
Love in the Apocalypse

Yvette finds herself transported to the future, expecting a world of extravagance and high-tech wonders, where she can indulge in gourmet food delights, and appreciate all upon evolved handsome men in the world. However... It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse!!! And it's a parallel world's apocalypse! Talk about being unlucky; it needs to be said three times. Not only does she suffer from malnutrition and a lack of curves, but she's also constantly exposed to radiation, leaving her thin and sickly. This is a sign for mutation and death... But wait, what's this? Being radiation-resistant might actually grant her superpowers? In a world teeming with radiation-induced crises, how will a human stranded amidst ecological fissures survive? Travel through the apocalypse, Yvette must navigate this knowledge-scarce world, save handsome men, Amidst the chaos of the apocalypse, Yvette finds herself embarking on romantic adventures with various handsome men, each encounter offering a unique flavor of love in the end times...

JasonBelle · ไซไฟ
69 Chs

What is an Apple

I stood there in a daze, and their eyes were actually moist!


What's going on? When I looked at Emery in confusion, I was shocked! He already had tears streaming down his face!


Is it necessary? It's just an apple!


"What is an apple?" Suddenly, I heard the voice of a child. I looked downstairs in surprise—it was Farley, Farley asking Princess Asna. Has Farley never seen an apple before?


Asna gently looked down at her with moist eyes, "It's a fruit, a... very precious fruit..."


I stood frozen in the corridor. The children... have never seen an apple.


Apples... have become very precious...What has happened to this world?


Water, chocolate, apples—all have become unusually precious. The scarcity of resources in this world has reached a point that I can't even imagine.


Although our history teacher told us that many fruits and vegetables were not present in ancient Mars Group, and apples were introduced to Mars Group only in the 19th century, before that, Mars Group people had never seen apples. Our history teacher often ranted about loopholes in time-travel novels, and we found it quite entertaining.


But the reactions of Emery and the others are different; they are familiar with apples. It seems more like apples became extinct here later on, so these children never got to see them again.


The children got excited, raising their faces one after another: "It's for eating!"


"Princess Asna says it's a fruit!"


"But what is a fruit?"


"It's something delicious! Delicious!"


"Yvette..." Emery wiped away his tears, let go of my arm, and looked at me, "Can you... give the children some to eat? They've never had fruit before..."


I looked at Emery's sincere and hopeful eyes. I knew I couldn't refuse, and I wouldn't refuse. I nodded firmly, "There are two more in the bag."


"What, what? You still have more! You're truly amazing! Hahaha!" Suddenly, he excitedly lifted me up, spun me around, making my head dizzy. He stopped and shouted below, "Elder Arufa! Princess Asna! Edmund! Yvette says she has three! Three complete apples—"


I hung on his back, feeling dizzy, and then I heard thunderous cheers...




On the square below, there was a long table made of brown wood, with many pits and bumps, looking quite old. Twelve children, including Farley, formed a circle around the table—seven boys and five girls—all eagerly eyeing the three green apples on the table. One of the apples, the one I had taken a bite from, was now starting to turn slightly yellow.


The citizens of Noah City surrounded us in layers, with people climbing up the stairs to get a better view from above. The sides of the buildings were also crowded with people, all with faces filled with longing.


"This is a green apple, a type of apple..." Elder Arufa started explaining, seemingly like he was giving a lecture. "The texture of this apple is crisp, sweet and sour, and it can quench your thirst..."


"Grandpa Arufa, can you please stop talking..." Farley, who was shorter than the table but strong enough, crossed her arms on the table, hanging herself on the edge. She pouted because Elder Arufa was "rambling," saying, "We want to eat..."


Elder Arufa chuckled, "Alright, alright, eat. I'll give it to you now." Elder Arufa picked up the apple I had bitten, tears welling up in his eyes. "It's been so long..."


Asna looked at Celeste, "Let's begin."


"Okay." Celeste took one apple, drew a black sharp knife, and the children's eyes immediately filled with anticipation. Celeste placed the knife on the apple, while Edmund, standing beside her, became nervous, "Be careful of the seeds! Don't cut the seeds inside! Do you know the structure of an apple? Do you know the location of the apple seeds? Celeste, you must be careful!"


Celeste raised an eyebrow, and suddenly, with a "swish," the knife flew towards Edmund, "Ding!" sticking straight into the table in front of him. I suddenly understood why the table was so pitted...


Celeste's action immediately silenced Edmund, who looked like a startled rabbit.


"I'll do it." Emery pulled the knife out in front of Edmund, grabbed an apple, and tossed it into the air. Why do I feel like Emery is even less reliable?


The green apple tumbled in the air, Emery raised his hand, and with a swift motion, "shoo shoo shoo," the knife made crisp sounds as it cut through the air, producing a clear sound of the knife slicing through the apple.


At the same time, Uncle Ominic picked up a plate and swung it, "Emery!" The plate slid rapidly along the table with a "whoosh" and stopped in front of Emery. Then, we saw the sliced apple pieces falling perfectly into the plate!


Emery extended his left hand, and the center of the apple was intact!I was momentarily stunned by Emery's skill—so precise and swift. Such knife skills are usually only seen on TV or in animated films, as it's challenging in real life. Knife skills need to be both fast and accurate, considering that the items are in free fall and constantly descending at a fast pace!


My dad and I have indeed tested this when bored, practicing with Chinese cabbage. With a sharp knife, you might be able to cut the cabbage into a few pieces, but it's still challenging to control the size.


Apples are much smaller than Chinese cabbage! If you want to cut around the apple while preserving the middle part, it's very difficult. Eye movement, body movement, and knife skills are all crucial. My mind couldn't help but think of another person with agile body and eyesight—Helle. I wonder where he is now.


While I was lost in thought, Emery had already skillfully cut the other two apples. He placed the part I had bitten in front of me and smiled, "Thank you; the children are very happy."


I snapped back to reality and looked at the children. Each of them got a small piece of the apple and started eating.


"Wow! What is this? It's juicy! So delicious!"




"So tasty! It's even a bit sour!"


"Princess, I want more!"


Princess Asna gently said to them, "No~~~ You can't be greedy~~~"


"Princess, you haven't eaten either, here." A little girl handed her apple to Asna, but tears welled up in her eyes.


Princess Asna smiled and caressed her head, "Eat it yourself. When Edmund retrieves the seeds and puts them in the cultivation chamber, by next autumn, we all can have apples."




"Oh————" The adults and children cheered together. I think such a scene in my world, in my era, would be absolutely impossible to witness—people cheering for an apple, must have gone mad.


Emery suddenly leaped up onto the table and shouted, "Let's all thank Yvette for bringing us the apple seeds!" He looked at me gratefully, his amber eyes shining brightly.


"Yvette! Yvette! Yvette!" The entire square echoed with my name. I looked at them, my emotions becoming complex. In their cheers, I also felt a sense of warmth. Although I am a stranger to them, they treat me differently from Edmund...


Night fell once again on this desolate land. The night here, for me, was destined to be long.