanting help in his studies. Nothing more. Stop this, Cynthia.

The evening arrived, and Cynthia found herself walking towards the park, the cool breeze playing with her hair. The sky was a canvas of oranges and purples, the setting sun casting long shadows on the ground. She spotted Tian near the swings, his silhouette familiar and comforting.

"Hey," she greeted him, forcing a smile as she approached. Tian turned to her, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Hey, Cynthia. Sorry for the trouble."

Yes, next chapter is exactly what we have been waiting for. Thank you for reading!! <3

the_ashxxcreators' thoughts