
Love in the Apocalypse

Yvette finds herself transported to the future, expecting a world of extravagance and high-tech wonders, where she can indulge in gourmet food delights, and appreciate all upon evolved handsome men in the world. However... It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse!!! And it's a parallel world's apocalypse! Talk about being unlucky; it needs to be said three times. Not only does she suffer from malnutrition and a lack of curves, but she's also constantly exposed to radiation, leaving her thin and sickly. This is a sign for mutation and death... But wait, what's this? Being radiation-resistant might actually grant her superpowers? In a world teeming with radiation-induced crises, how will a human stranded amidst ecological fissures survive? Travel through the apocalypse, Yvette must navigate this knowledge-scarce world, save handsome men, Amidst the chaos of the apocalypse, Yvette finds herself embarking on romantic adventures with various handsome men, each encounter offering a unique flavor of love in the end times...

JasonBelle · ไซไฟ
69 Chs

What Are You Laughing At?


Bernice also looked at Lindsay in confusion.


"Nothing. You wouldn't understand if you haven't seen a cucumber," Lindsay grinned mischievously at Edwina and Bernice, a hint of pride in her expression.


I breathed a sigh of relief; luckily, they didn't get it. My cousin, who was obsessed with adult jokes, had thoroughly contaminated me, making me feel weird whenever someone mentioned cucumbers.


Because of Lindsay's laughter, the guys were drawn over. They approached, curious about what was going on.


"What are you laughing at?" Kerry asked curiously.


Lindsay immediately scowled, "None of your business!"


Suddenly, the guys who were about to approach us stiffened. Abruptly, they turned around and walked away. They looked like a group of defeated roosters, lowering their heads and dejectedly retreating after Lindsay scolded them.


Emery leaned against the wall, grinning, patting his brothers on the shoulders as if consoling them.


"The Master means that your design of the neural control system lacks the tactile feedback for her. She pursues the excitement brought by the tactile sensation," Ice Dragon suddenly said elegantly from the side, as if helping me explain. "The Master seeks the thrill that comes with a hands-on experience."


I stared at Ice Dragon, feeling even more awkward. What he said wasn't any better.


Fortunately, Edmund genuinely didn't understand. He nodded repeatedly, and in his gray-blue eyes, there was only his earnestness. He hastily recorded in his notebook, "Need to have a tactile feel, about the thickness of a cucumber..."


I rubbed my temples. Lindsay burst into laughter again, "Hah—" She had been laughing since the beginning. How did she even catch the double entendre of the cucumber? Clearly, others didn't get it.


"But Yvette, we don't have cucumbers now," Edmund said very seriously to me. "There were many varieties back then. Which cucumber species are you referring to?"


"Puff! Hah—" Lindsay laughed again.


"Damn it!" I felt like I was about to lose control of the chaos within me. I resisted the urge to go crazy, gritted my teeth, and struggled to maintain a smile. "Whatever..."


"Whatever means how much?" Edmund began to imagine for himself. "That will still affect the feel. What exactly is the tactile sensation you want?"


I really felt like banging my head against the wall.


"Hah—I can't watch this anymore—" Lindsay grabbed the still puzzled Edwina and Bernice and walked away. "Listening to this is going to kill me. Hah—"Lindsay, have you ever considered my feelings as you laugh so unabashedly on the side?


Well, forget it. I directly grabbed Edmund's hand. He immediately became nervous, his gray-blue eyes blinking rapidly, his whole body tensed. I grabbed his hand, indicating the approximate thickness, "About like this! Remember, okay?" I believed that with his two brains, he would definitely remember the tactile sensation I described to him!


Edmund nodded blankly, "I, I remember..." His gray-blue eyes shimmered, "With a diameter between six and seven centimeters..." He entered a calculating state again, looking ahead as if a design of a control lever had already appeared before him, "A three-millimeter error will also affect the feel..."


Really, can't he stop doing calculations in front of me?


While my cousin and her friends were shamelessly indulging in adult jokes and laughter, I gave them a disdainful eye-roll, making a contemptuous gesture to showcase my purity and untainted nature. At that time, I could feel a sense of pride.


However, in this world, I ended up being the most corrupted person, and strangely, I felt a bit of loneliness. It turns out that discussing these topics is only interesting when everyone joins in. When you're the only one dirtying the conversation and others look at you with pure eyes, it gets lonely.


I said, Edmund, how much longer do you need to research cucumbers in front of me? Please spare me!


"Attention, everyone! Attention, everyone!" Just then, Celeste's excited voice came through the loudspeaker. Finally, Edmund stopped his calculations and looked upward. I was finally rescued from the awkward situation.


"Our Jessie is about to give birth! Jessie is about to give birth!" Celeste joyfully repeated!


Upon hearing Celeste's announcement, everyone got excited. They jumped and cheered one after another!


In Noah City, the birth of a child was more significant than a princess getting married because it symbolized reproduction. Every child born in Noah City was considered crucial and precious!


"Jessie is about to give birth!" Lindsay exclaimed loudly, her voice echoing like a cannon. She swung her long arms, "Let's all go see!"




In my world, there had never been a scene where the entire city gathered to witness a woman giving birth. However, in Noah City, with its population of only two hundred and eighteen people, which was less than the number in our four classes, the birth of every child was a city-wide event. Everyone would gather in front of the expectant mother's room, praying together for the safe arrival of the baby.Due to the impact of the apocalypse and radiation, reproduction has become extremely difficult, with most men losing their fertility, which is a pitiable situation.


In Noah City, under these unique circumstances, the system of one man and one woman is not strictly followed. This is also the case in many cities outside. Of course, it depends on the regulations of each city, and in Noah City, the principles of mutual respect and equality are followed. If you don't want to have children, Princess Asna won't force you. However, in such special circumstances, women take on the responsibility of reproduction.


In some cities, women are obligated to fulfill this responsibility, which becomes a duty. Moreover, if a woman's husband is unable to conceive, the city lord will choose a genetically superior man to enforce reproduction. As for how the woman feels about it, opinions vary. Lindsay has mentioned that she won't have just one husband in the future.


Asna, on the other hand, hopes to grow old with the person she loves, sitting together on a grassy field, looking up at the starry sky, envisioning a world that is clean and vibrant.


In her mind, the man she relies on to watch the stars together must be Edmond without a doubt. Just thinking about watching the stars with such a man makes her feel a tingling sensation, as if he has other intentions when stargazing with her.


In any case, the world's views on love and marriage are no longer universally unified; they depend on the specific circumstances of each city and the character of the city lord.


A group of us hurriedly ran to Jessie's doorstep, and almost the entire city gathered there. The members of the mechanical repair team, with their uniforms and faces still stained with black oil, also hurriedly arrived.


Everyone came excitedly but consciously became quiet, standing on the opposite side of Jessie's door, leaving space for the medical team to enter and exit.


At this moment, Jessie's house was still quiet. The medical team, dressed in light blue jumpsuits, hurriedly entered. For the baby's health, Noah City advocates natural childbirth, as the robustness of the baby is particularly crucial in such a harsh world.


The guards of Noah City quickly brought in a long table. Celeste and Asna supported Elder Arufa as they rushed over. Uncle Ominic followed behind with a rare solemn expression. It was unusual for the mayor to personally command the scene of a commoner giving birth, a phenomenon that would never happen in my world.


When Arufa saw us, he waved, "Yvette, come over."


"Okay." I walked forward, stood behind Elder Arufa, and joined Celeste. Camille came out from the house, and Elder Arufa immediately asked with concern, "How is it going?"