
Love In The Castle

In the grand royal palace of Valtoria, a forbidden love blossoms between Prince Richard, the charming and rebellious youngest son of the king and queen, and Lisa, a beautiful and strong-willed slave captured from the defeated kingdom of Azura. As they navigate the secrets and expectations of their social roles, they must confront the dark forces threatening their love and the future of their kingdoms. Will their love prevail, or will the weight of duty and destiny tear them apart?"

Erhovwo_Erhovwo · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 18: Reunions and Revelations

Amber and her husband entered the visitor's chamber, where they found Richard admiring himself in the mirror. He wore a blue silk shirt and trousers, matching the color of Amber's dress. Overjoyed to see her brother, Amber rushed to embrace him. "I thought I had lost you, my baby boy!" she exclaimed, tears of happiness streaming down her face.

Richard smiled, looking pale but relieved. Amber bombarded him with questions, hardly giving him time to answer. King Everett intervened, suggesting they discuss everything over lunch. "Let's proceed to the dining hall, and Richard can explain everything," he said, his eyes twinkling with understanding.

As they proceeded to the dining hall, Richard breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged a wink with the king. General Marcus and Jacob were already seated at the table. They stood up as the trio approached, bowing respectfully. Everett and Amber nodded for them to rise, acknowledging that formalities could wait.

The food was served, and the three men devoured their meals like starving wolves. Amber watched, fascinated, before asking, "How did you escape?" She leaned forward, her eyes shining with excitement.

General Marcus explained that they had used a secret exit, leaving Amber surprised and intrigued. "I didn't know about any secret exit," she said, her curiosity piqued.

King Everett smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "There are many secrets in Valtoria, my dear. Some are yet to be revealed."

The group continued their meal, the conversation flowing easily. But Amber's mind was already racing with questions. What other secrets lay hidden in Valtoria? And what lay ahead for her brother, her husband, and her kingdom? Only time would tell.

After days of wandering through the forest, Richard, Marcus, and Jacob stumbled upon a familiar sight - King Everett's chariot, led by a majestic horse. They had been walking for days, their legs aching and their spirits dwindling. But the sight of the chariot gave them new hope.

With renewed energy, they ran towards the chariot, screaming for help. The horse rider, startled by the sudden commotion, brought the chariot to a halt. King Everett, who had been riding inside, stormed out, his face red with anger. "What in the world...?" he began, but then he saw the three men, exhausted and bedraggled, and his expression changed to one of surprise and concern.

Everett noticed them and took them along to the palace, knowing Richard held a special place in Amber's heart and she would be happy to see him. Amber, upon hearing this, smiled at her husband and thanked him. He replied, "Anything for you."

The three men were done with their meal and took permission to exit. Amber asked Richard to stay behind, needing to speak to him in private. When they were alone, she held his hands in hers and smiled at him. He smiled back, and then she broke the silence. "How is Lisa? Is she...?"

Richard, already knowing what she was thinking, said, "By the time I left, she was still alive. She was snatched from my hands..." He began to cry, and Amber stood up, placing his head gently on her chest.

"I didn't mean to make you cry. Don't worry, we'll get the kingdom back. I have sent word to our sister Jane; she will soon be here."

Not too long after, Jane arrived with King Ryker. As she scanned the room, her eyes landed on Richard, and she ran to give him a warm embrace, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I thought you were dead! Are you okay? Have you eaten?" She began to ask many questions, but Richard was already used to it.

Later that night, King Everett called a meeting with King Ryker, Jane, Amber, Richard, General Marcus, Jacob, and the generals of the Army of Alexander and Astoria. They gathered to decide the future of Valtoria but made little progress and decided to resume talks in the morning.

Here is the rewritten text with the author's thoughts added:

Chapter 20: Reunions and Revelations

As I wrote this chapter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Finally, Richard, Marcus, and Jacob had found their way back to the palace, and Amber was reunited with her brother. The tension and suspense of their journey had been building up for so long, and it was a joy to finally see them safe and sound.

But even as they celebrated their reunion, I knew that the road ahead would not be easy. Valtoria was still in turmoil, and the battle for the throne was far from over. I wondered what lay in store for these characters, and how they would navigate the treacherous waters of palace politics.

As I wrote the scene where Richard breaks down in tears, I felt a lump form in my throat. His journey had been so arduous, and he had lost so much. But even in his grief, he found solace in his sister's embrace, and that moment of tenderness was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

And so, as the characters gathered in the meeting room, ready to face the challenges ahead, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. What would the future hold for Valtoria? Only time would tell.

Erhovwo_Erhovwocreators' thoughts